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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Watch Elon Musk Reveal SpaceX's Most Detailed Plans To Colonize Mars

Yep with nout national military manipulation and social political conditioning people are people, these people are Russians they are supposed to all hate us but look who they really are they just like us are fantastic people may God Bless themalland may God make away to prevent war between us all and may that be Humankinds sense and need for and adventure and exploration combined with our desperate need to expand and become a multi world species may we form a one world government for the good of all of Humankind may we finally understand that there is more wealth out there in the universe than there is here on Earth many times over when looked at mans wish for power over a little island or his will to fight and kill for gold when above our heads is more Gold than you could ever imagine and there is no need to steal it or kill for it in fact in space Gold, Platinum, and silver, are no longer rare the problem has been getting up there and and finding away to extract it from out of the rocks as it is more difficult to do in zero gravity there would be no problem in bringing it back down to Earth if gold is in abundance as it is up in space it means that finally we can afford to build things in Gold silver and platinum because of the density of lead it is a good substance to protect us from radiation it must be therefore be the same with Gold and as we already have plans of making spaceships in future upon the Moon once we finally establish a Moon base up there (which will commence in 2021 if all goes well) and a Moon mining Industry we will then develop smelting foundries and make starships and because there will be no problem with having to brake free from the Moons gravity when we want to launch our spaceships we could build our future Statships in Gold as Gold in space will have no value.. We need to do the logical and intelligent thing and that is to protect our children and to protect their future and the future of their children and the future of their children after them in other words we need to protect our species Humankind and the only way in which we can do so would be to give Humankind the best chance it can have to survive should any catastrophe fall upon us, now the question is not if a catastrophe should fall upon us but when it will happen because eventually it will it is inevitable and that is just the Maths of it all and the law of averages these huge great rocks may keep missing us but eventually when we are least expecting it one or more of them will come showering down upon are beautiful home Planet Earth and when that happens we need to be able to move as many people off of this world as possible and as quickly as possible therefore we need to put planning for such an event into action as soon as it is possible to do so we need to make a plan like the health and safety plans for industry in case of fire plans with muster points and we must plan all of our future towns and cities with this in mind we Humans have grown over indulgent in the safety of our planet we take it for granted that we will always be alright that there will always be a planet Earth and if anything should happen to it it will not happen in our life time well that is false and weak in natural fact anything could happen at anytime we have all so far been very lucky thanks to our Moon and its gravity and to our atmosphere helping to burn most of all the rocks from space up in their decent before they manage to touch down and kill and destroy but it is inevitable that it will one day or one night happen and that could be anytime we cannot be quire so irresponsible and complacent we need to do the moral thing for our children and for the future of Humankind. We need to prepare and have fleets of spaceships enough to be able to take the inhabitants of each town and city and we can pay for all this from the gold that sits laying around in space. An Exodus of the population of a whole planet will quite obviously much more easier to achieve for off world planetary colonies as there numbers will be few and it will be easy to keep the spaceships maintained in working order that they all came on to their planets in readiness should anything happen to them while living upon those worlds however we here on Earth also need to adhere to that type of system for when such a thing should happen here to our Earth we all need to be last day Preppers and our governments need to build our countries with that in mind and drive it into society through our town and city councils. Quite obviously it would be more practical for off world governments to be able to achieve this because of the numbers of Humans and animals plants would be that much more fewer than we have here upon Earth but times have now changed and bye the time Humankind goes back to the Moon which if all goes well will be next year 2021 it will be to start a Moon Colony and from that day on Humankind would have become a spacefarer species for that will be our template for the future and the only intelligent and logical step that humankind should. And so as above so as below and we need to begin taking precautions for the evacuation and the plans to be able to do this need to be available and in existence for all governments of Earth that they might be able to implement that order instead of spending all our money on means of trying to kill each other and instead implementing the order to press the nuclear buttons to kill all of Humankind but I give you a plan "A" and a plan "B" plan "A" is for life not death but the choice is yours and yours alone the question is will you take the red pill or the blue pill yes it's that moment in your life that you never thought would ever come but it has so choose wisely will you back the implementation order for plan "A" For life and launch rockets to save Humankind which is what I am trying to offer you and have our governments set up and I cannot do this alone I need your help to do this I need your support at every step along the way and around every corner I need your technical and legal help and your financing I need someone who can help in authority to back this plan. I bring you this plan "A" the plan for life on Doomsday with the help of Elon Musk who is right now currently building the means of our escape and survival from this planet for doomsday now I bring you this idea just as we are building the technology to be able to do this we have never before been in this position to do so before but every minute we waste deciding if we should or should not back plan "A" is yet another nail in the coffin of Humankind and if we let it go now we may never again get this chance to save humankind again to save "Your children?" If you back plan "B" if you back this plan this is a plan for death which is the current boring and old fashioned but most deadly choice that has been going on since time has begun and there are so many of our dead laying all so broken and ruined in the ground and for what can anyone of our new generation remember understand or even appreciate comprehend their honour their partitism their commitment their love and their loss? Plan "B" has been a recurring nightmare throughout the ages a really bad dream that just will not stop or go away and always ends the same way in disaster therefore let us all end this nightmare this blood ritual to the devil once and for all for the living and for the dead by backing and implementing plan "A" let out governments and their councils have the means and capability to evacuate this planet when the need to do so arises we need to be able to take all people off world safely to another world around another sun from where we can once more live and start again when doomsday should happen and it will one day and if we do not now begin to put some of our money and resources away for that rainy day if we do not do the science needed for that rainy day if we do not make the machines needed for that rainy day then your children all you have lived for as well as yourselves and everything that you love here on Earth will all die and have been for no understandable purpose and in vain and we shall all die and do so most horribly so. Therefore Humankind needs to stop killing each other we need to stop spending all our money on wars and weapons but use this money and our efforts to build peace on Earth and the only way that we can do that is to become the same and the best way we can do that would be to have one world government one and use the gold and other resources from space to implement these plans and start building for our future for the future of Humankind. What I would suggest is that as soon as feasibly possible we start taking the D.N.A. of every creature here on Earth dead or alive / extinct and place it up upon another world in a safe place safely because when the time comes we will not have the time ton begin gathering D.N.A. then and I don not just wish to save Humans but all species upon this Earth when we should leave Earth I wish to take our world with us to populate space around the Stars our scientist should all now begin to work together in all efforts to make what I have just said come true for the betterment of Humankind.

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