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Friday, July 17, 2020

The Secrets Of Quantum Physics (Jim Al-Khalili) | Spark


Oh wow the electron is everywhere at once nobody knows where it is until they measure it wow, I have been thinking about Telekinesis and being able to control my own atoms and the atoms around me to be able to take on any shape that I wish to at any given time to become a changeling as the ancient Gods such as the ancient Egyptian Gods were said to be able todo. However having learnt more about science and the new scientific possibilities that Humankind can now perform and the possibility of perfection of our D.N.A. by taking the bad bits out of our own D.N.A. and replacing them for other people's good bits and stem cell research once perfected perhaps even offering Immortality or cloning our bodies and transplanting our brains into our new young bodies to become everyoung then the combination of all these things with robotics and cyber software implants to enhance our mental physical strength to become into transhumanism I now am not so sure about calling the ancient Egyptians Gods but rather scientifically advanced Aliens who once bewildered us with their magnificence when we were a much more less sophisticated a peoples quite primitive in comparison to who we are today however ironically we are now about to step upon the bottomest rungs of their scientific threshold. Anyhow I was also thinking about teleportation and during teleportation there must be a time were a person is in a state between materialisation and dematerialisation a state of invisibility the state just before your atomic matter becomes locked into your own unique frequency just before materialise or dematerialise and one wonders if you could actually control that if you could become like a shade or an invisible watcher able to spy upon humankind? However the electron is everywhere perhaps if we could study this electron then we might find out how they are doing it how to become invisible like the watchers and the Djinn who are said to be able to materialise when they want to but how do they do so( when they do it is said that a human is able to kill them as they are demons)?
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