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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why

This may also be why I do not have a partner or anyone of the opposite sex like me on this world but I am not unattractive in comparison to some who have and I am not unintelligent in comparison to some who have neither am I less able in any way than some who have neither do I smell more badly than some who have neither is my mind more bad in any way than some who have sexually criminally or objectionable in anyway from some who have for even drug addicts Alcoholics the mentally ill murders rapist sadist tyrant fascist dictators tortures and even pedophiles and terrorist who have and this on it's own is all very Alien and weird on a planet where the whole system of a physical law and existence has proven to be within a two dimensional Universe where everything has it's natural opposite partner two by two therefore where are mine? As this truly is the case of the universal laws of physics then in order forme not to have a natural opposite there has to have been some intentional prevention of intervention that is deliberately blocking the natural process of life upon my planet solar system galaxy universe as far as known to man? I truly believe that since 1998 I have been abducted into another multiple world / Earth I believe that I may have been taken by Aliens or other world Humans who have taken me to live in a worst state of entanglement of my life and my world /existence as a type of punishment I believe that these Aliens / other world Humans live among us. I Believe that they picked me and set me up into a position of lawlessness and then as any normal Earth police would do I was arrested by what looked police persons but who transferred me to what looked like a police van and took me to what looked like a police station and then place what looked like a police cell and then took me to what looked like a courthouse and then sentenced me to serve a time of punishment within another but worse dimension of Earth. Who else feels this way?

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