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Monday, July 27, 2020

Starship SN5 Fuel Tanking Test From Boca Chica, Texas

Guy's Aliens and people who see Aliens are no longer considered to be crack pots the U.S. Navy has finally admitted to having seen /encountered Aliens the Pentagon has finally admitted to having known about Aliens for decades. Governments of the world have spent billions of dollars in trying to find and communicate with Aliens they have built a whole SETI Deepspace listening array and so yep they believe in Aliens Ok so now perhaps we can start to take people more seriously who are saying that they believe themselves to have been abducted by Aliens or that they are involuntary upon some kind of Mind control government program now why would a government wish to put their citizens upon some kind of illegal mind control program who would wish to do this? ah Aliens would wish to do this to humans and perhaps they have been doing this to humans as it would be a cool way in which to control and take over our planet or any planet without killing or being killed by controlling the minds of the creatures of that planet perhaps our governments are trying to study this concept and the effects that it might have upon humans in order to know what they are up against or perhaps our militaries are selfishly trying to exploit Alien technology before anyone else can get their grubby little hands upon it who knows all we know is that they are trying to mimic magick /the occult with science these days and there is a lot of it going on what we also know is that Hitler and his Nazi's were all also involved in the occult and what was so amazing about the Nazi's and NASA is that they the Nazi's ended up working for the American and Russian Governments and it was Nazi's who invented N.A.S.A. and it is their rocket science and their Nazi rockets where all of this rocket science today comes from not only that but what was amazing about the Nazi's was the wonder of their prolific scientific ability over just "6 years" they produced some of this worlds most important scientific achievements of today and so one wonders whether or not they had some sort of early Alien contact or could it have been that they found a hidden bunker under the earth of advanced technology? What we do know is that during the 1900's there were a lot of world famous archaeological digs going on and a lot of German scientist were involved in these digs and back in those days such places and peoples as the Egyptian government had not established any sort of import and export control concerning artefacts from ancient digs neither was their any control over the prevention of loss / theft or damage of these finds but what we now know is that there are important parts of hierographic messages upon the walls of these tombs that are either completely missing nor have been deliberately destroyed so that nobody else can read them or properly understand what these ancient statements were saying or the important messages that they gave us from 4,000 years or more ago and that is crucial information that the general publics of the world has been denied information which may have steadied us for whatever may come next in so far as Alien contact's.please follow this lead :-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkPn-YMp9vI&t=77s

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