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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

HOW TO TOUCH YOURSELF - Lesbian Sex 101 [Ep 8] Vulva Anatomy and Masturb...

Just to prove that Lesbians and married couples and Muslims Masturbate too in fact in some case even more than single people tehe Well it would appear that in the Qur'an /Islam the only sexual act outside of marriage "NOT" considered to be perverted is Masturbation and yet because I am single I have been getting it in the neck by a load of religious type people who are saying that single people are perverts because we must be watching pornography and must be masturbating tehehe but now we all know that even if were single people were one it's got fckalltodo with you and two it is the only logical legal and according to Islam non sinful thing to do. SO fck u bitch!

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