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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Hillary Clinton : We created Al-Qaeda

A different type of Mind Control Victim:- Look how casually she tell's us that they the C.I.A. Spy People and The U.S.Military are "THE" top secret Frankenstein the creators of monsters this is what they have just said that they made Al Qaeda THEREFORE ARE THEY NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO DIED IN THE TWIN TOWERS? Are they not responsible for ground Zero? I hate this shit and now they are killing them all and torturing them all in Guantanamo Bay detention camp what's that about? Are they trying to hide the truth? Are they trying to stop the victims of their top secret mind control experiments camps from telling the truth about who told them all to do this? About who tort them all their dirty evil tricks? About who gave them the weapons and the money? about who gave them the targets? How callus of them to choose victims based upon their love of God and patriotism of their peoples and country and religion use mind control tactics to make them believe that everything that they believe in is under threat and then had them folders with documents filled with information about the people who they have chosen to be their targets and then tell them that it is them they are the ones who are causing you your religion your people etc all of the problems now go and kill them and all of your problems will be over ? How callous to make monsters and then to blame the monster for being a monster? How callous to make monsters and then to stamp them all with expendable throw away labels so that they may dispose of them when they are no longer needed is that not what they did to people like Bin Laden and Great Britons Finsbury Park Abu Humza etc so why did they recruit these people but to make like minded bee's fly around the honey pot so as they might kill them all or destroy other Human Beings with them while they sat at home watching television with their families and drinking Champagne and they kept their hands stayed clean of the blood their mind control victims dripped with the blood of their enemies and the dirty deeds that they commanded them to do to them isn't that more like it Hillary? You know more and more your beginning to sound more like a fcukIng "WITCH". How casually you tell us all this with no thought or regard to what has happened to your mind control victims who are still within the walls of Guantanamo Bay detention camp being tortured every day since the first Gulf War way back in the 90's let me remind this Bitch that it is now nearly 2017?

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