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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Trump telling the truth of the war on Syria

Now read this This irrisponsibility repeats itself all over again decade after decade just because we have greedy men and women in our ranks of power Vietnam/ Afghanistan Iraq it's all the same our own people selling arms to our enemies which they then use to kill our own people and soldiers Donald trump is 100% correct on this, and look again will you and see who created Al QAEDA /Osama bin Laden in the first place are also responsible for all those who followed him and all of the atrocities that those people committed. While Bin Laden and his followers were just dispensable collateral damage One might even call them victims of their own ignorance / Devote Belief whatever the world is a different place today perhaps but we all know about the weapons of mass destruction don't we? Truth is I do believe/ know that theses weapons of mass destruction did exist and I will tell you how and why. During the cold war the soviets were thinking about grabbing the oilfields as this would cripple the West's war machine and ability to make weapons had they have managed to do so then the western forces would have lost against the soviets and so America and it's allies decided to make allies in the middle East whom they could trust and depend upon and those countries who excepted Americas friendship were all given tons of money and arms and military training for doing so. They were given the best and most up to date weapons for doing so because that would mean that the weapons/ equipment that they were given would be better than the Soviets weapons and the military training was better than the Soviets hoping that the west would not have to put any western/ American boots/ dead on the ground in the middle East and get shot up again like they did in Vietnam in other words the paid and trained these other middle eastern countries to fight their oilfield war for them. The Allies chose Countries Like Turkey and Iran promising Turkey European Citizenship and to become part of the N.A.T.O. Alliance (which they still do not have and more likely will never get). Back in the day Iran was called Persia and the American's using the natural dividing factor between the Arabs and Persians quickly collared up to the Persians and made them friends and allies playing with and encouraging the bitter feelings of hatreds and rivalries between the Arabs and the Persians as their controlling asset between Arabs and Persians. The Americans promoted the king of Persia as their allies giving him all the weapons of mass destruction money and training that he and his military needed. However the Americans did not perceive that The Muslims would course them quite so much trouble in Persia by forming and Islamic Revolution and Overthrowing America's Puppet / Allie who was suppressing the Muslims hardliners in his country because the Persian King (The Shah of Persia/ Iran) wanted to have a modern country and wanted to be part of Europe were as he believed that the Islamic religion was holding his country back in the past that it belonged in a history book but he wanted to live in the new world of science and to be Part of America and it's space race after all America had a space rocket that had Landed on the Moon. However the Islamic revolution gathered in strength and overpowered the Shah police and military forces they then took over the country and the King of Persia and his whole family had to run for their lives to America to seek political asylum they took with them all the money in their countries/ Iran's Treasury and left the country almost Broke/bankrupt the soviets then came to the Islamic revolutions aid with money military training weapons and equipment in order that America's puppet as they then called the Shah/ King of Persia and his military would not be able to retake the country of Persia/ Iran. So said America's military and it's C.I.A. w'l see about that and then the C.I.A. set about finding a strong tyrannical leader who would not be weak like the Shah of Iran was and let his people or anyone else over run his military or his country. America at the time considered the King of Persian to be a cry baby and a coward who ran away and left his post and all of the top secret weapons of mass destruction that America had given the Shah in order to protect the oilfields from falling into Soviet hands in order that they would keep America supplied with a cheap source of oil in order that it might always be able to rule the world by having a scientific and military advantage and a better standard of living than the soviets had this intern made many soviet citizens envious of Americans and the American/ Western way of living and wish to defect to the west and become spies for the west for money Western citizenship and privileges etc the Americans were all just so pissed off with the Shah as he had run away to America and given all America's military Secrets away to their enemies as the Americans knew that at least some of the military and scientific information and equipment that the King had left behind would after having fallen into the hand of the Islamic revolution in order that the Islamic revolution could gain more arms and weapons they would sell the secret American/ Western military and scientific information to the Russians/ Soviets for money and weapons that they could keep themselves in power with In Iran and run their Islamic revolution and so eventually everything that America had given this idiot King would fall into the hands of the Russians after America had done so much for him to support him and given him so much time and money and then he ended up on Americas doorstep as a liability in America begging America to look after him and his family in the fashion of a kind and protect him until they should die? America had to harbour and protect him/ the King of Persia 24/7 365 day's a year which was all a very very costly affair and thought that the King of Persia should have done his job protecting the oilfields or have died trying to do so and there are many people right up to this day who still believe that America was so pissed off with the King of Iran/Persia that they lost their liability so to speak if you understand what I mean? The new program was the recruiting of a much more stronger gutsy kind of a man than the Shah of Iran was and his name was Saddam Hussein he was employed by the C.I.A. who appointed him leader over his country which was called Iraq which was the neighbouring country to Iran America then supplied Saddam Hussein and his army A mass of Weapons of Mass destruction in order that Saddam Hussein and his military would be able to over throw Iran and it's so called freedom fighters better know as the Islamic Revolutionary army. A great war then ensued between Iraq and Persia/ Iran and Arab and Persian were at each other's throats fighting sand killing each other for 9 - years By the summer of 1982 Iraq was on the defensive and remained so until the end in August 1988. The death toll, overall, was an estimated 1 million for Iran and 250,000-500,000 for Iraq.23 Sep 2010 and so there are your weapons of mass destruction and is the reason why we should not give weapons to people that we do not know Hillary .

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