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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Amazing Conversion to Islam - Street Dawah 'Live'

Now this is what I am talking about the white man /' pedestrian / victim is an open minded sort of a person he is neither prejudice nor racist but an open minded seeker of the truth and so he has fallen prey to this street vender who is trying to sell him Islam. What this open minded person does not know is that Ismal is not like any other religion and all this man is trying to grt his victim to do is to say a few words that will tie him for life inside Islam and might be some thing that he will never be able to escape from once he has spoken these few magic words because once he has said them and become a Muslim if ever he then decided that Islam is not for him all Muslims will be against him and some might even try to kill him something what might help this man at this in his life as he is deciding whither or not to become a Muslim is this address :-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guantanamo_Bay_detention_camp

And perhaps he should try looking at this one too :-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS7ReMksjGI

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