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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Becoming an instructor with Nottinghamshire Army Cadet Force

would have liked to do this but it's too late now I used to be an Army Cadet when I was a kid loved every moment of it had a lot of fun at the camps etc and living how I am living now in a tent in the woods dressed in Army Green camo in order to hide from intruders who might come to do me and my Cat trouble it all brings back many memories of good mates and good times long since past that will never come back again such a shame.


  1. I grew up in the countryside I was also an Army Cadet when I was 11 years old I think it was until I was 15-6 years old, the knowledge of the countryside joined with the knowledge I gained in the army Cadet force and all that I have since learnt with Bushcraft survival course/ videos and last day Prepper vids together with what I learnt from squatting has now come to help me in my present situation of homelessness and living in a tent in the woods. I live in an Urban woods because I do not wish anybody/ locals to know where I am living in casae they should course me a problem steal my stuff smash my tent etc harm my Cat etc I try to keep my location a secret therefore I wear Camoflarge clothing British army gear as I was once an Army Cadet and it is the best type of clothing to wear in such an environment however because I live in an Urban area I sometimes walk off site still wearing My Camo uniform. This has made some Jewish people in the area and some Indian people in the area and some muslim people in the area resent me. However I see many of them wearing camo uniforms / gear sometimes with Islamic clothing etc so what is that all about? Many West Indians/ Rasta Ferians wear military uniforms sometimes full military uniform in fact I have seen people of all nationalities wearing Military camo clothing and this includes lot of Eastern Europeans but I was born in this country in this city/London England. I was an Army Cadet I spent most of my youth in uniforms of one sort or another and found the British Army uniform to be the one that I liked the most so what is going on what is the big deal if somebody goes hunting then they wear hunting gear if somebody goes cycling then they wear cycling gear but I am "LIVING "! in an Urban woods and so I need to wear camo gear. wear as many other people are walking around posing it military gear or trying to intimidate people by wearing it so why shouldn't I be allowed to wear my own countries Uniform this is nonsense it is the same if any British person wishes to wear their Flag / teshirts etc they are then called racist this is madness can we not be patriotic too you are all patriotic when it comes to football and the Olympics so why shouldn't we British feel patricotic without people accusing us of being racist?

  2. There are people surrounding me who know that I am homeless who know that I am living in a tent in an urban woods and are trying to wind people up around me against me by telling them that I live alone in the woods in British Army uniform and that I might be dangerous. They are the ones who are dangerous and if I am dangerous it is them who are making me dangerous by stalking me in the woods all night long every night creeping around in the bushes breaking branches giggling and some of them are also killing the ducks and the geese and are also after the swans on the wildlife reservation they even have a man and a woman masturbating themselves in the bushes somewhere behind my tent which is why I now wish to move further out of London so that I can escape them and all people their electronic harassment weapons so that I can relax. More than that I need to go to a place where there are more tree's so that I can build a proper shelter out of wood and mud woven together. i would also like to build a water tower and from that a shower and a burner with which to heat the water and my shelter I need to dig a big hole and build a camode toilet seat to sit over it with a pile of Earth and sawdust to sprinkle in it afterwards to place it harmlessly back into the Earth and to prevent smell and disease. I also intent to build an Earthen oven to cook in and employ a wind generator and solar power panels to harvest electricity and a workshop where I shall make things that I can sell in order to gain finances to buy goods from the city if I should need them I have plans to make my own paper and pens soap clothing etc let's hope that the will power say's with me snow is coming hehehe
