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Monday, December 28, 2020

Clueless cop accidentally records his staggering incompetence

1 comment:

  1. Hay merry Xmas and a happy new Year mate. Having said all that the man being detained does act and sound guilty he sounds like someone who has been arrested before which does not make him guilty as nothing has been proven however for anybody looking on they would naturally imagine that he was guilty because of the guilty and weak way he reacted to what they were doing 1) He is not outraged that at the fact the police have come in on to his property into his garden without being legally invited which is trespass, and without a warrant to search and were conducting an illegal search without any paperwork. 2) He was not outraged of the fact that the police were implying that he had done something dishonest without even giving him a valid good reason as to why. You are doing a great job mate people really do need to know the law however the man is a pathetic witness and not your best specimen mate try again. tehehe
