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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

WARNING! This information may shock you! Everyone must know before it' d...

1 comment:

  1. These days after all I have been through and seen in the last 30 years
    I will just about believe anything and I do believe that is not so far from the truth I do believe that Aliens have made contact possibly with the Nazi's the U.S. Military SpceialForce's the C.I.A. M.I.5 etc I do believe that aliens the Annunaki/fallen Angels God himself will becoming here very soon because of our now advanced state of technology and we are able to leave this planet and traveling out to others if you remember God cast Satan and humankind down here upon the Earth therefore Earth must be some kind of a prison and would not want us to escape. God also did something to our D.N.A. so that it has a SELLBYDATE on it which God set to 4 score and 20 years but now Humankind is beginning to find ways in which to reverse that and make it possible for us to live longer than the SELLBY DATE and become like the Gods ourselves immortal which was precisely the reason God in Heaven decided to cast us out of Heaven for according to the Torah the old Testament of the Holy Bible God said "Now that Man has taken the fruit from the tree in the midst of the garden that holds the knowledge of good and evil of which I forbade him to taketh of and eat. Now Man knows as we do, the difference between good and evil therefore tis best that we cast man out of the garden less he also put forth his hand and taketh of the fruit of the tree of eternal life." Humankind is about to evolve we are about to change and update our bodies D.N.A. to make ourselves perfect Human Beings an evolution of transhumanism and cybernetics this will mean that humans will be superhuman and be like GODS that will be a challenge to God he may have no wish to destroy us but if he tells us to give up our powers and our weapons he knows that we unlike before will not do so and that would mean Human armies of Earth would go to war with God and his Angels. These things are spoken of in the Holy Koran there It says that "Mans armies will plan against God and His angles, but that Allah is the best of planners." Every Holy Book says that man must be humble before God. We Jews and Christians stand up when we say our prayers to God (if we ever do?) But the Muslims and the Hindu's bow down and prostrate themselves before God humbly and the Muslims with their heads to the ground the people of Europe and America do not do that? The armies of the world wilL try to challenge GOD for their independence and power unlike before we will not become slaves willingly This will be why GOD and his armies will be coming down here to prevent it. Many people believe that that God is now dead however I do not think so I very much believe that God is alive and well in my opinion he will be coming here to Earth very soon to destroy our technology and sophistications and to slap our pride down as this will make us adversaries he will take away our power and put us all back in time to square one. Earth armies with Satan will try to prevent that but Gods technologies are far greater than our own and if we lose then we will stay slaves of the Gods as Muslims call themselves "The salves of Allah", he will not allow us to reach a state of high technological such as computers airplanes spaceships satellites etc .
