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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Hi there to all my people out there here is an update as to what is happening to m

Firstly my flat is still being bugged for sound and vision, secondly my shower water /washing drinking water is still polluted and I still cannot use it to shower in because it brings me out in an itchy skin rash and some kind of dry scaly dry skin that is difficult to make go afterwards. Yes I still have boiling hot water pouring down over my doorway scolding me and my Cat as we come in or out of the property. Yes the property still has mould. Yes the property still smells of mould and stale water. Yes the property still smalls of Dog shit which rides in the air and covers all over me and all of my things and cloths. Yes I am having to walk around town stinking of Dog shit and stale water and mould. Yes the man in the flat above me is still blowing some sort of harmful dust into my flat.  Yes all of these health Hazards are effecting my health in multiple different ways. Yes I have reported this numerous times to the police, Yes I have reported this Numerous times to the Council. Yes I have reported this numerous times to the Government. Yes I have attempted to get a legal representative numerous amounts of times. Yes I have tried to get people from the environmental health around to witness what is happening to me here in this flat and the conditions that I am having to live in. Yes I have told the council that this flat that they recommend to me which they chose for me off of their "so called" trusted and recommended list of private landlords. And yes I have proved that in fact the Landlord's and flats that Brent council has picked for me off of it's so called trusted and recommended list of private landlords is in fact a list of slumbland landlords who do not even have planning permission for the properties that they have been letting out to me. Yes for the last 6 years I have been living in temporary accommodation though Brent Council dispute this however what do you call a property that is not permanent and that is only rented out to you on a yearly basis and then has to be renewed every year? Temporary accommodation it is nothing else for every year to two years you have to pack up your bags and move some place else into yet another place that has low standards that violates all health and safety standards and regulations and does not have planning permission should British citizens be able to trust and expect more from a government body known as the council to adhere to government regulations and pay regards to citizens health and safety when they have recommended the property to the citizen even though it is not a council property itself?  How can a government body such as one of it's councils be allowed to recommended private properties to British Citizens and claim that these properties are from a trusted and recommend list of private landlords that they know and trust and have done business with before on a regular basis and yet they the council do not know what the condition of those properties that they are recommending are like if they meet up to the government health and safety regulations or even if the properties have planning permission? As it is the council who give planning permission or refuse planning permission one would expect indeed one would think that the council should have a duty to know and or check first before backing and highly recommending illegal properties that neither live up to their own government health and safety regulations or even have planning permission and yet they allow all of these Slumbland landlords top wack housing benefit( British taxpayers money) for the area knowing that the properties that they are recommending "DO NOT HAVE PLANNING PERMISSION" and this stinks of fraud and financial corruption it is quite obvious that the council itself or the council members who were involved in this tenancy deal all knew what they were doing when they recommended me to this slumbland landlord and were taking financial backhander or silencers and closed their eye's to all the health hazards that they allowed me to face and experience to all of the harm and stress that living in such conditions have had to my mind body and spirit as well as my reputation that they all knew what was going on and all gained financially by it while I and others like myself have all had to suffer while they themselves are all living in really nice properties and are driving really nice cars around and are all dressed in all the best clothing and are all going abroad  on all the most fantastic holidays at our expense and this is a violation of the law a criminal act and should not be for they have violated the trust of the citizen to whom they made an oath to protect when become part of the British Government. And just because I know that the people who have done this to me and who have blatantly taken the piss out of me and who are all part of this corruption and conspiracy will all now try to say that I am nut's and just another one of those conspiracy nuts so I though I should show you all that quite to the contrary I do know what I am talking about and in my opinion this corruption does not just exist within Brent council but indeed is right across the board of British councils and government here is just a small example of that fact.

United Kingdom parliamentary expenses scandal

The United Kingdom parliamentary expenses scandal was a major political scandal that emerged in 2009, concerning expenses claims made by members of the United Kingdom Parliament over the previous years.[1] The disclosure of widespread misuse of allowances and expenses permitted to Members of Parliament (MPs) aroused widespread anger among the UK public and resulted in a large number of resignations, sackings, de-selections and retirement announcements together with public apologies and the repayment of expenses. Several members or former members of the House of Commons, and members of the House of Lords, were prosecuted and sentenced to terms of imprisonment.
A February 2008 Freedom of Information Act request for the release of details of MPs' expenses claims was allowed by an Information Tribunal but challenged by The House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was "unlawfully intrusive".[2] In May 2008 the High Court (England and Wales) ruled in favour of releasing the information.[3][4] In April 2009 the House of Commons authorities announced that publication of expenses, with certain information deemed "sensitive" removed,[5] would be made in July 2009.[6] But before this could take place the expenses records and documentation were leaked to The Daily Telegraph newspaper, which began publishing details in daily instalments from 8 May 2009. These disclosures dominated the British media for weeks. On 18 June 2009 the details of all MPs' expenses and allowance claims approved from 2004 to 2008 were published on the official Parliament website with detail such as addresses, claims that were not approved for payment and correspondence between MPs and the parliamentary fees office removed, bringing further accusations of unnecessary secrecy[7][8] and allegations that this might have prevented serious abuses from being disclosed.[5]
Since most claims revolved around MP's second homes in London, a panel was established to investigate all claims relating to the "second homes" allowance between 2004 and 2008. Headed by former civil servant Sir Thomas Legg, the panel published its findings on 12 October as MPs returned to Westminster following the summer recess. Each MP received a letter stating whether or not he or she would be required to repay any expenses claimed. Details of voluntary repayments by MPs amounting to almost£500,000 were also officially published.[9]
It was announced on 5 February 2010 that criminal charges of false accounting[10] were to be prosecuted against four parliamentarians, all later jailed.[11] On 19 May charges were brought against two more, on 13 and 14 October 2010 two more faced legal proceedings. Three peers were suspended on 18 October 2010 due to their expenses claims.

 And the councils which are government bodies

The evening standard newspaper Thursday 05-05-2016. page 19.

A corrupt council officer who gave tenancies worth £2.4 million to fraudsters claiming to be homeless has been jailed for five years.
Trudy Ali-Balogun, 55, took bribes of £2,000 to wave through bogus applications which included fake birth certificates passports and wage slips and spent the money on foreign holidays, Inner London crown court heard. 
Ali-Balogun altered records to show applicants were “homeless”, when some owned homes they were renting out and others were in the UK illegally. She approved at least 20 bogus applications for housing between 2003 and 2005, costing Southwark council £2.4 million in housing for homeless people. 
Judge Mark Bishop jailed Ali-Balogun, from Stratford, for five years after she was found guilty last month of misconduct in public office. Biayo Awotiwon, 47, and Adeyemi Olalekan Oyedele, 48, were jailed for five months each.
Kudiartu Falana, 60, was jailed for five months, suspended for 12 months, and ordered to complete 200 hours of community service. Joseph Akin Oliaya, 53, was jailed for six months, suspended for 12 months, and ordered to complete 200 hours of community service. Awotiwon, Oyedele and Falana were found guilty of obtaining services by deception. Olaiya was found guilty of attempting to obtain service by deception. All denied the charges.
Judge Bishop told Ali-Balogun: “At least 20 properties were occupied by tenants not entitled to occupy them and they occupied them for many years.” 
Awotiwon received £226,000 of housing for 12 years at a property in Tooley Street in Southwark, and is refusing to leave. Oyedele, 48, a former assistant to the Nigerian High Commissioner, is refusing to leave his Bermondsey flat. 
Falana, 60, obtained a four-bedroom property in central London in 2004. She bought it in 2007 at a £60,000 discount under the Right to Buy scheme. Oliaya invented children and used a fake passport to get housing. 
Kevin Metzger, for Ali-Balogun, said: “What was going on at Southwark didn’t start with Ms Ali-Balogun, it had been going on before.”
Ibrahim Bundu, another Southwark housing worker, is serving six years in jail after failing to pay back £100,000 in bogus application bribes.
Council Fiona Colley, Southwark Council’s cabinet member for finance, modernisation and performance, said: “Today’s sentencing concludes a lengthy investigation into fraud and deception at the hands of someone who abused their position of trust for their own selfish gains. 
“I’m glad that the penalty reflects the severity of the crimes committed and I hope this send out a clear message about just how seriously we take housing fraud. Southwark’s waiting list is filled with hundreds of people in genuine need of a home. We will continue to cater to these people whilst also bringing those who take advantage of the system to justice.”

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POLICE say a former Exeter City Council employee is facing criminal charges as part of a fraud investigation launched more than 18 months ago.
Anthony Bodgin, 63, of Melbourne Street, Tiverton, has been charged with conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office and charged with theft and fraud offences.
The Echo revealed in December 2011 that Mr Bodgin, who retired from the authority at the end of 2012, was arrested by police investigating allegations of fraud.
Mr Bodgin was special projects manager and tenant liaison manager for Exeter City Council and was a long-serving council officer involved in implementing a range of key projects for the authority.
Mr Bodgin was released on bail which was then extended until this week while the investigation continued.
As part of the investigation known as Operation Bathgate, Kevin Wingrave, 50, and Lyn McMayon, 56 both of the same address in Plymouth Les McGirl, 63, from St Austell and Gary Rawlings, 56, from Bedfordshire have also been charged with conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office.
All five are due to appear at Exeter Magistrates Court on July 2.
In 2011, the Echo reported that as part of his work, Mr Bodgin was concerned with arranging surveys of council-owned homes prior to loft and cavity wall insulation being fitted as part of the authority’s drive to reduce energy use.
It is alleged that there were discrepancies in the number of homes claimed for when a survey of all council housing stock was carried out as part of the scheme to cut energy costs.
Mr Bodgin helped to set up the Exeter Tenant and Leaseholder Committee in 2006.
A spokesperson for Exeter City Council said the authority was not able to comment on the case.
And the police spokesperson was unable to confirm any more details.
The council initially revealed that information originally came to light after internal investigations.
The authority’s initial statement said: “An alleged fraud has been committed against the council.
“An internal review and one by the council’s external auditors has been undertaken – but as this matter is the subject of a current police investigation, no further comment will be made at the present time.”

Hackney Council: mayor Jules Pipe launches fraud investigation into housing workers' 'corruption'


A London borough has launched a fraud investigation into allegations of corruption and abuse of position by members of staff, the Standard can reveal.
Hackney council is investigating its affiliated organisation Hackney Homes following claims that senior staff have acted dishonestly and harmed residents through an “unethical culture” for more than four years.
The assistant director of the council’s audit and anti-fraud department is leading an inquiry after a whistleblower contacted borough mayor Jules Pipe.
The insider claimed that three senior staff and a relative in a department of Hackney Homes have abused taxpayer funds and are committing fraud, while an alleged romance between two of the senior employees means members of the public are not being treated impartially, leading to a high number of complaints about service.
The council is investigating whether the alleged personal relationship has compromised the couple’s ability to take decisions in the public interest. They are also investigating claims that one of them is running a business from his mobile phone while at work, selling cars, parts and accessories.
The whistleblower further alleges that the pair have made decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family and their friends — including one of the workers employing her sister as a temporary contractor earning up to £1,000 a week, approved by their manager.
A source said: “The whistleblower has made a number of allegations which the council is urgently looking at … The suggestion is that although ultimately funded by the taxpayer, Hackney Homes is being run like a family business with an unethical culture affecting service users and their right to fair treatment for more than four years.”
Hackney’s mayor is understood to have demanded that all the allegations are “fully investigated”.
The source claimed: “Every department in Hackney council is fed up. Staff members are of the opinion that something should be done as they just create complaints for other departments.”
The four staff members being investigated declined to comment.
A spokesman for the council said: “Allegations have been made against a small number of Hackney Homes employees. These allegations are unproven and an investigation is under way.
“The council takes all allegations extremely seriously, and if evidence of wrong doing is found further action will be taken. Until the investigation is concluded it would be inappropriate to comment further.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, who you kidding mate?????
Former MI5 chief 'involved in child sex abuse cover-up'

The former head of Britain's intelligence service urged the government to cover up allegations of child sexual abuse against a senior MP, freshly uncovered documents have revealed. 
Metropolitan Police probed over child abuse 'cover-up' claim  The police watchdog is investigating alleged corruption in the Metropolitan Police, including claims it covered up child sex offences because MPs and police officers were involved.                As I said right across the board and so then who can you trust? Here is a little something that I have borrowed from a fellow brother Targeted Individuals site as it fit's right in with what I am trying to explain to you all and how they have all gone around about way of doing it to me
Councils, police and intelligence services are tapping and intercepting the phone calls, emails and letters of hundreds of thousands of people every year, an official report said.
Those being bugged include people suspected of illegal fly-tipping as councils use little known powers to carry out increasingly sophisticated surveillance to catch offenders.
The report, by Sir Paul Kennedy, the Interception of Communications Commissioner, has fuelled fears that Britain is becoming a state where private communications are routinely monitored.
It also found that more than 1,000 of the bugging operations were flawed. In some cases, the phones of innocent people were tapped simply because of administrative errors.
David Winnick, a Labour member of the Commons home affairs committee, said greater legal protection was needed to prevent abuse of surveillance powers. Britain already has more CCTV cameras per person than any other country in the world.
He said: "Most of these operations are needed and done for good reasons, but the numbers do raise concerns about the safeguards we have put in place to protect people from constant intrusion."

Penalty: Fine And 5 years imprisonment 

What is this you ask?  What is this little known Phenomenon called Gang Stalking?  
In the right circles, this is a well known, well established military based form of oppression and covert warfare on Normal everyday people like you and me. It is growing by the day and the fact it is operating right under your nose and you dont notice it unless you are involved...it is considered the perfect crime for it leaves little or no evidence and makes the victims seem delusional if they report it especially when all Authorities and Services have been notified and gagged from talking about it and are heavily involved, thus leaving the victim or victims with next to nowhere to go to get help. But there is always a way to get help or help yourself...especially when you have the will....something that is a goal of these evil people taking away from you.


This harassment is a slow kill tactic of warfare and has been used for many years on the blissfully ignorant to take out apponents for any reason, over a period of time without questions being asked later! The Internet is your friend! Search for targeted individual and realize what you may or may not have been manipulated into taking part in or what you may be the victim of. This form of oppression and harassment was used by the Stasis of East Germany who are considered to be on a par with the evils of Hitlers Nazis...

Is this what you want to be a part of?

A Simple Definition.

Under Occupational Health and Safety laws in the UK and beyond, individuals are being flagged and placed on community notification lists. This is happening without the targets knowledge. In many countries these community notifications are being used by Corporations, Churches, Civil Services and other organizations to target innocent individuals such as whistle-blowers, the outspoken, Free Thinkers, Non-Conformants, Proponents for justice, peace activists, dissidents to corrupt Governments, Human rights campaigners and right down to the normal everyday 9 to 5 citizen, who after some event makes a complaint either verbally or by letter for any number of reasons.

 In conjunction with these notifications, companies and others are in some cases using a practice that was used in the former soviet union called the psychiatric reprisal. This is used as a means of revenge, blacklisting, silencing, or controlling members of society that don't conform to their way of thinking or who may know too much. Once on the notification system, false anchored warnings about the targets are sent out to every individual the target comes in contact with, and all civil service providers, thus poisoning all their associations, and socially annexing the targeted individuals and in many cases their families.

Who gets targeted?

As the various links on this page will show why people get targeted for this Harassment, here are two very familiar examples.

Example 1:

A person files a complaint out of being duty-bound or were left with no option, to the  Authorities regarding any form of illegal activity. One example here is; Children who are being bullied by their peers, particularly children with learning difficulties. When the complaint is filed to all relevant authorities i.e. Schools, Police, Social Services, Community groups and literally any and all Civil Services who are by the way, public servants to the "People" , you would expect this crime to be properly dealt with by the relevant authorities, thus the childs Basic Human Rights would be upheld in  a Democratic Society the UK claims to be. In most cases this is what happens but in others, for one reason or another..most often from spite, revenge, fear or jealousy... it doesn't.

This complaint against bullying of children is seen as a thorn in the systems backside with some or all relevant public service bodies, institutes, community groups and Schools , either turning a blind eye or presenting more obstacles in getting the initial problem solved. This then leads to further rifts, interference and can and does lead to the complainant being falsely smeared  and flagged in the Governments computerized notice system across the board, Under Occupational Health and Safety laws. No matter what service you use from here on in the person behind the computer or on the other end of the phone will see your personal details are flagged/blacklisted. This then filters down into the the hands of paid harassers, citizens who have been lied to, thinking they're doing their duty or just simple minded twisted individuals who harass for laughs.

What would you do if it was your child being constantly bullied and tortured?

Is this what you want to be a part of? 

Example 2:

A person has another type of crime committed against them,  for example this could be  burglary, assault, financial malfeasance and so on. This crime is reported and goes through the proper channels of the justice system but down the long dragged out process, justice isn't served, cases go nowhere for various reasons i.e., the most popular line is...lack of evidence, also not in the public interest or a reluctance of compensation being paid in the case that justice might be served but the most interesting reason allegedly is...that the offenders responsible for the crime are part of Organizations and institutes with friends in high places of authorities.

Again this could be the church, government bodies or similar organizations...here the criminals are afforded a level of protection as so not to muddy the reputation of these establishments, who are maybe as corrupt as them. So that being said...to file complaints or seek justice concerning the crimes in example two , you are highly likely to become a victim of the same organized harassment, falsified smear propaganda campaigns and intimidation mentioned in the previous paragraphs.

Is this what you want to be a part of?

Below is a recent example of a lady who received the full force of this type of harassment, falsified smear campaigns and intimidation under the Occupational Health and Safety laws that flags its subjects for harassment in the "Democratic" United Kingdom.

The Jane Clift case in the UK is a prime example.. 

What every Targeted Inividual should know! Click Here!

Further reading.

Indigo Ribbon- Breaking The Silence

History of a nation of spies..The Stasis:  

Former UK soldiers And Iraq Veterans Gangstalked  

Who gets targeted? 

Documented Harrasment Techniques  

Gangstalking UK Wordpress 

Electronic Weapons Being Used Against Targeted Individuals

Expose Gangstalking & other sites By Van



UK Indymedia

Educate yourself

Human Rights Violations Canada Targeted Individuals


If we live in a democracy why do we have to endure this type of sanctioned Harassment and Intimidation of our people through falsified means? This is what Hitler did, This is what China does now! Do we live in a Free Society? Or, Are we really in a Communist Police State?

The Organizers of this evil tell you its for National Security, against Terrorism or its against Dangerous Individuals....In some cases this may be true but what about the high percentage of innocent people who are totaly unaware they're being targeted? What about the people who have a right to Free Will, Free Thinking? Freedom of Expression? Are we all supposed to bow down like good little robots and keep the corrupt system machine running while it runs us into the ground?

In this corrupt world, there is no room for free thinkers or those who are strong willed. These Sacred properties that we all have as Human Beings are what separates us from the animals (no offence to animals). Critical thinking and those who question are not tolerated by those who want to control every aspect of your life while you work your hands raw for peanuts so they can take it all off you again..

Is this what you want to be a part of? Is this what you want your kids and grand-kids to endure?

Is this what you want to be a part of in the name of some bogus controlled manipulated investigation of our people?

Are you being used?

What would you do if your child, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother and extended family were Targeted Individuals and the victims of Sanctioned Organized Gangstalking from corrupt organizations?

Targeted Individuals UK And Ireland 2012

This harassment is a slow kill tactic of warfare and has been used for many years on the blissfully ignorant to take out apponents for any reason, over a period of time without questions being asked later! The Internet is your friend! Search for targeted individual and realize what you may or may not have been manipulated into taking part in or what you may be the victim of. This form of oppression and harassment was used by the Stasis of East Germany who are considered to be on a par with the evils of Hitlers Nazis... 

Is this what you want to be a part of? 

A Simple Definitio

This proves that I am not nut's and that I am not alone in being stalked  or Targeted by secret organisations which all appear to have people working for them that also work in the police the council the government the N.H.S.  and are Doctors and Nurses. Now I am not saying that the government or the police force or the council e.t.c. but that certain members of these groups  are in secret groups and are stalking Targeting and attacking us and that we "Targeted Individuals" all need your help in order to make as many people understand and to become aware of this fact and that is that there are hundreds of thousands of people all over the world mainly in the U.S.A. who are being illegally targeted by these secret groups  in various different ways and we all need your help in anyway and donations in order to be able to fight back and bring them all out into the light and expose them. 

And so my housing conditions after having told everyone concerned 

  No the police have not done anything about it. No the health minister "Hunt" has done

nothing about it. No the council Environmental health department for private housing has done nothing about it. No my Doctors have done nothing about it, No my family has done nothing about it. No I still cannot find a solicitor or legal representative to help me do anything about it or to give me advice. A few weeks ago I was given a letter telling me to get out of the property and that they are now taking me to court in order to get me out of the property. I do not have any money for the deposit of another flat to live in and the council say that they are only willing to give me £150 when I get evicted if I can find a landlord to take me on for that amount of money.I tis obvious that I will not be able to find anyone who will do that the only other thing that I can do then is to Squat or sleep in a doorway or sleep in a field or a woods etc. I have thought about all of these options I have thought that I would not mind sleeping in a field outside of London far away from anybody but then as this is only a very small Island that will never be because there will always be somebody walking their Dogs etc and so I thought well perhaps I could rent a bit of land and pay the rent by making things to sell out of the tree's I still am not sure what to do at there moment however I do now have transport either a car or a van when I need it I also have a bicycle and or a pass. My feet are both a little fcuked just now from far too much walking however I have started running again and building up my stamina and I have brought as new travel box for my Cat I have also joined up with a Gym that has many outlets all over London and beyond some of which are 24 - hours and this means that I can get a shower any time of the day or night that I can charge up my phone and I can hangout in them out of the cold and the rain for less than £20.00 PER MONTH.A friend of mine has told me that he is going to make a website for me but still hasn't done so as yet and I have bumped into some people who might be able to help me with some of the problems that I am facing I am still waiting for the final letter of eviction but I am still not living there in the flat as every time I go back to the flat it makes me stink of Dog shit and dirty water and mould smells etc. Every night I am sleeping out upon nthe street or staying awake al night in the internet cafe and then sleeping a few hours in the daytime when it is legal to sleep in the park and looks natural as the Sun is now with us.  In that flat I am targeted everyday and night they have been using me to try out Germ warefare /bacteria and chemical warefare they have also been trying to radicalise me in that they have been making me live like a spy I can never leave food in the flat because it would become contaminated with Dogshit if it is not sealed if I open a bottle of water then I must consume the whole bottle as it could be tampered with as somebody has the power to get into my flat undetected and keeps moving all of my paper work around every time I have an important appointment. The flat is being bugged electronically for sound and vision they keep using one of those ultra sound speakers on me they are also using some kind of electromagnetic device that pulses powerful wave frequencies through my body and they are programming me night and day there with another subliminal. Infra sound device that induces me into hypnosis so that I have no will to move or leave the house and am late for everything even when I have bags of time to do stuff but when I sleep outside of the flat in a shop doorway or in a park etc in just one day I manage to do about tem different important things and I am on time. There is boiling hot water spilling out from an overflow pipe just above my windows and outside door it sounds like it is raining all night and day and is really quite depressive these last few months have been nothing but grey sky's too which have not helped the situation further because I cannot use the tap water in the flat to shower in I have been showering in a home made shower using a 2-5 litre bottle of water and then fixing a pipe on it hanging it up with a tie on the end of the pipe  and then wetting my body and then soaping my body and then washing it all off it is all rather quick and effective however it is very time consuming and then when my body is wet I am still having to walk out into a room that stinks of Dog shit or smells of sewage or stale water or mould chemicals etc which all cling to my body and then transfere onto my clothing making that stink and so in that flat you are not washing the smells off but putting them on all over yourself and they are eliberatleyd tring to make me angry and violent constantly threatening and critiziging me. In such an environment trying to keep healthy and alive when you know that somebody living above you is diliberatley trtying to kill you with chemicals and is zapping you with some kind of electromagnetic machine it is a script straight out of a James Bond movie it is just so unreal and yet it is true.  Many people whom I try to tell my story to do not understand because most have never heard about Targeted Individuals and so I hope that my website when I finally get it will help me to better explain what it is all about and what is happening to me and Hundreds of thousands of other people here in G.B. and in other countries all round the world. At ther moment some people whom I meet out upon the street are helping me and they  give me donations of water and food  etc but when I finally get my website I will be able to give them a card and contact them all online or via my phone and will also get a bit of help with this blog in order to get it more in ship shape. see you all soon and to all of my fellow Targeted Individuals out there soon I shall be talking to you all face to face and you will all have my phone number

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