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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Deporting Millions Of Muslims May Be Necessary - Geert Wilders


  1. If you are homeless and then approach the council because you need a place to live like I did as it is your right to do so and ask them to rehouse you because you are homeless then once upon a time the councils of our country Great Britain would have done so but while we have all been sleeping they have changed the law behind our backs and stolen this right away from us. Now just because you may have English Blood in you and was born here no longer qualifies you for a council dwelling or to be rehoused, now if you are homeless the council no longer have to rehouse you rather instead you will be assessed by points as to your eligibility for a council flat in order to gain a council flat you have to have 800 points and to get these points you have to pass an eligibility test One, you must be Mentally ill, two you must be a drug addict, three you must be an alcoholic, for you must be grossly physically impaired, five you must have just come out of prison, six you must be a single woman outside of marriage alone with a child. However when I became homeless and approached the council and told them that I was homeless and asked them to rehouse me they told me that their was nothing wrong with me that i was physically and mentally fit and was an English man who did not need any help therefore I failed the test.They told me that I could not have a council place but they did have a list of trusted and recommended private landlords and they would pick one form. Now for this council Brent council to say that they have a list of trusted and recommended flats from private landlords would mean that the council a government body was trying to fraudulantly mislead a member of the gweneral public(me) members (others) into believing that they the council had indeed thoroughly checked all of these landlords and their properties out and that they had passed all their safety standards and were therefore trusted as oppsed to landlords and their flats / houses who had not done so and who had failed their health and safety standards but this indeed was not the case these accommodations had not been checked out at all and non of them even had planning permission and so this was a blatant lie.m in all I do not at this time now have any more time to go over all that again in order to refresh your minds. However I will say this that to evict a person onto the street is an illegal act because any person that should evict another person onto the street and make them homeless apart from being heartless they would also be breaking the law as they would be aiding and abetting a crime the crime being "Vagrancy" as Vagrancy is a criminal offence and therefore if you evict a person you are making them homeless and make them Vagrants you are making them lawless or outlaws if you like and so though we should be now living in the year 2016 some of us in fact are being thrown back in time in a time warp to the medieval times when there was this huge class war chasm which grew between the rich and the poor similar things that are now happening in our own time these things of old did happen and peoples were thrown off of their land and made into outlaws and as you may have noticed today many people are once again wearing "HOODS" or should I now say "HOODIES" this makes me wonder if Robin Hood was that outlaws real name or just some assumed alias used to hide his real name just as the evicted homeless people of today they the ancient ones had no more choice in the matter than we do today and so I am an outlaw the government and it's government bodies all made me lawless by evicting me and making me a Vagrant.

  2. ever when a European country such as our own Great Britain evicts refugee's back to which ever country they came from there is a Human Rights clause which states that no government should be allowed to to evict a person back into a place of any danger to his or her life or threat of torture or harm and yet this is precisely the case of the government today evicting people from the sanctuary of their dwellings into a field of fear of violence of rape, of Murder, of being robbed, of being beaten, of being humiliated, into of being deprived of their sleep, into being deprived of water and of food,etc though there are no actual bombs being dropped on our heads nevertheless we are living upon the streets and in harms way should any bomb / terrorist attack happen while we are living out here and that would be against all health and safety regulations now wouldn't it and so as you can all quite clearly see both our civil and human rights are being violated and we homeless people or rather more vulnerable people of society such as "Targeted Individuals" all need the assistance of a very good Human rights solicitor A.S.P. if your out there then pleasae do contact us. Ok so I was evicted from the slum of a flat that I was renting in Wembley after this I slept out upon the street in doorways and in woods and fields for a while and sofa surfed until I was approached by a group of political squatters who were all protesting about housing issues similar to the housing issues that I have just talked about and so I joined them and their protest squat as I had nowhere else to go and I believed in their course as it was similar to that of my own. However since then I have been evicted from their squat by the bailiffs and we have all moved into two other squats however yesterday the papers were served on one of them and now we only have about one week left to get out shit together. However when I was evicted they also cut my unemployment money off and so now I am having to live off anything I can ask other people for it is a very difficult time just now see you bal However I have already explained to you all and shown you all in my videos the conditions of those evil little flats that they gave me there were three of thel again soon my fellow T.I's and may God bless you all. XXXXXX i

  3. ever when a European country such as our own Great Britain evicts refugee's back to which ever country they came from there is a Human Rights clause which states that no government should be allowed to to evict a person back into a place of any danger to his or her life or threat of torture or harm and yet this is precisely the case of the government today evicting people from the sanctuary of their dwellings into a field of fear of violence of rape, of Murder, of being robbed, of being beaten, of being humiliated, into of being deprived of their sleep, into being deprived of water and of food,etc though there are no actual bombs being dropped on our heads nevertheless we are living upon the streets and in harms way should any bomb / terrorist attack happen while we are living out here and that would be against all health and safety regulations now wouldn't it and so as you can all quite clearly see both our civil and human rights are being violated and we homeless people or rather more vulnerable people of society such as "Targeted Individuals" all need the assistance of a very good Human rights solicitor A.S.P. if your out there then pleasae do contact us. Ok so I was evicted from the slum of a flat that I was renting in Wembley after this I slept out upon the street in doorways and in woods and fields for a while and sofa surfed until I was approached by a group of political squatters who were all protesting about housing issues similar to the housing issues that I have just talked about and so I joined them and their protest squat as I had nowhere else to go and I believed in their course as it was similar to that of my own. However since then I have been evicted from their squat by the bailiffs and we have all moved into two other squats however yesterday the papers were served on one of them and now we only have about one week left to get out shit together. However when I was evicted they also cut my unemployment money off and so now I am having to live off anything I can ask other people for it is a very difficult time just now see you bal However I have already explained to you all and shown you all in my videos the conditions of those evil little flats that they gave me there were three of thel again soon my fellow T.I's and may God bless you all. XXXXXX i

  4. If you are homeless and then approach the council because you need a place to live like I did as it is your right to do so and ask them to rehouse you because you are homeless then once upon a time the councils of our country Great Britain would have done so but while we have all been sleeping they have changed the law behind our backs and stolen this right away from us. Now just because you may have English Blood in you and was born here no longer qualifies you for a council dwelling or to be rehoused, now if you are homeless the council no longer have to rehouse you rather instead you will be assessed by points as to your eligibility for a council flat in order to gain a council flat you have to have 800 points and to get these points you have to pass an eligibility test One, you must be Mentally ill, two you must be a drug addict, three you must be an alcoholic, for you must be grossly physically impaired, five you must have just come out of prison, six you must be a single woman outside of marriage alone with a child. However when I became homeless and approached the council and told them that I was homeless and asked them to rehouse me they told me that their was nothing wrong with me that i was physically and mentally fit and was an English man who did not need any help therefore I failed the test.They told me that I could not have a council place but they did have a list of trusted and recommended private landlords and they would pick one form. Now for this council Brent council to say that they have a list of trusted and recommended flats from private landlords would mean that the council a government body was trying to fraudulantly mislead a member of the gweneral public(me) members (others) into believing that they the council had indeed thoroughly checked all of these landlords and their properties out and that they had passed all their safety standards and were therefore trusted as oppsed to landlords and their flats / houses who had not done so and who had failed their health and safety standards but this indeed was not the case these accommodations had not been checked out at all and non of them even had planning permission and so this was a blatant lie.m in all I do not at this time now have any more time to go over all that again in order to refresh your minds. However I will say this that to evict a person onto the street is an illegal act because any person that should evict another person onto the street and make them homeless apart from being heartless they would also be breaking the law as they would be aiding and abetting a crime the crime being "Vagrancy" as Vagrancy is a criminal offence and therefore if you evict a person you are making them homeless and make them Vagrants you are making them lawless or outlaws if you like and so though we should be now living in the year 2016 some of us in fact are being thrown back in time in a time warp to the medieval times when there was this huge class war chasm which grew between the rich and the poor similar things that are now happening in our own time these things of old did happen and peoples were thrown off of their land and made into outlaws and as you may have noticed today many people are once again wearing "HOODS" or should I now say "HOODIES" this makes me wonder if Robin Hood was that outlaws real name or just some assumed alias used to hide his real name just as the evicted homeless people of today they the ancient ones had no more choice in the matter than we do today and so I am an outlaw the government and it's government bodies all made me lawless by evicting me and making me a Vagrant.
