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Friday, June 19, 2015



By the police, the council’s and others/ government/ Alumminatie
Today is Sunday 14:06:2015. The time is :- 16:20.P.M.  at 6 am this morning 10 policemen were sent around to my flat to arrest me for a “minor assault”.
I live in an illegally converted ex police house that does not have planning permission (which means that my landlord has committed an indictable offence) it is privately owned and I live in flat number 2, the full address is 67, Beverley Gardens Wembley London HA99RB. Flat number 2, where I live is on the ground floor and is right next door to flat number 1, also on the ground floor situated at the front of the house where as my flat is situated at the back of the house. The man who lives in flat number 1, is a Somalian man called Mr Said and he is mentally ill this man needs social services (who could be accused of negligence for allowing such a person to live in the conditions that he is living in and endanger other members of the general public) and it is imperative that he gets help for he is a menace to other residents, he cannot look after himself. He never cleans his flat, he never washes his bedding he never cleans his food surfaces, he hardly ever takes a shower the last time I saw him he had crabs and lice moving around in his beard, he urinates and defecates in his shower and on his toilet floor, and I lives right next door to me. What makes the situation worse is that the wall between us is so thin just plasterboard and the fact that before I arrived during the illegal conversion of this building in order to get the most money out of the house the landlord converted the house into four self contained studio flats/ bedsits and in doing so in order that he could give flat 1, a toilet and a shower he has taken away space from flat number 2, this means that he has made flat 1, toilet and shower inside flat number 2, and then placed a frame working of plasterboard around it in order to seal it all off and encase it inside flat number 1, in other words this means that Mr Said has to come inside my flat to have a shower and to go to the toilet hypothetically speaking which otherwise before the conversion the house would have been a normal ex 1950’s style council house then given to the police with others in order to house their officers who live outside of London in other parts of England but who now work within London SO WHY DID THEY SELL IT? This house then was converted into four flats and a shed that is situated in the back garden has become flat number 5, obviously another illegal conversion this in itself is ridiculing the Metropolitan Police force and hardworking Taxpayers and stinks of corruption (it would be nice to know who made the sale and who gained from it?) and our laws Another reason why Mr Said’s flat smells so much is because he does not throw his rubbish away but instead piles up loads of rubbish bags in his flat, he spills water all over his floor rotting his floor. The smells coming out of this mans flat at times are intoxicating I just do not know how he lives in it without doing harm to his lungs and his health if I had not told him to open his windows and let some air in it would all smell so much worse however strangely enough his appearance is somewhat deceptive for he usually dresses quite smart and combs his hair most of the time you just would not know or suspect that he is living like an animal.
 Last night once again I smelt something burning in the flat next door Mr “Said” flat which is flat number 1, and soon afterwards I was polluted by something in the air which hurt my lungs, I think that it might have been asbestos or fibreglass. The several times now I have complained to the Police about his excessive alcoholic drinking his taking illegal class “A” drugs and his violent rages afterwards, I have also complained several times to the fire brigade about the smells/ chemicals smells coming out of his flat, and other polluting smells coming out of his flat from his drug smoking which makes me stoned and dizzy I have been to the hospital to be checked up several times since I have been living at this residents, I have also had to visit my Doctor, the chemical smells coming out of flat number 1, were so great just recently that I decided to call the anti terrorist squad as the man is a Muslim and though he drinks and takes drugs at times he dresses up as a Muslim and goes to the Mosque for Ramadam festival (but perhaps that is just for the free food) but when he gets drunk he keeps telling me that he’s a killer man and then does a bad impression of trying to behave like a gangster he hates the British Government, the British Army, the U.S.A. and so only God knows what he might be doing in that flat on his own at night all I know is that there are chemicals coming out of it which are harming my chest and my eye’s and those of my Cat’s and they make us dizzy and vomit therefore I thought it reasonable to inform the antiterrorist squad  all about this man activities and all these smells coming out of Mr Saids flat but nothing has been done about it they just took the micky out of me far from having arrested him no one has even bothered to come out and interview him about anything that I might have said. However Mr Said is a Somalian, he is mentally ill, and a Muslim, He is an Alcoholic, A scunk weed smoker and a crack cocaine addict (another interesting point here is just who is supplying him with all the drugs and the money for even when his benefit was stopped for a while he still had a constant supply of drugs and alcohol? Mr Said also seems to be spying on me whenever I come into the house he then comes in five minutes after me no matter what time of night or day. And whenever I am about to leave and go out of the house Mr Said goes out always just minutes before me which is another reason why I believe that I am being watched in my flat by camera in fact in order to find out for sure if that is true I staged a fight between Mr Said and myself hoping that they would reveal themselves soon I shall know if my suspicion were correct and so shall you all.). About six weeks ago Mr Said in one of his drunken rages pushed me in the face several times and made to punch me but missed on account of the fact that he was so drunk he then proceeded to go outside and smashed my fence down and then urinated on it later that same night he fell down the steps on the garden path and lay there for a while moaning but apparently he did not appear to have broken anything. The fence which he smashed down ( which I have pictures and video footage of) provides security for me preventing unauthorised people from being able to come around the back of the house and break into my flat. Mr Said in his drunken rage on this occasion and the smashing down of my fence was witnessed by my next door neighbour who has only just given birth to a very small baby and came out to see what had been smashed down and why Mr Said was shouting out load at the top of his voice at 02:30 A.M. in the morning the very next day Mr Said then proceeded to rip out all the telephone/ broadband wiring in the house knowing that I was the only one in the house who does not have an illegal fraudulent cloned copy of Sky television were as everyone else in the house has which means the only other way in which I could get broadband would be through the telephone line which Mr Said deliberately deprived me of. Since I have been living at my current address I have been Polluted every night and day by Mr Said the pollution and by sewage pollution coming from number 66, Beverley Gardens who keep putting nappies and sanitary towels down their toilets and blocking up the whole sewage system making the whole area stink. Number 66, is owned by a rich Irish lady and she has illegally converted her house into flats in fact I have checked with the council planning office and it now appears that there are in fact several houses in my street that have been illegally converted into flats and this smells of illegal money backhanders and corruption and I am the one who has to suffer at time the smells are so bad that I have had to sleep with all of my windows and doors open and it quite often makes my Cat sick sometimes it is so bad that cannot sleep there at all and I have to take a tent and a sleeping bag and my Cat and sleep out in Fyrent Park woods and meadows only the other day I had to sleep in doorways downtown because the flat that I am renting via Brent council from a Pakistani landlord who I have never met but who I am told lives in Behrain but who’s estate agent “Ultra estates of 60, Rossmore road I have to pay £758.33 P.C.M. for the priverliage of being abused in which is unliveable. The kitchen sink flushes into the back of the cabinet and then under the floor boards so I cannot use that. The floor boards in my flat. I am told that the last man who lived in my flat was a crack cocaine smoker and one of Mr Saids smoking buddies, I am told that they used to use my flat/ this house as a crack house where drugs were taken and sold and prostitutes came and gave themselves sexually for crack cocaine and that they had crack cocaine orgies in the house where I now live before I arrived there. I have been told that the Police broke down the door and arrested the man who used to live in my Flat, I have been told that the man who used to live in my flat had a Dog and that he got so stoned on crack cocaine that he just could not get it together to walk 50 yards down the bottom of our road to this wonderful (park Freyent country park from where I am now writing this letter to you from) and walk his Dog  but instead allowed it to urinate and defecate all over the floor of the flat which my landlord then had an African man called Keto a resident who rents the garden shed at the back of the house from him flat number 5, to clean up flat number 2, my flat for him and, then rented the flat out to me. However all this African man actually did was to drag the dirty carpet out and mop the floor as there were Dogs faeces and urine on it some had soaked through the carpet and then through the laminated floor boards and then rested there and therefore every now and again I am privileged with the smells of his dog coming up from under the ground as if haunting me getting into the fabric of my cloths with their oily film wrapping around me and my cloths and everything within my flat I work voluntarily for the Samaritans I am a first Aid officer I have studied British and European Health and safety laws several times I have passed my C.S.C.S certificate I am also a general builder and a multi skilled handyman and therefore I do have the Authority and qualifications to be able to tell you that this house and my flat our health hazards and are dangerous to life and that they breach all health and safety rules and regulations and law and that my reports to all the appropriate Authorities have all fallen upon death ears nobody wants to know that this house is a slum and that this house and my flat have been illegally and dangerously converted into flats which are hazardous to life and the health of the people living in them and to the wider community, until I reported it to the electricity board via the internet the though there were five flats there was only one electricity meter were there should have been five meters one for each flat when the house was converted over from a house into flats before people should moved into the flats otherwise nobody would be able to pay an electricity bill this shows that the landlord had tried to hide the fact that the house was an illegal conversion and indicates a deliberate theft of British electricity by a Pakistani national who lives in Behrain (ie the landlord.). However the original house electricity meter had also been tampered with in order to get free electricity for the whole house which the landlords supply of electricity (i.e. the hallways and the stairs etc.) was also connected to the illegal supply of electricity and so there is no way that He the landlord can claim that he did not know anything about the illegal theft of British electricity and so why hasn’t he been arrested and charged. Further bank statements and credit cards hire purchase forms etc in foreign names are all delivered to my house and yet non of these people live here and so this indicates illegal and fraudulent activities taking place within my house either by the people living here or the landlord himself by people who have come to my country in order to steal from our country and our people(our government is always saying how are country is benefiting from having all these people here which of course in some ways I would agree we are but it is little good if all of our financial gains from having them all here are then stolen back though fraudulent acts such as this and I do know that it is not just an isolated incident because I have witnessed the exact same thing happening in no less than three different London based flats during the last six years and it is something that neither the police nor our government appeared to be bothered with even as our government declares that we are heading back into recession and makes further financial cuts upon the British poor and our benefits. The gas cooker that was in the flat looked like one that had been dumped on as rubbish site and had been left there for years for rats and mice to live in and walk all over and was just so filthy but as it belonged to the landlord I could not throw it out as I would then be liable and have to buy him a new one and so therefore what I have done is to clean the outside of the cooker making it bearable to live with as I cannot get rid of it however he has since thrown out all the other gas cookers that were in all the other flats and they all looked to be in much the same condition. I believe the reason why he has not thrown my cooker out too is so that he can claim that this is a self contained flat but I shall be asking him to do so. However the gas cooker leaks gas this could explode blowing up our house and the house next door and killing everyone and therefore is a very dangerous health and safety hazard (why is this landlord getting away with it WHO IS PROTECTING HIM?) and so cannot use the gas cooker which means that I am unable to make a hot meal within the property and then even if I was I could not eat it within the property because of all the pollution and evil sewage smells polluting my flat this means that I mainly have to eat out and that means it is costing me extra moneys to do so which are burning a large hole in the £60 per week unemployment benefit that I am getting which even before having moved here had itself been pushed to the limit due to the cost of living but with all these extra cost and cuts in benefits basically just blown it all away and just is not enough money to cover all my weekly needs or the needs of my illness and has had me at times asking for money from people or singing/ busking/ poetry recitals etc in order to get money, food to eat and to buy water as I cannot drink the water in my flat as it is polluted which is why I now do not have the money saved to be able to leave and get out of this flat and find another one nor even the money for the storage of my goods should I be told to leave while at the same time I am unable to get a job because the water and the pollution inside of my flat make both my person and all of my clothing stink and has me putting all of my cloths in plastic bags to seal them away from contamination and the smells I might just as well be living on the Planet Mars.  I am being forced to walk around Wembley/London smelling in this condition degraded and humiliated further to the point the landlord who is doing all this to me is from Pakistan and Wembley is an Asian area and I am finding that a lot of Asian people in and around the area of Wembley/ Brent are all looking at me giving knowing looks at each other and then laughing and holding their noses coughing or spitting on the ground as I walk by some even block my path as I try to walk by them large men and Women stand talking to each other or into their mobile phones right in the middle of the pavement with their children prams bags spread out right across it making it impossible for anyone who might be in a hurry to get by or they just stand directly in your path looking straight at you knowing that you cannot get by and that you will have to tell them to move in order to do so they are  even telling their old people to obstruct me because you cannot hurry old people or the invalided people along while some of their men and their youth are even at the point of challenging me physically with violence at times. Because of the reactions of these people when I approach them I now believe that my something really evil has been said about me or spread about and that my flat must also be electronically bugged for sound and vision I also believe that there must be some kind of perverted Asian internet blog that they are uploading all the audio and video footage that they are illegally and without my consent taking of me inside my flat further more it is not just Asian people who are acting like this towards me but eastern Europeans too and even my Fathers own country people and in fact the lady who signed me up for this flat was a black Woman herself of whom I assumed was west Indian but might actually be African what I have learnt for sure is that the area that I live in and in particular Fryent country park woods is an area used for “DOGGING” ( I am told that dogging is where members of the public put an add up on an internet website asking people to come and watch/join in and participate with them having sex with their wives it is a sex cult where people share their boyfriends / girlfriends husbands and wives with any members of the general public who should wish to come along and participate in these sexual acts with them) I also know that the man who’s name is Tim Watson and who lives directly above me but does not actually live there himself but lets it out to people who use it for Dogging and for making sex movies quite loudly above my head every Saturday night knowing that I am a single man and having been voluntarily celibate now for many years due to the rather tragic ending of my last relationship with my then common law wife I am just a little hurt by because I know that this person/s is/are trying to sex me up and force me to masturbate in order to ridicule me and that while he is doing so that I might also be on camera which might then be uploaded to the internet to various different blog sites for people to ridicule and to ruin my character and my life forever when up until now I have done this man no harm and did not even know him before I moved here to this flat and yet the man renting the flat above me is a Blackman who tells me that he is a west Indian like my Father what a blasphemy while Mr Said tells me that this same man Tim has a 9MM handgun of some kind and so I cannot challenge him were as the Police/ all of the authorities have just laughed in my face with everything that I have tried to tell them and have never acted upon anything that I have told them or taken me seriously therefore all I would be doing if I should speak to them about this would be to make myself a target however with him having this gun I might already be a target other wise if he wished me good will why is he being so callously nasty towards me in this way if not ( and even though he is on housing benefits he like Mr Keto who lives in flat number 5, and is also on housing benefits  both sublet their flats out to other people to live in I am also quite aware that this is against the law because it is fraudulent and dishonest to claim housing benefits for a place that you are not living in and then charge rent money from someone else for the same property and that to make a fraudulent declaration to the jobcentre/government is an arrestible offence while subletting I believe is also illegal.)? In other words this Landlord has brought me here and allowed me to rent his flat in order to degrade me in front of his Asian community I am being deprived of my sleep by the pollution inside the flat which forces me out into the street where I have to sleep in my tent in fryent country park which is just behind me or go down the west end and find a doorway to sleep in along side all the homeless people, the washing machine provides stinks of Human/ Dog faeces even after having flushed it out several times with bleach and so I cannot use that, the toilet leaks all over the floor because before I came it was blocked and full of newspaper and Human and Dog excrement which was wedged and stuck there inside it and so in order to empty it  Mr Keto the resident of flat number 5, took the toilet basin out and tuned it upside down to empty it but did not put it back properly once he had finished either because he did not know how to do it or because he wished to be vindictive I shall never know for sure and I cannot challenge him upon the subject as he had rather a large family and some muscle bound protectors/ body guards which might indicate that he is dealing in drugs (I once saw Mr Keto give some drugs to Mr Said)/perhaps even guns he once lost his temper with me over something and then he indicated to me that he was not frightened of me and that he too had a gun in his shed flat 5, where he lives in / rents and sublets out to Russians and other Africans even upon occasion a Jamaican woman and her children and that was when it had rats in it and a large hole in the floor one of his sons / tenants who are presently living in it flat number 5, and who are also from Africa like Mr Keto / tenants further indicated this/ that they had guns to me on a different occasion when I asked him if he might have seen or used taken a walking stick that I had made fashioned out of a branch from a tree from Fryent country park( I once fell through a roof while working on it 15 years ago back in 2000 and broke my pelvis at times it hurts and when that happens I like to use a stick to help me walk in case my leg/ hip should give away and as I am now 60 years of age and as peopled keep threatening me with violence I thought that perhaps I should prepare myself for if and when they should attack me and so I have also been training with the stick in self defence in case I should be attacked I thought that if I was ever attacked I could then use it to block the blows and then try to run and evade them.) his reply was “we don’t use such things as sticks” which could have meant anything and nothing but not in the way his facial expression and body language presented it ( I have trained as a security officer and as a private detective and so I do know a little about body language ) however the toilet in my flat which Keto was supposed to repair now overflows all over the floor luckily it’s only clean water from out of the toilet system that comes directly from the water mains that overflows and not the water from the toilet pan itself. The pipe above my backdoor constantly overflows too and splash’s inside my window if I leave it open which because of all the toxic smell that I have just been telling you all about means that I have to leave all my windows and doors open even in the winter for hours in order to dispel the polluted toxic air which in turn completely cancels out any financial economics that I might try to make from the little £60 per week unemployment benefits that I am given to live upon each week (I do have proof of my benefit receipt showing the amount that I get each week and even then they take £13.00 per week out of that for taxes. Yet I am ill I have a liver complaint which I might die of if I am not treated for soon and for which I am supposed to eat expensive organic health foods because of which I cannot afford to do on the money that I am being given on this unemployment benefit, I was once upon sickness benefit or rather E.S.A which as we no longer have sickness benefits E.S.A. took the place of when I was on this benefit I could afford to look after myself properly as regards to clothing and health and eat properly however since they took it away from me I am now finding myself in this situation from where I now live in a horrible dirty place that I cannot escape from which is harming my health and is a danger to my life in so many ways including the very residents themselves and in a place from where doctors even refuse to treat me for my medical illness because it is too much of a dirty environment and the drugs that they would give me for this illness are expensive and cost too much were as if they were to give me the drugs while I still lived within such a environment then I would only get the illness once again and it would be a waste of time for them to do so and too expensive a cost for the N.H.S which is constantly being reviewed and budgeted and crisscrossed with government cuts to be able to afford as it would be just another bottomless pit to throw away more money into and therefore I am being murdered by the system who are trying to make it look like natural courses by making me appear to be a crazy dirty person who does not wash himself or look after himself and who stinks hence the pile of rubbish piled up at the front of the building and the reason why Mr Said and Mr Keto and his friends are all being as disruptive as they can and keeps adding to it every time that I manage to get the council to take it away and clean it all up.) meanwhile the overflow pipe flushing out boiling hot water at all times of the night and day splashing up at us scolding my Cat ( which is an indictable offence of cruelty to animals) and myself (which should it ever harm me would be an indictable offence of negligence and possible malicious wounding) every time we try to come in or out of the property and the water is very dangerous in itself in that it has a very high lime content within it which drifts in the steam and has proven to be very harmful to my and my Cat’s eye’s when it gets in them it causes dry eye and burning just one drop of shower water splashed in my eye and it caused an ulcer on my eye I had to go to the London Eye Hospital to get antibiotics (this would be enough for me to make such a claim of negligence and wounding) for it as it could have blinded me because of the high lime content with in it. They used quick lime upon the bodies of witches after execution or fire and for Prisoners and those who died in the great plague in order to kill any evil/ germs/ the plague and rot/ burn away their flesh as quickly as possible lime is a very, very corrosive agent. And so I would like to know just how my landlord breaks down the £758.33 pcm of rent money for the rent of this flat as I am not getting any of the facilities that should be provided in order to make this flat/ bedsit a so called self contained flat so what is all the money for a smelly unliveable health hazard of a room taxpayers need to claim most of this money back from this landlord as this is a blatant rip off which would also appear to be assisted by council members/ workers? This place is unliveable when Mr Said (I believe is ordered to make it so by whoever is giving him his alcohol and drugs further more I believe that the reason why this is so is because the people who all lived here before I came i.e Mr Keto, Mr Tim Watson, and Mr Said want me out of here in order to have the place back as it was once before I came here a crack cocaine house filled with prostitutes etc and drug orgies and the perverted orgies are quite possibly another reason why this house/ flats our electronically bugged for sound and vision and I am going to force them to reveal themselves watch me.) who is a very vindictive and evil man deliberately makes it so due to this I sometimes make out that I am about to phone the police after him for then he usually panics and then the smells stop coming through into my flat but now he isn’t frightened of the police because if I phone the police on him he just counter claims and calls the police against me. Last night was such a case I pretended to call the Police on him to try and make him stop polluting me other wise I would have had to go out and find a doorway to sleep in the west end because he pollutes my flat and I just cannot breath in there I even have to wear a builders mask not that it is much use I have been thinking of investing in a military Gas mask as what ever he is releasing into my room is highly toxic really hurts my lungs it has been effecting my Cats breathing too and makes my Cat wheeze and vomit and just I cannot sleep at the flat. Just three days ago I was so tired and Mr Said had polluted my flat once more I just had no option but to sleep out once again in Fryent country Park I  got some sleep but then was then told by a man from the council and about “7 Police men” (maximum excitement is what it is called technically) who came along with him and told me that I could not sleep there and that I would have to take my tent down and move on and this all can be checked out if need be further to this on the first day that I arrived at the property where I now live Mr Said stole my keys I was not sure about this until sometime later when I met him as I was coming home late one night and Mr Said tried to have a conversation with me then all of a sudden Mr Said stopped outside a house on the opposite side of the street and Mr Said said” wait look a white man lives here he hides his keys under a brick” and then he went into the man the Mans front garden and lifted a brick off of a downstairs window sill and produced a key I was then later to hear by one of my neighbours that there has been a prowler going around in the neighbourhood burgling peoples homes I then thought that there could be some connection and so along with all of my other problems that I have been having at this current residence I went along to the police station and reported them all including the dangerous gas leak the dangerous water leak right over the top of electric wiring, the fact that the Landlords own electrician claimed that it might be possible for us all to be electrocuted in our showers. Oh and the fridge works but then sounds like it is about to blow up after it has been left on for a while.  The cloned/free sky TV boxes the rigged eclectic meter and the theft of electricity water and gas the illegal conversion of an ex policeman’s house into Four illegal flats and the conversion of a shed into a flat making that five illegal flats all being paid by Housing benefits and Taxpayers with each flat costing the British Taxpayer £758.33 per month money, while the residents none of whom are British are all subletting their flats out to other people to live in and are making a fortune out of this illegal act while I the only legal one there duty conscious enough to have reported crime have just been illegally arrested (as they never formally cautioned me when “10 police men” (to install maximum excitement and fear in me why did I rob a bank am I selling drugs or guns have I raped or murdered somebody?) came around my flat early in the morning and they arrested me for what their desk sergeant deemed to be “a minor assault”/ common assault ) for an alleged assault upon Mr Said who is a known as an unreliable witness as he is known to be alcoholic many people around here have all seen him in states of drunkenness and have all heard him when he is drunk shouting and screaming out in the street at the top of his voice, a known crack cocaine addict who hangs around with other crack addicts and alcoholics and a known skunk smoker, he is also known to be is mentally ill and such combinations of drugs and alcohol really do not go together so well and therefore as a witness is by himself deemed to be unreliable by British / international law. The assault has already been deemed to be a lesser assault by the desk sergeant (even if the two “P.C” in charge of the case believe it to be otherwise the desk sergeant is of a higher rank and has overruled them so why waste taxpayers money and time either the man knows his job or he does not in which case he should no longer be working as a police sergeant?) as the desk sergeant has classed it as a lesser assault had I assaulted Mr Said faced with the background of the incident where he smashed my fence down and then urinated on it and then proceeded to pull and rip all the BT telephone/ broadband wiring connections in the house out in his drunken rage then it would have most clearly have been an act of provocation and in all fairness as a court of law would at least have to appear to be just and none bias as no real harm had been done as if anything had even occurred it would have been “Six of one, and half a dozen of the other” and so why are these two police constables (who incidentally appear to be gay) trying to push this case so far six weeks after the event took place when the officers who attended the call at the time six weeks ago who had first hand knowledge of the incident had decided that it didn’t need any further attention and had already dealt with the matter so why did they take all this trouble to dig this minor assault up again? Further not satisfied with that decision now they are even trying to go against their own desk sergeants decision and advice who had for the second time already dealt with this matter and are pursuing me and harassing me over this “minor assault” and are trying to get a conviction with it and send me to prison this quite clearly shows that they have a secret agenda and that this is not anything to do with this “minor assault” rather these two police officers have been “stalking me” and have been looking for a way of sending me back to prison which is something that I have been trying to say all along I am a “Targeted Individual” and I am being stitched up and this all shows that the stitch up is coming from a high level as it even involves members of two councils and an estate agent (I have pictures of the estate agents plush  locations.) this flat and all the things that they have been doing to me here have been designed to mentally control me disrupt and vex me to a state of madness and violence however as my state will not allow me legal aid to explain all of my housing and human rights and no one is listening to anything that I have to say perhaps the only way out of this allowing me to explain myself is to do a lesser violence because then if charged with it they would have to give me a solicitor and if convicted by it at the most I would get would be 6 months to 1 year possibly less because of prison over crowding it would be more like 3-4 months and then they would have to rehouse me when I came out of prison in a more reasonable suitable and legal form of housing you must admit it is tempting but for a mind control victim even this is dangerous as they could do anything to you once they got you inside behind prison walls (Mr Said does not have any stitches, cuts, broken bones, and is not invalided by any action that I have done however he had clearly been excessively drinking alcohol in a public place (which is an indictable offence of drunk and disorderly) and then proceeded to commit criminal damage (which is an indictable offence of criminal damage) and urinate in a public (which is an indictable offence of indecent exposure)  place disturbed the peace (which is an indictable offence i.e. disturbing neighbours in the area) and quite possibly might even have taken drugs (which would also be an indictable offence and yet he claims that I assaulted him?) too a lesser assault would therefore be deemed to be less serious plus he would of had cuts and bruises broken bones etc had it been more serious or should it had occurred which he did not have and even if he did have any he is a known alcoholic and drug abuser and I am sorry to say also mentally ill and therefore could have done any of these things to himself had they been done to him. And so do they have photographic proof or any medical evidence reports even to put any substance to Mr Said’s ( my challenge to these police officers is do they have any secret CCTV Audio and Video footage to this incident then? Is this place bugged for sound and vision? Have people/ gay police officers  illegally been watching me shower, piss, shit, masturbate and walk around naked inside my own flat? Or does our great government now give consent to such invasions of its citizen’s freedoms and liberties? Is this truly the fascist police state that the “Son’s of Anarchy” have all been talking, demonstrating, and rioting about?
Are we all justified for having done so then? Am I correct when I say that I need to train in physical, mental, political, and legal self defence because people who are meant to protect me wish to hurt me/ kill me? And is this why they are all trying to stop me from training by blocking my access to technology? Is this why they are all trying to lock me away to deny me the right
of any defence? If they would torture me now on civi street in broad daylight in this flat in front of you all then what type of a cell and conditions would they give me when nobody can see me behind bars?)   Mr Said claim I know that they will not because I did not do it but without such things the C.P.S who are the people each crime has to go through before it is even allowed to go to court would throw it out of the window/ in the bin because there is little if any chance of anyone being able to get a conviction with it under such circumstances because of the lack of evidence everywhere there are cuts in the budget and it cost so much to take a case to court and the country just cannot afford to take every case to court unless it has a good chance of a conviction so unless they should try to stitch me up and plant evidence on my person or in my flat they are unlikely to have much of a chance of a case or  a conviction unless they have by magic some secret video footage and if they did then I would have been correct in having said so the dirty bunch of perverts and I would therefore wish to make a massive claim against them of compensation for what they have all done to me? And something done about this massive fraud upon a wide scale going one with landlords and councillors working within Brent/council’s for still nothing was done.  Since I have been living at my current address I have broken into twice I also called the police twice about it in order to record these events and they gave me a C.A.D./ Crime Reference Number. The last time they broke into my flat they stole documents my new credit card, and password, and my CSCS CARD, Strangely enough nothing else even though I had computers cameras and other things which they could have taken.  My computers have also been hacked into since I have been living here several times and I think that my computer may have been cloned and maybe my site too. For the last six years wherever they have put me to live the flats have all been surrounded by Police personal. This flat apart from being an ex police house is surrounded by police families and Asians Hindu/ Muslims. The previous flat that they gave me was surrounded by Jews, police families and Hendon Central Police recruitment barracks. The place before that one I had police park their vans and cars just feet away right outside my front door and they used to arrest and search people there and eat and laugh and joke with the people in the restaurant that was attached to my flat by only a thin wall of plasterboard which the owners kept drilling holes in  and later tried to kill me by smashing an iron bar over my head and so there is now no way that certain police officers and officials can possible now say that they are not “stalking me” or that they have no will to harm me or haven’t got any involvement in all this or that I am not on a secret government/ illuminati mind control program that they are trying to cover up even by murderer or after all this that I am a “Targeted Individual”.  While I have been living in all of these flats they have also been trying to confuse me and send me mad by using acoustic weapons against me such as ultrasound speakers and microwave weapons for all those who need them I have references to the application and use of all these weapons on people and I must now tell you that I am not the only one that this sort of thing is happening to though having said that I might be the worse case so far in that no where before have I found with any of the other targeted Individuals have their stalkers/ controllers gone quite so far as to do all these things that they have done to the flat/ apartment in order to send a person crazy as they have done here to me and the flats that they have given me to live in which suggests that they really hate me with a vengeance perhaps I was more resistant tehehe. P.S. I managed to put this up on G+ yesterday from my laptop on my dongal in Fryent country park but then the battery went dead so I had to go back to the flat put it back on charge and then tried again however my Dongal couldn't pick up a signal because they got frequency blockers in the flat above me or it could be next door in the Iraqi house whom I believe as been hacking into my computers even when I am offline and he then opens all the pages and things to prevent me from doing anything but I cannot prove anything because I am on my own and he is working with the Police not sure what Mosque he goes to but as he's an Iraqi he must be going to one of them he might be a Shia Muslim dangerous guy because they were blocking me and preventing me from getting online and placing this up to my blog and the tube I was late for a Police interview involving Mr Said anyway now I have got to get my Solicitor to try and sort out another appointment or I could be in trouble but I had to get this up on the internet in order to safe guard myself and tell the world what the hell is going on and this is not even half of it but that it for now and so guys if you can help me in anyway I would be so most grateful and so very obliged thank you all out there love you all. XXXXX.
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