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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Bushcraft Wild Camping UK Tour 2013

02:28/ :A.M.  Mon/morning:29:06:2015 Give us a hand here boys now there trying to say that I am dangerous because I am into Bushcraft? Help!

 Due to my present
quite serious situation concerning Mr Saids allegation that I assaulted him I  was told by my solicitor that if I went home I
might be arrested why she said this I do not know as there is as far as I know
no ban or court injunction placed upon me prohibiting me from being able to go
back to my flat this all came at a very inappropriate time for me financially
as I was broke when this ambush hit me in between a rock and a hard place as
always the broadside knocked me right out of the water and stuck me out in no
mans land I was broke and my check would not arrive inside my account for
another 4-5 days and as my sleep had already been effected all that week due to
fumes pollution etc etc and so I needed to sleep and eat recover my strength and
put some nutrition back inside my body now so much more than usual as their attack
this time  appears to be so deadly
serious  therefore I have been taking
them seriously just in case she is right and so I have been once again sleeping
out in Parks and in doorways and on a chair around a friends flat/house miles
away from the area being careful not to provoke even further trouble until I
can first sort this bag full of troubles out. However I have been back once
since she told me not to in order to feed my Cat and get some clean cloths. Meanwhile
I have been trying to configure my new strategy response to this new situation it
is a very difficult one because since I have been telling everybody that I am a
on a Government mind control program and that I am a “Targeted Individual” my controllers/
stalkers have been trying to frame me as a Violent Schizophrenic  hoping to lock me away for life/ ever I think
that they are now trying to ambush me  and
section me off under the mental health act for they are trying to say that I am
a violent schizophrenic what they had not already managed to turn upside down within
the isolated little world that they made for me they all managed to do to me this
time around and this lion of Judah/ British Lion is very scared.  For by accusing me of being violently crazy
means that now after they have gone about provoking people against me and after
having urged them all on to attack me with the next breath he has  tied my hands so that I am now unable to
defend myself from an attack and as a result of this tonight as I could not
carry everything with me on my hustle missions and so I had to leave stuff with
a man who injects junk up his arm and whom I believe has who stolen my
blackberry phone stolen from my bag I guess temptation was just too much for
him to bear 

Bushcraft Wild Camping UK Tour 2013

02:28/ :A.M.  Mon/morning:29:06:2015

 Due to my present
quite serious situation concerning Mr Saids allegation that I assaulted him I  was told by my solicitor that if I went home I
might be arrested why she said this I do not know as there is as far as I know
no ban or court injunction placed upon me prohibiting me from being able to go
back to my flat this all came at a very inappropriate time for me financially
as I was broke when this ambush hit me in between a rock and a hard place as
always the broadside knocked me right out of the water and stuck me out in no
mans land I was broke and my check would not arrive inside my account for
another 4-5 days and as my sleep had already been effected all that week due to
fumes pollution etc etc and so I needed to sleep and eat recover my strength and
put some nutrition back inside my body now so much more than usual as their attack
this time  appears to be so deadly
serious  therefore I have been taking
them seriously just in case she is right and so I have been once again sleeping
out in Parks and in doorways and on a chair around a friends flat/house miles
away from the area being careful not to provoke even further trouble until I
can first sort this bag full of troubles out. However I have been back once
since she told me not to in order to feed my Cat and get some clean cloths. Meanwhile
I have been trying to configure my new strategy response to this new situation it
is a very difficult one because since I have been telling everybody that I am a
on a Government mind control program and that I am a “Targeted Individual” my controllers/
stalkers have been trying to frame me as a Violent Schizophrenic  hoping to lock me away for life/ ever I think
that they are now trying to ambush me  and
section me off under the mental health act for they are trying to say that I am
a violent schizophrenic what they had not already managed to turn upside down within
the isolated little world that they made for me they all managed to do to me this
time around and this lion of Judah/ British Lion is very scared.  For by accusing me of being violently crazy
means that now after they have gone about provoking people against me and after
having urged them all on to attack me with the next breath he has  tied my hands so that I am now unable to
defend myself from an attack and as a result of this tonight as I could not
carry everything with me on my hustle missions and so I had to leave stuff with
a man who injects junk up his arm and whom I believe has who stolen my
blackberry phone stolen from my bag I guess temptation was just too much for
him to bear 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015



You tell me I was born here in England   in
London 60’ years ago I am of mixed race English and Jamaican.
 Because of our Jamaican history and of what
the English did to my people we Jamaicans/ West Indians by taking away our
language and religion and forbidding us to speak our language or practice our
religion as they kept no real records of who we were or exactly where we came
from before they enslaved us we are always looking in our past trying to
connect ourselves to the Earth/Africa and our Ethnic roots. However apart from
this white English liberals have quite a tradition of tolerance of other
peoples cultures and religions many English people for instance have converted
from Christianity to Buddhistism, Hinduism and Yoga and I myself though I am of
mixed race have also tried my hand and looked into some of these philosophies
and have even practised these religions as well as Islam but now because of my
having practised Islam for awhile and because I have had a long standing
sympathy for the Afghan people because of the way they were mistreated by the
Soviets I and John Rambo a Great American Marine a Special Forces Navy seal
sometime later developed a great respect for a tall skinny frail looking Man
wearing a turban on his head and a long flowing dress robe who turned out to be
a million men all wrapped up in one body and who was called Osama Bin Laden and
was part of the underground resistance against what the people at the time all
said was their great oppressor and who I was told at the time by Muslims that
he was the equivalent to our Robin Hood or Switzerlands William Tell or the
masked T.V. Hero ZOORO. Question:- does it make someone a Taliban or an Al
Qaida just because they sympathised with the Afghan people when they were being
bombarded out of existence by the Soviets state and its army? Well what I can
tell you is the America government didn’t think so at the time of the Soviet
Invasion of Afghanistan it even sent the military advisors in to Afghanistan
like John Rambo to train them with weapons to arm them neither was our British
Government opposed to it we also supported the people of Afghanistan and we
also sent military advisors and weapons over to help people like Osama Bin
Laden to arm train and lead his people in fact Osama Bin Laden even used to
work for the C.I.A. he worked for them neither did the French oppose them for
they too sent weapons to them and did some business with them helping to fill
up the debt of their treasury neither did our government our military or our
news media think it anything other than heroic as they presented them to the
British public with smiles and jokes when former British Soldiers appeared on
our news channels dressed as Islamic Afghanis with turbans and Afghan hats upon
their heads praying like Muslims fighting alongside of them and walking around
holding Kalashnikovs rifles. That was in the 80’s you know sometimes I grow a
little weary and confused even dizzy at the constantly changing attitudes of
people and of “PEOPLE’S” for I know that a DOG is supposed to be for life but
not a friend? Perhaps I am a old fashioned and a little too trusting/ easily
lead and stupid but then who could of guessed that such people would ever have
turned around on us the things that we tort them or could be so hateful to be
responsible for such things as 9/11 and 7/7 something I abhor and completely
condemn it’? Most of you who criticize now were not even alive then and so you
do not know how people felt at the time or what it was all about it is like my
trying to criticise a stone age man about his dental hygiene it would neither
be fair or right however it is very much my observance that there are yet just
as many gullible people around today as when I started though the road perhaps
today has more government and police guides upon it than the roads did that I
found to walk down and so that is a good thing as it will mean that not so many
people with good intentions will be hijacked by the wrong people and lead down
the wrong paths of thought and ideologies however so I am told that Islam is
the fastest growing religion on the face of this planet and there are more than
one billion Muslims I guess we had all better prepare ourselves now for the
worse because it is my experience during my 60 years walking around upon this
Earth that once such attitudes have been formed things start and begin then
they cannot be stopped and I have seen certain attitudes in some Muslims in the
world which had they half a brain and less vanity could have turned turn into
something disastrous which is why I personally decided to move away from it
because Islam is not like any other religion that I have ever encountered or I
think that this country has ever dealt with before it sort of slipped in under
the dress robes of Buddhism which is wrapped in a flag of peace, in Hinduism
again which is wrapped in a flag of peace, and Yoga once more which is wrapped
in a flag of peace were I found Islam a word which is said to mean peace listed
under Sufism but is a religion written in a different language which takes a
considerable amount of months before any real understanding of what is in the
package or what it’s about begins to dawn upon a person was my experience and
as you do not know what the religion is supposed to  or what to exspect? Then because you have no
wish to offend and you are in a new religion and trying to show people your
being sincere and interested taking it seriously it leaves you open to would be
DANGEROUS ideologist to walk in on you and take you from one group and lead you
into another group almost as if they blindfolded  or hypnotised you without you even knowing the
difference then after you have been with them for a considerable amount of time
they begin to tell you the differences between the two and you begin to wonder
where the word peace went to in the name Islam and I believe caught us all off
guard and is continuing to catch those seeking spiritual truths today off guard
in much the same way as before if this were not true then I would not be
hearing stories about kids leaving England to go and join a load of Blood
thirsty demons out in the desert of Syria today crucifying Women and children
and even their own converts to Islam who had gone over their risking their
lives in order to help them and attend to their sick in our National newspapers
and on our T.V. Channels. However much Later almost 10 years later in fact our
British news channels once again were full of scenes of War anguish and
devastation here once again a peoples were being abused and suppressed even
worse they were being exterminated pretty much in the same way that the Nazi’s
did to the Jews during the second World War a War which happened only 10 YEARS
before I was born and therefore when I was born there was still much feeling in
the air about how dreadful it was and what a victory we all had achieved and a
terrible sorrow was felt for Jewish people and their losses at the hands of all
those Nazi pigs in their concentration camps and this feeling was intrinsic to
being British and a view adhered to by all of the Allies or of their kin or
supporters which of course by birth I was an example of this was a song we used
to walk around in groups in our school play ground chanting almost every break
time “We won the war, in 1944, we won the war, in 1944, we won the war, in
1944.” Etc, etc, etc. Thus it is a completely different sort of mind set and
backdrop that kids and adults have today from what they used to have 60 years
ago playing together in our bomb sites in our dirty torn and worn jeans and
scuffed shoes when I was a boy things were different and so were the kids the
kids today are all spoilt soft in comparison wouldn’t get their hands dirty cry
if they stained their jeans or most likely throw them away an buy a new pair
talk about recycling they would not dream of doing such things as we did but
scorn it and some would even deny that such things as the Holocaust ever even happened
perhaps it is enough to say that we are different people however if I was to
say that then you would never understand and so I continue. The new victims
this time upon our T.V. News channels were the Kosavans and they were being
slaughtered taken away and shot in woods or along country roads their houses
and villages were being demolished mostly with them still inside of their
houses they had no army no weapons no defences no allies no help young boys and
men were taken and either shot or staved to death or impaled upon stakes in
Serbian concentration camps needless to say the Great British public was once
again outraged with the plight of the Kosvans and all the very graphic pictures
that they/we saw coming out from that area. What we saw was dead babies weeping
mothers daughter and fathers people being systematically murdered by a very
strong and well equipped Serbian military force that was bombing and strafing
the Kosvans from the sky and using Howitzers / cannon fire and rockets as well
as heavy machine guns and R.P.G’S on them from the ground. Our hearts went out
to good old Tony Blair who for me not being that into politics at the time was
a new face upon the scene Tony Blair who was later to be our Prime Minister
helped to raise awareness of the Kosvans peoples plight and got our Government
(a tory government) to send the Kosavans military advisors which they did do
who trained them and armed them then he got the united nation to intervene and
divided the two sides giving a leeway for the Kosavans while they prepared
themselves in training and armaments for war and the fight back. During that
time there were many horrific T.V. News reports which I and 90% of the British
public felt moved and were very alarmed by all wishing that we could do
something to help but then that is intrinsic to the Great British Spirit towards
the down trodden and all of those in disadvantage it is the British Spirit that
I grew up with during the 1950’s which in itself represents all that is British
it is our best virtue and quality and if I have learnt nothing of any good
during the whole of my worthless life and existence but one thing it would be
that. Indeed it is my spirit and is cloned to my whole being and moral purpose
in life I suppose most kids and adults of today might not understand that but
as I have already tried to explain to you all we are different people and you
are different people living today with many different attitudes and Ideas from
that which we were all brought up to believe in and understand but then I guess
this is your centaury and I am but an intruder here now doing nothing much now
but sitting around waiting for the man to put the green light on and to tell me
to bail out.  There were T.V. News
appeals made by the RedCross asking for drivers to volunteers to go out to
Kosovo and help them. I was one of those people who answered the call. I
thought that I had the right credentials having learned to drive from Banger
Racing meant that I knew how to smash into another car and force it off of the
road it also meant that if someone tried to force my car off of the road or my
car was smashed into from the back or the side or was turned over on its head I
would know what to do about it were as so many people would not, and being able
to ride a bicycle a motor bike or drive a car, a van, a lorry manual, automatic,
normal or four wheel drive, column gear or floor gears, and having past my
first aid course three times with the St Johns, St Andrews, The Red Cross,
having been a former Army Cadet in three different detachments including the
Royal Tank Regiment which in that situation might have come in useful as well
as my knowledge of being able to navigate by the sun, the stars, or a tree, or
with some oily water and a needle and light a fire with two bits of wood, a
knowledge of poisonous, edible, and medicinal herbs and how to obtain water
from trees, the Earth, or even from urine or sea water, and my knowledge of
hunting trapping and tracking, and of making weapons such as spears knives bows
and arrows, of making natural shelters, of knowing how to camouflage myself my
shelter/encampment how to cross land with the least chance of being seen or
heard of how to attack or defend a position or how to make a tactical retreat,
and a half good working knowledge and ability in the martial arts, being able
to run a half marathon with all my kit on my back in a rucksack, if we got in
trouble this might help, being able to sprint 100 yrds in about 10-seconds also
gave me a great advantage ( I am still a 
pretty fast sprinter even now that I am 60 years old of course this was
all back in the 90’s, being able to benchpress 175-K.G’S, CURL 80-K.G’S-
DEADLIFT 200-K.G’S and lift 125-130-K.G’S above my head at the time, having
been a club manager and then later trained as a physical training Instructor
gave me the skills that I needed to work in a team or as a team leader,
speaking some French, some Spanish, some German, some Arabic, I thought that
when I answered the call they would except me and call my arse in but they did not
I thought fuck em I’l just join the Army instead but then the Army told me that
I was too old?
I am a child of the Universe; I am your natural
Outcast M.C. I am your natural Outlaw M.C. I am your natural Son’s Of Anarchy
M.C. I am Enemy Of The State, I Am Dr Richard Kimble The Fugitive, I am a
Targeted Individual. Though I am not really affiliated to any M.C. except for
online I am a Biker back in the 80’s I used to work as a biker courier for a
company called Walker dispatch in Graves Inn Road Kings Cross, and Arrow
express off oxford street, and then Phoenix Express out of Covent Garden
Cambridge Circus end W.I.  I do
occasionally when I can afford it and have a working bike pull into a bike fest,
I have owned many Bikes and rode with bikers I am no phoney I fight hard and
live fast when the cogs are oiled unofficially so to speak I have been living
an Outlaw/Outcast 1% type life style since I was a kid of 15 years old I was
born an Outcast due to my colour and who I am and the way I think, I am
independent lone wolf and a natural man I do 
not particularly wish to go to Hell or be one of it’s Angels however it
would seem like that is the place I am going to find most of my girlfriends and
mates and find someone with the missing issues of backstreet heroes so what the
hell am I gonna do sit drinking tea with the vicar or go and have a beer with
my mates?  I am being stalked and controlled
by evil people and none of them are bikers or Hippies no their the fucking
straights Man the short haired sons of tricky dicky John Lennon was telling us
all about the imposters who all hate us but then try to look like us because
they think we look cool and their taking over our seen.  Here’s a controversial thing did you know
that Camden stables Market is owned by MUSLIMS NOW? Did you know that most of
the drugs sold in England/ Great Britain today especially in the Camden area
are brought into this country and sold by Muslims? Did you know that all the
late night corner shops in London who illegally sell Alcohol out of hours are
Muslims? A Question of morality 1, If Muslims are against our evil Satanic
culture of Rock music how can they serve and cater to us, would they sell their
souls for money would forty pieces of silver do? 2, If Muslims have not sold
their souls for money and are truly against magic and Haram then how can they
own all the stalls in Camden and sell us tea shirts with magical symbols on
them, FOR MONEY?  3, If Muslims are truly
against drugs because of rulings in their Holy Book the Quran which states that
your not allowed to take or do anything that would harm your body such as
taking drugs or Tattooing your body then how can they be Tattooist or even rent
premises to a Tattooist, further more how can they take or sell drugs? Further
more if Muslims are so law abiding and afraid of Allah then how can they import
drugs to sell to British people and make us into drug addicts when their Holy
Quran tells them that when they die all the things which they started they will
be responsible (from rumours etc) for and they will all be piled up in a heap
behind them when they are judged by Allah? 4, If Muslims are against our
Satanic rock and roll music then why did they buy the stables in Camden Town
London N.W.1. which is the English home of Rock Music today where the Satanic
Rock Music can be constantly heard being played at full volume all day and
night I thought Muslims hated Satan and didn’t want anything to do with him but
wanted to get as far away from him as they could oh but for money it’s ok?  5, If some Muslims believe you should not use
aftershave because it has alcohol in it and alcohol has been banned to them by
Allah himself then what use is it of their putting the eye of Fatima up in
their windows if their house is full of Alcohol when they know that to do haram
allows the Shaitarn /Satan in unless they doing some other preventative Magical
ritual involving the hand of Fatima in order to keep him out?   If they are good Muslims as Muslims all
claim to be then how can they even touch a can or a bottle of Alcohol
especially during THEIR SACRED MONTH OF RAMADAM? If Islam is the right religion
and an example for every other religion to follow if Muslims are the example
for everyone to follow and we all should believe in Allah be good Muslims and
believe in all of his holy books then how can Muslims be behind everything that
is thought to be evil in the World such as War, crucifixion, beheading, murder,
burning Women on fires,  the Mutilation
of female genitals, killing people with stones, God is said to have created us
the condition of our bodies is natural and as he God/ Allah created it therefore
to try and change that condition and modify it in anyway such as to have breast
or penis implants Tattoo’s or to cut away bits from our bodies such as male and
female circumcision would make our bodies unnatural and would in itself be a
blasphemy would it not?  We Humans invent
and design complex things such as planes, boats space ships etc etc do we not?
But to say that our creator God does not know how to design our Human body that
it needs a human being to modify Gods imperfections in order to make it Holy do
you not understand is a none-sense and a Blasphemy so why are you doing
unnatural things making your women wear black a colour which absorbs the heat
wear as white the colour which Muslim men wear and which is supposed to be pure
reflects the heat? If you are Holy people who God designed to live here on this
planet Why does everything that you do oppose the nature of this planet? Why do
you make your Women cover up the whole of their bodies in black a sinister
colour associated with magic, evil, and with death, even their faces suffocating
them in the heat at the hottest time of the year in the summer time in the
hottest countries in the World and hiding their faces away from life isolating
them from other Human Beings? Why if Islam is the chosen religion of and from
God are Muslims preventing and other peoples freedoms? Why here in London in
Camden Town are Muslims behind controlling every Evil and bringing it into
Camden Town such as Alcohol, drugs, Rock Music, Satanic symbols, Chains, whips,
handcuffs, studs, Kinky leather cloths, Black Gothic Clothing pertaining to
necrophilia (or fucking the dead) necroromancing or romancing the dead?
This leads me to ask the questions that
everybody has been waiting to hear if this is the new version of moderate Islam
which would appear to be full of evil then what is Islam supposed to be, and
what is a good Muslim?
For although Abu Humza was a technical
intelligent man for he was a qualified surveyor and thousands upon thousands of
Muslims thought of him as a kind of new Islamic Jesus and came to his Mosque in
Finsbury Park to pray with him even outside in the street in front of everybody
praying in the rain thousands came to listen to him speak and buy his books
tapes/C.D’S and Video’s we have heard from all the other sheiks and scholars
excepted by the Police and our government that Abu Hamza was a stupid man and
his style of Islam was wrong and full of misinterpretations of the Quran and
the Islamic Holy Books that he wasn’t a proper Sheik and our government and
police force said that he was an immoral trouble maker stirring people up and
so they were all against him and they deported him to America were they all
knew that they would give him a bloody good hiding and eventually torture this
one eyed invalid sheik who does not have any arms to protect himself to death
like they did to his trouble making Taliban friends in Mal greb prison in Iraq
who were said to have  also preached
misinterpretations of the Quran therefore obviously everything he tort must
have been wrong then. And so what exactly is the example of Islam that anybody
should be following?
Muslims should look down there noses at people who drink Alcohol and Alcoholics
then why is it that they sell it to them, to anybody, and risk arrest and
damming their souls by sell it out of hours for money?
If Muslims should look down their noses at
Heroin addicts then why do they grow and export Heroin knowing that it will
later inflict pain and misery upon people in other parts of the World even upon
Muslims and make them into addicts when they could have made them into Muslims
I maybe stupid but for me Muslims and Islam just do not make any sense and by
what they do they all seem to be just as lost as I am if not worse off
By the police, the council’s and others/
government/ Alumminatie
AWAY FOREVER OR KILL ME. Many years ago when I used to work in the west end of
London in Soho the police in the west end threatened to stitched me up unless I
moved out of the west end and never came back they told me that things are going
to change around here (looking at Soho now one can clearly see that things have
very much changed firstly there has been a change in management from that of
the people management/being us our gangsters to that of their gangsters/being
controlled by” gays and Lesbians” ( note. our first encounter) the Police and
their operatives and snitches. Later I will upload to you photos of Police
operatives/ their gang which quite strangely enough is related to the gang that
now stalks me well isn’t that a coincidence what they kicked me out and
stitched me up to take my place?) but I did not move out of the west end but
instead continued doing what I was doing then when I was out and about one
night doing the homee in the town area where I lived ( South Tottenham N16.)
having some free time and relaxing in one of my local area’s disco’s (Standford
Hill LONDON N16. The Flowerpot which no longer exists having been pulled down
to make way for new housing to house so many new immigrants coming in) being
the confident free spirited person that I am dancing on my own upon the dance
floor where from some distance away I noticed a tall slim figured attractive
blond haired Woman come into the disco (whom I shall refer to here as “ W”
wearing a tight P.V.C. Catsuit with matching long black stiletto heeled shoes(the
first coincidence related to bondage and foot worship P.V.C. Catsuits are
sometimes referred to as Mistress suits while tall black stiletto heeled shoes
are sexually related to foot worship.) she spoke to the two door supervisors on
duty there one black man and one white man then they all looked up at me and
spoke among themselves for a few minutes thinking about it now none of them
were either smiling or laughing as they looked at me after this the girl came
over to me where I was dancing upon the dance floor and began to start dancing
in front of me. She was quite easy to talk to had an attractive smile nice
teeth and a pleasant voice and almost immediately we began to dance together
fairly soon after that I had her number and a date with her to commence two
weeks from the day/ evening that we first met as she told me she couldn’t meet
me sooner because she was going away to Holland for two weeks (second
coincidence I had some mixed race friends/ brothers who were new upon the scene
in Soho but who were quite handy Essex/ Chingford gangsters whom I used to work
for who ran topless hostess bars in Soho and over in Holland at the time.
Further another coincidence would be that Chingford is related to the North
Circular and Epping Forest where so many London murders have been committed so
is Tottenham marshes
Dick Turpin country, Willesden, Hendon, Wembley
and Hackney al of which are intrinsic to me.). We danced and drank together for
two or three hours and then she made her excuses and left but before she did so
she revelled to me that she worked in Soho in one of the topless hostess bars (third
coincidence of that evening). I was pining for a good woman being as I had just
lost a girlfriend who I shall just refer to as “C” who was a bit kinky( fourth
coincidence “W” had the essence of Kink dressed as she was in her P.V.C.
mistress suit) a bit of a nutter (fifth coincidence I was later to find out that
“W” was very much a nutter and a dangerous one too) and who fucked like hell
(six coincidence likewise so did “W” that I was to find out two weeks later on
her return back from Holland)  that I had
lost to a Lesbian(whom I shall just refer to her as “G”) Prostitute Bondage
Madam (seventh coincidence I was later to find out that “W” was Bisexual and
quite heavily into pain and the bondage scene the question is could “W” have
been one of “G” Lesbian bondage girlfriends or was she directly hired by the
special Police?) Lesbian Bondage Madam who pimped a bunch of bondage hooker
girls in flats all over London including Park Lane Mayfair ( getting to know
“G” through having had “C” as a girlfriend is where I ended up picking up the
special Police on my tail possibly because that area in those days was
patrolled by a lot of black pimps and my colour being mixed race great big Afro
hair expensive suits as well as my Jaguar XJ6 4.2 car as well as the fact that they
more than likely had they run me through a C.R.O. check then they would have
known that I once lived with a prostitute for a few months and had been
arrested and charged for having done so as it is illegal to live with a
prostitute and except money or goods from her which even include a cigarette a
cup of tea or a meal which therefore made it impossible for me not to be
charged as I did live with her and we quite obviously did share things but here
in England as it is considered to be living off of immoral earnings do so.
Having worked in Soho for a number of years a place from where the thick veneer
which covers and hides the true nature of mankind is quite quickly pulled back
to revel the true self my opinion on Prostitution is a non hypocritical one of
mature and logical understanding and relaxed tolerance for it is the oldest
known profession at the end of the day they are people just like everybody else
but perhaps with more widely open minds and people are always going to need
them as they always have done so through the ages but our British law is still
playing the fool coy boy and because of this immature and most boring synthetic
ritual dementedly it wants to punish people for their human nature and so they
have made it so if and when the law chooses neither a man nor a woman can live
with a prostitute without being charged with immoral earnings (which is a crime
that you can get 11 years for luckily I did not because I was working earning
my own money as a Hotdog and Hamburger salesman and a partime photographer.) the
Special Police go around in red cars and vans but with their usual word police
stamped on their cars side imbedded within the usual florescent amber and white
stripe down the side of it and I think their armed with guns they usually work
around the area of Buckingham palace Victoria and park lane is one of their
main areas they and a 16 stone 6ft 6 inch’s racist Police man who attacked me
one night in an ex Policeman pub in Soho back in 1982 and who once worked for
west end central police station in the fight I ended up putting him in hospital
when I was just 11 and a half stone 5ft and just a few inches tall so there’s
your motive and they may well have orchestrated this whole thing against me)
and was related to one of the hardest old gangsters in South East London the
now deceased Harry Hayward they made a movie about him (she was his niece I
shall just refer to her as “G”) maybe his niece killing two birds with one
stone in order to get rid of me so that she could have my girlfriend all to
herself made a deal with the police against me in order to allow her to operate
in their area of rich pickings/Mayfair just behind the Hilton hotel how
convenient? When I was pre-released from prison on weekend home leave
(something the prison/ courts do in order to get you reconditioned to live back
in society after you have served a long time in prison.) “G” sent Harry
Haywards personal Chauffer to come and pick me up from the prison gate and
bring me to another one of “G” residence her pent house apartment in Mayfair
Dover street just in front of the Ritz Hotel and a Jazz club called
Slamensckies ( I think that this may have been the address I gave to the prison
as my weekend home leave and so I guess that might have got up their noses just
a little bit ah?)  to come and stay with
her and again when I was released from prison. When I was late coming back from
prison home leave one time and then decided not to go back but instead had it
on the run as by then they were going to give me extra time anyway for being
late back “G” found and paid for hotels for me to live in and gave me hundreds
of £’s spending money to the new custom of my living and lent me her Jaguar XJ6
4.2 to get around in for about four weeks while I was on the run as I no longer
had my own one until I decided to go back and finish the rest of my time and I
shall always be in her debt for that but was it all done in order to try to
redirect me and put me off of the cent so that I would never guess that it was
“G” who did this to me “hell have no fury like a woman’s scorn” So was this
revenge for having fucked her girlfriend she did know “C” first or was “G” in
love with me too?  For though she was a
Lesbian I did have sex with “G” on two occasions (but then of course I was
irresistible which is how I got the title “007”. Or more commonly known as
“Long shot” on account that I was even able to sexually satisfy prostitutes,
peep show girls, strippers, Topless Hostess, a couple of Nymph a maniacs all of
course of whom are far more sexually experienced than your average normal women/house
wife and definitely much more experienced than any teenage girls could be
(though there are some who I might like to issue some gold stars to) all of
which in turn makes me an expert in love making but nowadays who would have
ever dreamed of such a thing? However after some rather frightening experiences
and times of deep grievance and loss I decided to hung up my cock and balls
upon the rack to rest while I tried to covert their energy into spiritual powers
and venture upon a spiritual quest in order to try and more fully protect
myself  spiritually from unseen enemies
that I know have been adverse to me from the very day that I was born (which
they my mind control stalkers are deliberately trying to block me from doing
and prohibit with all of their constant daily insults 24/7 threats of violence
all filling me and surrounding me with their negative energy, which as I had
shown an interest to learn spiritual things and change my life and turn it
around for something more lasting that would be far better for me than my
criminal activities and rutted circle of life that I was then trapped with in
therefore this may all have been their harry potter type of response to my
request I guess that it’s could be a type of a magical training process for
protection which either breaks or strengthens a person mentally and spiritually
and enables a person with the mental strength and will power to be able to
block out and overcome all negative vibrations such as they would need to have
the power to do if they should have to enter behind the veil into the occult
realm’s of Angels, Magick, and of Demons much of the things which are seldom
mentioned about in normal everyday religion but which effect us all in our
normal lives and are of the unseen part of religion behind the engine coverings
where the pumps and gears live where with the right tools like such ancient
prophet’s and Angels have/ had one is able to adjust things like the certain
states of reality and existence that our consciousness lives within an to be
able to protect ourselves and others from the wrathic powers/influences of
Demons and creatures of the unseen which normal people neither know exist or
can hear or see and is why I have been Hermitical and sexually celibate for so
many years and can be seen to have been interests within so many different
religions while again perhaps it is why those men with average sexual knowledge
now call me a pervert the so called normal guys? However there are many gates
into Hades/ Hell and the lower realms of the heavens while such spiritual Sufi/
Buddhist/ Hindu like chantings Mantras or the Magical shamanic versions of
Sadomasochism in akin to that which Rasputin adopted with his Flagellants and that
of the American Indian Sundance ceremonies and special intoxicating beverages
herbs or translucent drugs as in ancient times can be used as one of the
versions of freeing the Human soul and opening such portholes/gates into these
realms just one of them yet there are many and therefore it is a logical step
for someone like myself with a security inclined mind and background to need to
know about “whatever”  other people already
know about as a security operative cannot allow other people to have secret
information about things that they do not have or have  access to because it could marginalises their
security and those whom they are trying to protect therefore it is logical to
pursue or prohibit such knowledge in order to eliminate any chance of others
being able to compromise your security abilities in order that it cannot be
used against them and their security strategy. Which is one of the reasons why
they are all opposing me and blocking my spiritual evolution and afterlife
preparations Ah but of course they are all the greedy perverted Freemasonic
Mysteries Lodge Police gangster operatives (which is why we call them special
police) who are sneaky because instead of buying pornographic material like
most other people they instead raided our sex shops time after time and
confiscated all of our “HARDCORE” pornographic magazines and video’s and wanked
over them (true stuff at least one of their porn detectives has been suspended
and convicted of sex crimes even including Paedophilia) how many more of them
are there which have managed to go undetected or who are being protected and
hidden recently further such Paedophilic sex crimes have been exposed on our
news channels and in our national newspapers which lead from the police right
up to government the lords the so called nobility and yet further hints leading
even to the doorsteps of Royalty?  This
dark but familiar trail bearing the tell tale signs of blood sex and video tape
spying surveillance scandle audio recordings threats violence police with the
only thing missing so far being a murder or a Human Sacrifice can be seen to
belong to any well known spy book worth it’s salt with the letters M.I.5 or
C.I.A. attached to it. The added symbols of Black Magick that can be seen
scattered all along this trail of ill intent is quite clearly the finger print
or the signature of the ones who crafted and weaved these evil webs and snare
traps all along the way the ones who set them hoping to catch me in them “The
illuninati”.  The forensics of their
involvement in this case is quite blatantly clear placing them in their
fortress at the top of the hill at the end of this trail a place of obscured
advantages surrounded by trees and bushes with a commanding view over all that
goes on around them as usual pulling all the strings behind the scenes and
making Zombies of all the people below their feet.)  and then because they had become addicted and
obsessed to our pornography they then had a lust to own the whole British porn
industry and themselves control the making of all the porn because they needed
the illegal black market drugs industry in order to give themselves street
credibility and millions in unseen undeclared monies with which to build their
lusty desires with they then began attacking deporting and killing off Yardy
Dons and taking over from them placing their own Police snitch operatives in
the Yardies key positions as they removed the Yardies therefore they did take
over by fitting us all up and locking us all away for long periods of time so
that when we hit the street again not so many people know us and our power base
had gone and then in order to prevent us from gaining it all back again upon
our release back into society they assassinated our characters then tried to
emanate us and jump into our Soho shoes and they stitched me up and who stole
my job and my Soho pitch so they could work it themselves with their secret
frontline snitch Operatives that they use to hide the dirty bloodied trails
coming back to their own doors while they have made me a beggar busker seated
lowly upon the ground upon the streets of what was my old kingdom however I am
in fact now happy at this stage of my life having achieved the wisdom of it to
trade up this old materialist kingdom and its jewels for a far greater
spiritual one but in order to prevent me from doing so my illuninati stalkers
and their operatives constantly harass me and surround me with negative energy
in order that I should have to consume some and react destroying my chances of
further enlightenment and spiritual evolutions.)?
On my Blog I have uploaded videos which help to
allow you to understand about the “Secrets of Sound”. The ones which deal
mainly with “Ultra sound waves” and “Infra sound waves”.  I have also uploaded a video which shows you
and teaches you the Indian meditation Yogic Guru’s Mantra and the power and
controlling use of Infra sound chanting. I have shown you these things that you
might better understand the Illuminaties use and ability to control peoples
minds and program them by the use of (in my case) of “Subliminal Hypnosis” upon
my person as I sleep here in this flat.  There
are three main ways in which they can do this to me here in this flat. The first
one would by using controllers in the flat above me, the second one would be to
use controllers in Mr Saids flat, Flat number one, The third one would be to
use an operative in the House next door where the Iraqis live or all three of
them all put together in sequence or all at once and failing that to then just
to fill my flat with electronic two way bugs and then allow the stalker psychologist
who has been watching and predicting my every move to advice their trained
adept hypnotist to open up/weaken 
certain psychological doors of advantage to them that they would be able
to more easily manipulate me and mentally control me remotely by their knowing
everything that I was about to do in advance before my having done it with this
knowledge then by surrounding me with their stalker operatives  to control the events of my day by first stalking
me to learn my needs and then by learning what I intend to do about them and
how I would intend to go about it through hypnotic inducement then by
presenting me with one or more of the varieties of my needs in order to bridle
and bit turn me/ a person in any direction of their wishing by during the
course of my day sending certain stalker operatives in to me to open and close
like 0101010 binary code different avenues of opportunities according to my
known needs fears likes and lusts in the event of being able to control which
direction they wish me to head in and what action they wish me to do once there
or while doing so etc and so this is one method used in their illegal mind
control program against me. That is only the method used against me and others,
what their dictionary of mind control tools or vocabulary consist of is anyone’s
guess I only know that they use terrorist tactics by using people’s worst fears
against them. Such as who today would wish to be called a Terrorist? Or a
Rapist? Or a Paedophile? Etc all powerful words which could get a person killed
or very seriously injured if they were accused of them in public. In order to
turn a person into a paedophile they first use brainwashing techniques upon
that person. They stalk and monitor that person for years and each day call
them a paedophile day in and day out every chance that they get and then when
that person sleeps they use their hypnotist and psychologist to invade the mind
of their victim and to familiarize it with the child of their choosing or
children in particular. They then use sound engineers who mix sound
subliminally with normal household sounds and their daily sounds. Next they
find out what sounds and actions excite their victim and then mix these sounds
in with the sounds of children generally or of a particular child in order that
their victim should grow a sexual attachment with this child/ children people
animals perhaps even with a chair who knows. However while this is all going on
the victim body language and actions are being monitored and spectrums that
monitor their heart beat respiration perspiration their thermal image are being
used against them in order to reveal within their victim which sounds /pitches
tones smells actions /effects are having the best effect’s upon them and making
them more vulnerable and weaker to the manipulation of their controllers these
then are all analyzed and stored digitally for ever. Being stored digitally
means that they can even be placed upon an app and therefore used by anyone who
can afford to buy it once brought it would render the buyer a virtual slave
owner of that person. Mantra’s. There are mantra’s/ chants suras in the Quran
which when read can send a person to sleep and some of these are being used on
me. In order to use them on a person and achieve the best effects it would be
best to attach it and lead it to an irresistible variety of  desirable and lusty tempter made up from the
dictionary that you have accumulated and built of their most desired and liked
topics lusts etcs dangling it like bate upon the end of a fishing hook in order
to catch their attention when they are least expecting such an attack the bate
upon the fish hook will then upload into them like a computer virus pulling
along with it your App/ mantra which then could be a mantra commanding that
person to sleep kill rape masturbate whatever. It previously has been said that
under hypnosis you cannot force a person to do things which they were against
doing. But that is not or no longer true for as I have just explained it is all
about the packaging of an item if the poison is covered in your favourite
honey/candy and you were hungry then you 
would have to be very strong not to eat it especially if you were being
controlled by someone else who is telling you that you like it you love it you
need it your life depends upon it etc and then surrounding that with all the
smells sounds and sexual feelings that you like via the use of acoustic
microwave weapons.  
I have uploaded some videos on my blog which
explain to you just some of the applications that microwave sound can be used
for. One it can be used as a weapon to blow things especially organic things
apart. Two it can be used as a weapon of pain and of torture or in order to
remotely pleasure a person “SEXUALLY” as sound is just a vibration and
vibrations vibrate at different frequencies for an example of what I am talking
about try humming gently in and around the ears of your wife, Husband etc and
then ask them how they feel and if it makes them feel horny, try humming
against their groin area and buttocks thyes and then ask them how do they feel
does it make them feel horny? Right well I can tell you from personal
experience that it will do and so to go one more step further ask your self
would a vibrator brought in a sex shop sexually turn you on and make you feel
horny if your lover used it on you? Well of course it would other wise the
original inventor and invention that  they made would never have left the drawing
board and been produced in such large numbers instead now having becoming a
franchise. And so let us go another step further forward, and this one goes out
to all the people who used to go to the Embassy club in shepherds bush back in
the eighties remember this? Bless peace and one Lion love.xxxx.  As a young man I used to go to a lot of
reggae music clubs in some of these clubs the bass was played so loudly that my
drink felt like it was vibrating as I drunk it inside my throat.  if a weapon were made that could generate
vibrations which were so powerful that they could travel and be felt over a
great distance. If such a weapon were made that it so powerful that it’s
vibration could be remotely used as a weapon of crowd control such as the
military and police ones in the video’s then what about the white and pink
noise and wands made by British manufactures and then sold to different
tyrannical dictatorship governments around the world to use as weapons of
torture against political prisoners which such groups as the black cross and
amnesty international are all trying to globally prohibit and ban much against
the wishes of the British M.O.D. etc while there are other videos of sound
weapons that are similar to the horn spoken about in biblical text and said to
have been used against the walls of Jericho in order to blow it down (and so in
Dave’s blog history repeats itself for mankind once again has sound weapons) I
have uploaded videos to my blog which show a sound weapon blowing organic
matter apart using generated vibrations however man is also made of organic
matter and therefore we can also be blown apart. Further such a stealth spy
weapon/ tool could also be hidden and used against a person to generate sound
vibrations (as with the weapon) which travel over great distance (as with the
weapon) but upon a lower frequency setting be used to gently sexually stimulate
and vibrate a person’s sexual parts remotely and from a distance using such a
weapon at different frequencies it could also perhaps generate vibrations
through walls into peoples houses and beds.
Further transplantation/implant surgery.  For a long time now there have already been
artificial mechanical parts placed in peoples bodies such as artificial heart
transplants this shows that machines with moving parts can be inserted inside
the human body with it still being able to function normally microchip implants
have also taken place and the implanting of varied different types of microchip
transplants is well documented. However many Targeted Individuals believe that
their governments/ the illuminati have planted tracker killer microchips
(inside their hearts) and cochlear microchip implants inside their heads near
their ears and vibrating microchips in different parts of their bodies
including their groin and lumber region indeed if this is true then it might
very well explain why it is that I seem t get an erection every now and then
when some Police helicopter passes over me with these last few days everywhere
I have been in north and west London a helicopter has been hovering around
above me. In particularly when I a at home they always seem to be doing fly
over’s or hovering around above my head whenever I in my toilet downloading my
shit or I am standing bullock naked taking a shower talk about the illuminati
all seeing eye  or the ancient Egyptian
eye of RA?
The purpose of placing remote controlled
vibrating  implants inside peoples
One reason is in order to make sure that they
could not manage a spiritual quest such as the one that I set myself and
explained to you all earlier. Two. Another reason would be in order to keep you
in fear of getting an erection whenever children should be near talking to you
etc in case you should ever become accused of child sex etc and if you was
already in custody when this should occurred then you would not even be able to
ejaculate in order to get rid of all the sperm within you that the vibrator
implant was constantly generating within you and therefore maybe faced with
having to confront your accusers with a full erection on which would be very
difficult to have to explain away if not impossible while the fear of such a thing
happening to me could become quite an erotic experience in itself.  
SAFE PLACES TO LIVE IN. Can a citizen not trust his/her own council?       
Today is Sunday 14:06:2015. The time is :-
16:20.P.M.  at 6 am this morning 10
policemen were sent around to my flat to arrest me for a “minor assault”.
I live in an illegally converted ex police house
that does not have planning permission (which means that my landlord has
committed an indictable offence) it is privately owned and I live in flat
number 2, the full address is 67, Beverley Gardens Wembley London HA99RB. Flat
number 2, where I live is on the ground floor and is right next door to flat
number 1, also on the ground floor situated at the front of the house where as
my flat is situated at the back of the house. The man who lives in flat number
1, is a Somalian man called Mr Said and he is mentally ill this man needs
social services (who could be accused of negligence for allowing such a person
to live in the conditions that he is living in and endanger other members of
the general public) and it is imperative that he gets help for he is a menace
to other residents, he cannot look after himself. He never cleans his flat, he
never washes his bedding he never cleans his food surfaces, he hardly ever
takes a shower the last time I saw him he had crabs and lice moving around in
his beard, he urinates and defecates in his shower and on his toilet floor, and
I lives right next door to me. What makes the situation worse is that the wall
between us is so thin just plasterboard and the fact that before I arrived
during the illegal conversion of this building in order to get the most money
out of the house the landlord converted the house into four self contained
studio flats/ bedsits and in doing so in order that he could give flat 1, a
toilet and a shower he has taken away space from flat number 2, this means that
he has made flat 1, toilet and shower inside flat number 2, and then placed a
frame working of plasterboard around it in order to seal it all off and encase
it inside flat number 1, in other words this means that Mr Said has to come
inside my flat to have a shower and to go to the toilet hypothetically speaking
which otherwise before the conversion the house would have been a normal ex
1950’s style council house then given to the police with others in order to
house their officers who live outside of London in other parts of England but
who now work within London SO WHY DID THEY SELL IT? This house then was
converted into four flats and a shed that is situated in the back garden has
become flat number 5, obviously another illegal conversion this in itself is
ridiculing the Metropolitan Police force and hardworking Taxpayers and stinks
of corruption (it would be nice to know who made the sale and who gained from
it?) and our laws Another reason why Mr Said’s flat smells so much is because
he does not throw his rubbish away but instead piles up loads of rubbish bags
in his flat, he spills water all over his floor rotting his floor. The smells
coming out of this mans flat at times are intoxicating I just do not know how
he lives in it without doing harm to his lungs and his health if I had not told
him to open his windows and let some air in it would all smell so much worse
however strangely enough his appearance is somewhat deceptive for he usually
dresses quite smart and combs his hair most of the time you just would not know
or suspect that he is living like an animal.
 Last night once again I smelt something
burning in the flat next door Mr “Said” flat which is flat number 1, and soon
afterwards I was polluted by something in the air which hurt my lungs, I think
that it might have been asbestos or fibreglass. The several times now I have
complained to the Police about his excessive alcoholic drinking his taking
illegal class “A” drugs and his violent rages afterwards, I have also
complained several times to the fire brigade about the smells/ chemicals smells
coming out of his flat, and other polluting smells coming out of his flat from
his drug smoking which makes me stoned and dizzy I have been to the hospital to
be checked up several times since I have been living at this residents, I have
also had to visit my Doctor, the chemical smells coming out of flat number 1,
were so great just recently that I decided to call the anti terrorist squad as
the man is a Muslim and though he drinks and takes drugs at times he dresses up
as a Muslim and goes to the Mosque for Ramadam festival (but perhaps that is
just for the free food) but when he gets drunk he keeps telling me that he’s a
killer man and then does a bad impression of trying to behave like a gangster he
hates the British Government, the British Army, the U.S.A. and so only God
knows what he might be doing in that flat on his own at night all I know is
that there are chemicals coming out of it which are harming my chest and my
eye’s and those of my Cat’s and they make us dizzy and vomit therefore I
thought it reasonable to inform the antiterrorist squad  all about this man activities and all these
smells coming out of Mr Saids flat but nothing has been done about it they just
took the micky out of me far from having arrested him no one has even bothered
to come out and interview him about anything that I might have said. However Mr
Said is a Somalian, he is mentally ill, and a Muslim, He is an Alcoholic, A
scunk weed smoker and a crack cocaine addict (another interesting point here is
just who is supplying him with all the drugs and the money for even when his
benefit was stopped for a while he still had a constant supply of drugs and
alcohol? Mr Said also seems to be spying on me whenever I come into the house
he then comes in five minutes after me no matter what time of night or day. And
whenever I am about to leave and go out of the house Mr Said goes out always
just minutes before me which is another reason why I believe that I am being
watched in my flat by camera in fact in order to find out for sure if that is
true I staged a fight between Mr Said and myself hoping that they would reveal
themselves soon I shall know if my suspicion were correct and so shall you all.).
About six weeks ago Mr Said in one of his drunken rages pushed me in the face
several times and made to punch me but missed on account of the fact that he
was so drunk he then proceeded to go outside and smashed my fence down and then
urinated on it later that same night he fell down the steps on the garden path
and lay there for a while moaning but apparently he did not appear to have
broken anything. The fence which he smashed down ( which I have pictures and
video footage of) provides security for me preventing unauthorised people from
being able to come around the back of the house and break into my flat. Mr Said
in his drunken rage on this occasion and the smashing down of my fence was
witnessed by my next door neighbour who has only just given birth to a very
small baby and came out to see what had been smashed down and why Mr Said was
shouting out load at the top of his voice at 02:30 A.M. in the morning the very
next day Mr Said then proceeded to rip out all the telephone/ broadband wiring
in the house knowing that I was the only one in the house who does not have an
illegal fraudulent cloned copy of Sky television were as everyone else in the
house has which means the only other way in which I could get broadband would
be through the telephone line which Mr Said deliberately deprived me of. Since
I have been living at my current address I have been Polluted every night and
day by Mr Said the pollution and by sewage pollution coming from number 66,
Beverley Gardens who keep putting nappies and sanitary towels down their
toilets and blocking up the whole sewage system making the whole area stink.
Number 66, is owned by a rich Irish lady and she has illegally converted her
house into flats in fact I have checked with the council planning office and it
now appears that there are in fact several houses in my street that have been
illegally converted into flats and this smells of illegal money backhanders and
corruption and I am the one who has to suffer at time the smells are so bad
that I have had to sleep with all of my windows and doors open and it quite
often makes my Cat sick sometimes it is so bad that cannot sleep there at all
and I have to take a tent and a sleeping bag and my Cat and sleep out in Fyrent
Park woods and meadows only the other day I had to sleep in doorways downtown
because the flat that I am renting via Brent council from a Pakistani landlord
who I have never met but who I am told lives in Behrain but who’s estate agent
“Ultra estates of 60, Rossmore road I have to pay £758.33 P.C.M. for the
priverliage of being abused in which is unliveable. The kitchen sink flushes
into the back of the cabinet and then under the floor boards so I cannot use
that. The floor boards in my flat. I am told that the last man who lived in my flat
was a crack cocaine smoker and one of Mr Saids smoking buddies, I am told that
they used to use my flat/ this house as a crack house where drugs were taken
and sold and prostitutes came and gave themselves sexually for crack cocaine
and that they had crack cocaine orgies in the house where I now live before I
arrived there. I have been told that the Police broke down the door and arrested
the man who used to live in my Flat, I have been told that the man who used to
live in my flat had a Dog and that he got so stoned on crack cocaine that he
just could not get it together to walk 50 yards down the bottom of our road to
this wonderful (park Freyent country park from where I am now writing this
letter to you from) and walk his Dog  but
instead allowed it to urinate and defecate all over the floor of the flat which
my landlord then had an African man called Keto a resident who rents the garden
shed at the back of the house from him flat number 5, to clean up flat number
2, my flat for him and, then rented the flat out to me. However all this
African man actually did was to drag the dirty carpet out and mop the floor as
there were Dogs faeces and urine on it some had soaked through the carpet and
then through the laminated floor boards and then rested there and therefore
every now and again I am privileged with the smells of his dog coming up from
under the ground as if haunting me getting into the fabric of my cloths with
their oily film wrapping around me and my cloths and everything within my flat
I work voluntarily for the Samaritans I am a first Aid officer I have studied
British and European Health and safety laws several times I have passed my
C.S.C.S certificate I am also a general builder and a multi skilled handyman
and therefore I do have the Authority and qualifications to be able to tell you
that this house and my flat our health hazards and are dangerous to life and
that they breach all health and safety rules and regulations and law and that
my reports to all the appropriate Authorities have all fallen upon death ears
nobody wants to know that this house is a slum and that this house and my flat
have been illegally and dangerously converted into flats which are hazardous to
life and the health of the people living in them and to the wider community, until
I reported it to the electricity board via the internet the though there were
five flats there was only one electricity meter were there should have been
five meters one for each flat when the house was converted over from a house
into flats before people should moved into the flats otherwise nobody would be
able to pay an electricity bill this shows that the landlord had tried to hide
the fact that the house was an illegal conversion and indicates a deliberate
theft of British electricity by a Pakistani national who lives in Behrain (ie
the landlord.). However the original house electricity meter had also been
tampered with in order to get free electricity for the whole house which the
landlords supply of electricity (i.e. the hallways and the stairs etc.) was
also connected to the illegal supply of electricity and so there is no way that
He the landlord can claim that he did not know anything about the illegal theft
of British electricity and so why hasn’t he been arrested and charged. Further
bank statements and credit cards hire purchase forms etc in foreign names are
all delivered to my house and yet non of these people live here and so this
indicates illegal and fraudulent activities taking place within my house either
by the people living here or the landlord himself by people who have come to my
country in order to steal from our country and our people(our government is
always saying how are country is benefiting from having all these people here
which of course in some ways I would agree we are but it is little good if all
of our financial gains from having them all here are then stolen back though
fraudulent acts such as this and I do know that it is not just an isolated
incident because I have witnessed the exact same thing happening in no less
than three different London based flats during the last six years and it is
something that neither the police nor our government appeared to be bothered
with even as our government declares that we are heading back into recession
and makes further financial cuts upon the British poor and our benefits. The
gas cooker that was in the flat looked like one that had been dumped on as
rubbish site and had been left there for years for rats and mice to live in and
walk all over and was just so filthy but as it belonged to the landlord I could
not throw it out as I would then be liable and have to buy him a new one and so
therefore what I have done is to clean the outside of the cooker making it
bearable to live with as I cannot get rid of it however he has since thrown out
all the other gas cookers that were in all the other flats and they all looked
to be in much the same condition. I believe the reason why he has not thrown my
cooker out too is so that he can claim that this is a self contained flat but I
shall be asking him to do so. However the gas cooker leaks gas this could
explode blowing up our house and the house next door and killing everyone and
therefore is a very dangerous health and safety hazard (why is this landlord
getting away with it WHO IS PROTECTING HIM?) and so cannot use the gas cooker
which means that I am unable to make a hot meal within the property and then
even if I was I could not eat it within the property because of all the
pollution and evil sewage smells polluting my flat this means that I mainly
have to eat out and that means it is costing me extra moneys to do so which are
burning a large hole in the £60 per week unemployment benefit that I am getting
which even before having moved here had itself been pushed to the limit due to
the cost of living but with all these extra cost and cuts in benefits basically
just blown it all away and just is not enough money to cover all my weekly
needs or the needs of my illness and has had me at times asking for money from
people or singing/ busking/ poetry recitals etc in order to get money, food to
eat and to buy water as I cannot drink the water in my flat as it is polluted
which is why I now do not have the money saved to be able to leave and get out
of this flat and find another one nor even the money for the storage of my
goods should I be told to leave while at the same time I am unable to get a job
because the water and the pollution inside of my flat make both my person and
all of my clothing stink and has me putting all of my cloths in plastic bags to
seal them away from contamination and the smells I might just as well be living
on the Planet Mars.  I am being forced to
walk around Wembley/London smelling in this condition degraded and humiliated further
to the point the landlord who is doing all this to me is from Pakistan and
Wembley is an Asian area and I am finding that a lot of Asian people in and
around the area of Wembley/ Brent are all looking at me giving knowing looks at
each other and then laughing and holding their noses coughing or spitting on
the ground as I walk by some even block my path as I try to walk by them large
men and Women stand talking to each other or into their mobile phones right in
the middle of the pavement with their children prams bags spread out right
across it making it impossible for anyone who might be in a hurry to get by or
they just stand directly in your path looking straight at you knowing that you
cannot get by and that you will have to tell them to move in order to do so
they are  even telling their old people
to obstruct me because you cannot hurry old people or the invalided people
along while some of their men and their youth are even at the point of
challenging me physically with violence at times. Because of the reactions of
these people when I approach them I now believe that my something really evil
has been said about me or spread about and that my flat must also be
electronically bugged for sound and vision I also believe that there must be
some kind of perverted Asian internet blog that they are uploading all the
audio and video footage that they are illegally and without my consent taking
of me inside my flat further more it is not just Asian people who are acting
like this towards me but eastern Europeans too and even my Fathers own country
people and in fact the lady who signed me up for this flat was a black Woman
herself of whom I assumed was west Indian but might actually be African what I
have learnt for sure is that the area that I live in and in particular Fryent
country park woods is an area used for “DOGGING” ( I am told that dogging is
where members of the public put an add up on an internet website asking people
to come and watch/join in and participate with them having sex with their wives
it is a sex cult where people share their boyfriends / girlfriends husbands and
wives with any members of the general public who should wish to come along and
participate in these sexual acts with them) I also know that the man who’s name
is Tim Watson and who lives directly above me but does not actually live there
himself but lets it out to people who use it for Dogging and for making sex
movies quite loudly above my head every Saturday night knowing that I am a
single man and having been voluntarily celibate now for many years due to the
rather tragic ending of my last relationship with my then common law wife I am
just a little hurt by because I know that this person/s is/are trying to sex me
up and force me to masturbate in order to ridicule me and that while he is
doing so that I might also be on camera which might then be uploaded to the
internet to various different blog sites for people to ridicule and to ruin my
character and my life forever when up until now I have done this man no harm
and did not even know him before I moved here to this flat and yet the man
renting the flat above me is a Blackman who tells me that he is a west Indian
like my Father what a blasphemy while Mr Said tells me that this same man Tim
has a 9MM handgun of some kind and so I cannot challenge him were as the
Police/ all of the authorities have just laughed in my face with everything
that I have tried to tell them and have never acted upon anything that I have
told them or taken me seriously therefore all I would be doing if I should
speak to them about this would be to make myself a target however with him
having this gun I might already be a target other wise if he wished me good
will why is he being so callously nasty towards me in this way if not ( and
even though he is on housing benefits he like Mr Keto who lives in flat number
5, and is also on housing benefits  both
sublet their flats out to other people to live in I am also quite aware that
this is against the law because it is fraudulent and dishonest to claim housing
benefits for a place that you are not living in and then charge rent money from
someone else for the same property and that to make a fraudulent declaration to
the jobcentre/government is an arrestible offence while subletting I believe is
also illegal.)? In other words this Landlord has brought me here and allowed me
to rent his flat in order to degrade me in front of his Asian community I am
being deprived of my sleep by the pollution inside the flat which forces me out
into the street where I have to sleep in my tent in fryent country park which
is just behind me or go down the west end and find a doorway to sleep in along
side all the homeless people, the washing machine provides stinks of Human/ Dog
faeces even after having flushed it out several times with bleach and so I
cannot use that, the toilet leaks all over the floor because before I came it
was blocked and full of newspaper and Human and Dog excrement which was wedged
and stuck there inside it and so in order to empty it  Mr Keto the resident of flat number 5, took
the toilet basin out and tuned it upside down to empty it but did not put it
back properly once he had finished either because he did not know how to do it
or because he wished to be vindictive I shall never know for sure and I cannot
challenge him upon the subject as he had rather a large family and some muscle
bound protectors/ body guards which might indicate that he is dealing in drugs (I
once saw Mr Keto give some drugs to Mr Said)/perhaps even guns he once lost his
temper with me over something and then he indicated to me that he was not
frightened of me and that he too had a gun in his shed flat 5, where he lives
in / rents and sublets out to Russians and other Africans even upon occasion a
Jamaican woman and her children and that was when it had rats in it and a large
hole in the floor one of his sons / tenants who are presently living in it flat
number 5, and who are also from Africa like Mr Keto / tenants further indicated
this/ that they had guns to me on a different occasion when I asked him if he
might have seen or used taken a walking stick that I had made fashioned out of
a branch from a tree from Fryent country park( I once fell through a roof while
working on it 15 years ago back in 2000 and broke my pelvis at times it hurts
and when that happens I like to use a stick to help me walk in case my leg/ hip
should give away and as I am now 60 years of age and as peopled keep
threatening me with violence I thought that perhaps I should prepare myself for
if and when they should attack me and so I have also been training with the
stick in self defence in case I should be attacked I thought that if I was ever
attacked I could then use it to block the blows and then try to run and evade
them.) his reply was “we don’t use such things as sticks” which could have
meant anything and nothing but not in the way his facial expression and body
language presented it ( I have trained as a security officer and as a private
detective and so I do know a little about body language ) however the toilet in
my flat which Keto was supposed to repair now overflows all over the floor
luckily it’s only clean water from out of the toilet system that comes directly
from the water mains that overflows and not the water from the toilet pan itself.
The pipe above my backdoor constantly overflows too and splash’s inside my
window if I leave it open which because of all the toxic smell that I have just
been telling you all about means that I have to leave all my windows and doors
open even in the winter for hours in order to dispel the polluted toxic air
which in turn completely cancels out any financial economics that I might try
to make from the little £60 per week unemployment benefits that I am given to
live upon each week (I do have proof of my benefit receipt showing the amount
that I get each week and even then they take £13.00 per week out of that for
taxes. Yet I am ill I have a liver complaint which I might die of if I am not
treated for soon and for which I am supposed to eat expensive organic health
foods because of which I cannot afford to do on the money that I am being given
on this unemployment benefit, I was once upon sickness benefit or rather E.S.A
which as we no longer have sickness benefits E.S.A. took the place of when I
was on this benefit I could afford to look after myself properly as regards to
clothing and health and eat properly however since they took it away from me I
am now finding myself in this situation from where I now live in a horrible
dirty place that I cannot escape from which is harming my health and is a
danger to my life in so many ways including the very residents themselves and
in a place from where doctors even refuse to treat me for my medical illness because
it is too much of a dirty environment and the drugs that they would give me for
this illness are expensive and cost too much were as if they were to give me
the drugs while I still lived within such a environment then I would only get
the illness once again and it would be a waste of time for them to do so and
too expensive a cost for the N.H.S which is constantly being reviewed and
budgeted and crisscrossed with government cuts to be able to afford as it would
be just another bottomless pit to throw away more money into and therefore I am
being murdered by the system who are trying to make it look like natural
courses by making me appear to be a crazy dirty person who does not wash
himself or look after himself and who stinks hence the pile of rubbish piled up
at the front of the building and the reason why Mr Said and Mr Keto and his
friends are all being as disruptive as they can and keeps adding to it every
time that I manage to get the council to take it away and clean it all up.)
meanwhile the overflow pipe flushing out boiling hot water at all times of the
night and day splashing up at us scolding my Cat ( which is an indictable
offence of cruelty to animals) and myself (which should it ever harm me would
be an indictable offence of negligence and possible malicious wounding) every
time we try to come in or out of the property and the water is very dangerous
in itself in that it has a very high lime content within it which drifts in the
steam and has proven to be very harmful to my and my Cat’s eye’s when it gets
in them it causes dry eye and burning just one drop of shower water splashed in
my eye and it caused an ulcer on my eye I had to go to the London Eye Hospital
to get antibiotics (this would be enough for me to make such a claim of
negligence and wounding) for it as it could have blinded me because of the high
lime content with in it. They used quick lime upon the bodies of witches after
execution or fire and for Prisoners and those who died in the great plague in
order to kill any evil/ germs/ the plague and rot/ burn away their flesh as
quickly as possible lime is a very, very corrosive agent. And so I would like
to know just how my landlord breaks down the £758.33 pcm of rent money for the
rent of this flat as I am not getting any of the facilities that should be
provided in order to make this flat/ bedsit a so called self contained flat so
what is all the money for a smelly unliveable health hazard of a room taxpayers
need to claim most of this money back from this landlord as this is a blatant
rip off which would also appear to be assisted by council members/ workers?
This place is unliveable when Mr Said (I believe is ordered to make it so by
whoever is giving him his alcohol and drugs further more I believe that the
reason why this is so is because the people who all lived here before I came
i.e Mr Keto, Mr Tim Watson, and Mr Said want me out of here in order to have
the place back as it was once before I came here a crack cocaine house filled
with prostitutes etc and drug orgies and the perverted orgies are quite
possibly another reason why this house/ flats our electronically bugged for
sound and vision and I am going to force them to reveal themselves watch me.)
who is a very vindictive and evil man deliberately makes it so due to this I
sometimes make out that I am about to phone the police after him for then he
usually panics and then the smells stop coming through into my flat but now he
isn’t frightened of the police because if I phone the police on him he just
counter claims and calls the police against me. Last night was such a case I
pretended to call the Police on him to try and make him stop polluting me other
wise I would have had to go out and find a doorway to sleep in the west end
because he pollutes my flat and I just cannot breath in there I even have to
wear a builders mask not that it is much use I have been thinking of investing
in a military Gas mask as what ever he is releasing into my room is highly
toxic really hurts my lungs it has been effecting my Cats breathing too and
makes my Cat wheeze and vomit and just I cannot sleep at the flat. Just three
days ago I was so tired and Mr Said had polluted my flat once more I just had
no option but to sleep out once again in Fryent country Park I  got some sleep but then was then told by a man
from the council and about “7 Police men” (maximum excitement is what it is
called technically) who came along with him and told me that I could not sleep
there and that I would have to take my tent down and move on and this all can
be checked out if need be further to this on the first day that I arrived at
the property where I now live Mr Said stole my keys I was not sure about this
until sometime later when I met him as I was coming home late one night and Mr
Said tried to have a conversation with me then all of a sudden Mr Said stopped
outside a house on the opposite side of the street and Mr Said said” wait look
a white man lives here he hides his keys under a brick” and then he went into
the man the Mans front garden and lifted a brick off of a downstairs window
sill and produced a key I was then later to hear by one of my neighbours that
there has been a prowler going around in the neighbourhood burgling peoples
homes I then thought that there could be some connection and so along with all
of my other problems that I have been having at this current residence I went
along to the police station and reported them all including the dangerous gas
leak the dangerous water leak right over the top of electric wiring, the fact
that the Landlords own electrician claimed that it might be possible for us all
to be electrocuted in our showers. Oh and the fridge works but then sounds like
it is about to blow up after it has been left on for a while.  The cloned/free sky TV boxes the rigged eclectic
meter and the theft of electricity water and gas the illegal conversion of an
ex policeman’s house into Four illegal flats and the conversion of a shed into
a flat making that five illegal flats all being paid by Housing benefits and
Taxpayers with each flat costing the British Taxpayer £758.33 per month money,
while the residents none of whom are British are all subletting their flats out
to other people to live in and are making a fortune out of this illegal act
while I the only legal one there duty conscious enough to have reported crime have
just been illegally arrested (as they never formally cautioned me when “10
police men” (to install maximum excitement and fear in me why did I rob a bank
am I selling drugs or guns have I raped or murdered somebody?) came around my
flat early in the morning and they arrested me for what their desk sergeant
deemed to be “a minor assault”/ common assault ) for an alleged assault upon Mr
Said who is a known as an unreliable witness as he is known to be alcoholic
many people around here have all seen him in states of drunkenness and have all
heard him when he is drunk shouting and screaming out in the street at the top
of his voice, a known crack cocaine addict who hangs around with other crack
addicts and alcoholics and a known skunk smoker, he is also known to be is
mentally ill and such combinations of drugs and alcohol really do not go
together so well and therefore as a witness is by himself deemed to be
unreliable by British / international law. The assault has already been deemed
to be a lesser assault by the desk sergeant (even if the two “P.C” in charge of
the case believe it to be otherwise the desk sergeant is of a higher rank and
has overruled them so why waste taxpayers money and time either the man knows
his job or he does not in which case he should no longer be working as a police
sergeant?) as the desk sergeant has classed it as a lesser assault had I
assaulted Mr Said faced with the background of the incident where he smashed my
fence down and then urinated on it and then proceeded to pull and rip all the
BT telephone/ broadband wiring connections in the house out in his drunken rage
then it would have most clearly have been an act of provocation and in all
fairness as a court of law would at least have to appear to be just and none
bias as no real harm had been done as if anything had even occurred it would
have been “Six of one, and half a dozen of the other” and so why are these two
police constables (who incidentally appear to be gay) trying to push this case
so far six weeks after the event took place when the officers who attended the
call at the time six weeks ago who had first hand knowledge of the incident had
decided that it didn’t need any further attention and had already dealt with
the matter so why did they take all this trouble to dig this minor assault up
again? Further not satisfied with that decision now they are even trying to go
against their own desk sergeants decision and advice who had for the second
time already dealt with this matter and are pursuing me and harassing me over
this “minor assault” and are trying to get a conviction with it and send me to
prison this quite clearly shows that they have a secret agenda and that this is
not anything to do with this “minor assault” rather these two police officers
have been “stalking me” and have been looking for a way of sending me back to
prison which is something that I have been trying to say all along I am a
“Targeted Individual” and I am being stitched up and this all shows that the
stitch up is coming from a high level as it even involves members of two
councils and an estate agent (I have pictures of the estate agents plush  locations.) this flat and all the things that
they have been doing to me here have been designed to mentally control me
disrupt and vex me to a state of madness and violence however as my state will
not allow me legal aid to explain all of my housing and human rights and no one
is listening to anything that I have to say perhaps the only way out of this
allowing me to explain myself is to do a lesser violence because then if
charged with it they would have to give me a solicitor and if convicted by it
at the most I would get would be 6 months to 1 year possibly less because of
prison over crowding it would be more like 3-4 months and then they would have
to rehouse me when I came out of prison in a more reasonable suitable and legal
form of housing you must admit it is tempting but for a mind control victim
even this is dangerous as they could do anything to you once they got you
inside behind prison walls (Mr Said does not have any stitches, cuts, broken
bones, and is not invalided by any action that I have done however he had
clearly been excessively drinking alcohol in a public place (which is an
indictable offence of drunk and disorderly) and then proceeded to commit
criminal damage (which is an indictable offence of criminal damage) and urinate
in a public (which is an indictable offence of indecent exposure)  place disturbed the peace (which is an
indictable offence i.e. disturbing neighbours in the area) and quite possibly
might even have taken drugs (which would also be an indictable offence and yet
he claims that I assaulted him?) too a lesser assault would therefore be deemed
to be less serious plus he would of had cuts and bruises broken bones etc had
it been more serious or should it had occurred which he did not have and even
if he did have any he is a known alcoholic and drug abuser and I am sorry to
say also mentally ill and therefore could have done any of these things to
himself had they been done to him. And so do they have photographic proof or
any medical evidence reports even to put any substance to Mr Said’s ( my
challenge to these police officers is do they have any secret CCTV Audio and
Video footage to this incident then? Is this place bugged for sound and vision?
Have people/ gay police officers 
illegally been watching me shower, piss, shit, masturbate and walk
around naked inside my own flat? Or does our great government now give consent
to such invasions of its citizen’s freedoms and liberties? Is this truly the
fascist police state that the “Son’s of Anarchy” have all been talking,
demonstrating, and rioting about?
Are we all
justified for having done so then? Am I correct when I say that I need to train
in physical, mental, political, and legal self defence because people who are meant
to protect me wish to hurt me/ kill me? And is this why they are all trying to
stop me from training by blocking my access to technology? Is this why they are
all trying to lock me away to deny me the right
of any defence? If
they would torture me now on civi street in broad daylight in this flat in
front of you all then what type of a cell and conditions would they give me
when nobody can see me behind bars?)   Mr
Said claim I know that they will not because I did not do it but without such
things the C.P.S who are the people each crime has to go through before it is
even allowed to go to court would throw it out of the window/ in the bin
because there is little if any chance of anyone being able to get a conviction
with it under such circumstances because of the lack of evidence everywhere
there are cuts in the budget and it cost so much to take a case to court and
the country just cannot afford to take every case to court unless it has a good
chance of a conviction so unless they should try to stitch me up and plant
evidence on my person or in my flat they are unlikely to have much of a chance
of a case or  a conviction unless they
have by magic some secret video footage and if they did then I would have been
correct in having said so the dirty bunch of perverts and I would therefore
wish to make a massive claim against them of compensation for what they have
all done to me? And something done about this massive fraud upon a wide scale
going one with landlords and councillors working within Brent/council’s for
still nothing was done.  Since I have
been living at my current address I have broken into twice I also called the
police twice about it in order to record these events and they gave me a
C.A.D./ Crime Reference Number. The last time they broke into my flat they
stole documents my new credit card, and password, and my CSCS CARD, Strangely
enough nothing else even though I had computers cameras and other things which
they could have taken.  My computers have
also been hacked into since I have been living here several times and I think
that my computer may have been cloned and maybe my site too. For the last six
years wherever they have put me to live the flats have all been surrounded by
Police personal. This flat apart from being an ex police house is surrounded by
police families and Asians Hindu/ Muslims. The previous flat that they gave me
was surrounded by Jews, police families and Hendon Central Police recruitment
barracks. The place before that one I had police park their vans and cars just
feet away right outside my front door and they used to arrest and search people
there and eat and laugh and joke with the people in the restaurant that was
attached to my flat by only a thin wall of plasterboard which the owners kept
drilling holes in  and later tried to
kill me by smashing an iron bar over my head and so there is now no way that
certain police officers and officials can possible now say that they are not
“stalking me” or that they have no will to harm me or haven’t got any
involvement in all this or that I am not on a secret government/ illuminati
mind control program that they are trying to cover up even by murderer or after
all this that I am a “Targeted Individual”.  While I have been living in all of these flats
they have also been trying to confuse me and send me mad by using acoustic
weapons against me such as ultrasound speakers and microwave weapons for all
those who need them I have references to the application and use of all these
weapons on people and I must now tell you that I am not the only one that this
sort of thing is happening to though having said that I might be the worse case
so far in that no where before have I found with any of the other targeted
Individuals have their stalkers/ controllers gone quite so far as to do all
these things that they have done to the flat/ apartment in order to send a
person crazy as they have done here to me and the flats that they have given me
to live in which suggests that they really hate me with a vengeance perhaps I
was more resistant tehehe.
They say that I am
too intelligent so they are going to restrict my intelligence by zapping my
brain and making me a retard I have been finding it difficult to remember the
spelling of many words since recently since I heard them dragging heavy things
across the floor by what sounded like electrical cables I cannot get any radio
T.V signal or get up on the internet from this flat and there is load
electrical arcing sound inside my head and ears they said that they were going
to reduce the size of my brain I think that they are zapping certain areas of
my brain in order to try and reduce my mental cognetic ability to think and do
things. I am beginning to find it difficult to make some important decisions
since the zapping has begun the zapping also makes me feel weak and tired and
horny it makes my ballbag feel full like it wants to explode  and makes me procrastinate lay around in bed
all day no matter how long I lay here for I do not get any stronger it might in
fact be that they are attacking me with this machine mentally and denying me
dream sleep what I do know is that I cannot remember the last time I had a
dream it seem perhaps years ago it makes me not feel like getting up even when
I know that I am being zapped and that it is beginning to harm my brain and I
have things to do. Everytime this seems to happen to me when I finally get up
to go to the toilet or something I can usually hear a helicopter or a large
plane like a military airforce awax reconisance plane therefore it might be
that they are zapping or probing me from the sky but I am not sure it might be
coming from the Iraqi’s next door I have an R.F. detector but it is not picking
up their zapper so far anyway I am going to try and get a microwave detector I
do no think that they are so expensive as they are used as tools to detect
leaking microwaves from microwave ovens etc I used to have one and that at
least will confirm that I am being attacked by microwave weapons because I shall
then video the results and upload them alongside the address where I brought it
from and the receipt so that other people in my situation will know what to do
I will hopefully be saving lives and brains all these things that have been
done to me are beginning to make me feel violent towards the people who are
doing them as I am being treated like a fourth class citizen in my own first
world city and the country where I was born, last week I knocked a man out and
broke his jaw in two places putting him in hospital for three days and though I
was not wearing any rings on my fingers he also had to have stitches in several
places on his face because he too tried to treat me like a cunt I thought that
I had killed him because he just lay there with his mouth open and his eyes
were blank his arms spread wide and lifeless and so I threw a bucket of water
over him in order to try and wake him up and it worked I have never been quite
so relieved to see a man move I have also within this last week been to the
police station because Mr Said complained to them that I beat him up because he
was abusing me. However if people keep treating me like a cunt then there are
going to be more of them ending up in hospital and some of them might well end
up dead which of course is something that I do not want as I have no wish to
kill anybody for to do so would also mean that the Police would then kill me too.
I am not in the wrong I treat people with respect why shouldn’t they treat me
in the same way because no one has the right to treat me like a cunt early this
morning it nearly happened again a young guy did the same to me he was sitting
with about five or six of his mates so he was acting flash and disrespectful
towards me in order to get some points from his black mates what hurt me was
that he was mixed race and the same colour as me and his so called bastard
black mates had him trying to attack his own fucking kind it was a flash back
from my past for the cunts did the same thing to me both my so called white
mates and my black mates which was why when I worked for my mixed race brothers
in Soho I really felt like I had found my family until they ended up fucking me
too one stole two of my cars a Volvo and a B.M.W. and they also went with my
common law wife/ girlfriend when I was inside now here was this mixed race kid
brown skin like me with red hair sitting in front of me being used against me
like a fighting “DOG” and so I pulled him up on it and there after he became
respectful towards me it was like he had been in a kind of trance or a coma he
was looking at me without seeing me like a zombie afterwards he seemed like a
nice kid when he got up to leave he said sorry once again and all his mates
paid their respects to me too as they left Macdonalds (I was there for a
MacFlurries minty because after sitting in this polluted flat for so long
writing so much I needed to exercise my legs and clean out my lungs.                                                     
Here at my flat my
stalkers/ opposers/ adversaries/ Satan’s are using frequency blockers
preventing me from being able to get any TV /radio news channels or movies and
are blocking me from being able to get up on the internet using any devise from
this address in other words they are enforcing an information lockout and are
depriving me of both the common and essential advantages needed in order to
live and respond/ function properly in any city in this country.
Whats been going on
is this ever since I left prison I new that the Police would be watching me they
do the same with all cat “A” and “B” prisoners who are a bit handy especially
if they were in for violence or and are connected but ok I used to know a few
people a few names old school but since I came out I have never gone back to
them and they all know that because they have been watching me and you do expect
the Police to watch you for a while it’s natural but not for as long as this
it’s over kill and harassment I mean some of 
these Police men think that their Judge dread police man, judge, and
jury. What’s the point of having a sentence and a time in years etc if after
that time has been served their still trying to punish you in my case they are
torturing me and getting people to torture me take the piss and spread false
and evil rumours around about me but the police tell me if I touch them hit
them for saying evil things about me then they will nick me and so I have got
people going around saying anything they want about me and I am supposed to do
nothing about it. However if I do nothing about it then I will be attacked by
the people who the rumour tellers tell because they are telling them that I
think that I am a tough guy then because they are watching me24/7 through a
camera any time I am weak or I hurt myself or I haven’t slept they tell my
enemies so that they can attack me and then if I do any weight training or
running self defence or even ride my bike (they puncture my tyres and re adjust
my brakes and gear setting the timing out etc they are like Satan’s/ demons
they pollute the air in side my flat to hurt my lungs so that I cannot train to
defend myself an d yet they are telling me everything that they are saying
about me and doing to me but if I get angry then they even use that against me
and sayt that I am strong and mad I am dangerous I need to be taken off of the
streets and locked away, if I was to cry the n they would say that I am
mentaslly unstable and need to be locked away because I might try to make a
bomb, if I pray then they say that I am an Al Qaida  if I do nothing then they say that I am living
off of other people and I am not trying to help myself I am just a ponce and a
parasite on society,  when I do train
they tell my ermines what weights I am using what moves I am using what style
of fighting and then they go and get a rival some one faster some one stronger
someone younger someone at the top of that style of fighting a champion martial
arts fighter, or someone taller or four against one etc. When they use the
electronic mind control devices on me and I use the spy equipment that I
brought that I have already shown you on display on my G+ site and told you the
reason why I have it to try and record them using their mind control stealth
equipment against me as I am writing this to you all now they are doing it to
me right at this moment it is now 05.51. A.M on Monday the 22:06:2015. However
they are playing a deep base frequency and Alfa wave rhythm it is quite strong
Mr Said must be able to hear it so must Mr Patrick the Irish Man upstairs it is
so strong that it penetrates through the walls and right into your ears and
brain usually at this time I would still be in bed sleeping and so the reason why
they are doing it ascould be threefold one, they are always doing it this load
it is just that I do not notice because I am usually asleep. Two, vengeance
because as it was the weekend and  I  had to clean my flat up I put the radio on to
help me I find that doing such things is so much easier listening to music
especially when you are listening to “Miss Velocity”. So now it could be pay
back time and they intend by doing this to get me back I am not sure. The thing
is two of my recorders are full and I cannot delete their content until I can
put it up online a third one is either having trouble with it’s pick up (probably
because I dropped it on the floor twice about two days ago) or it’s batteries
not sure they are not new ones and they were cheapo’s from the 99p. Shop
However I do have two others but guess what one supports the other one and the
main supports batteries need charging which is what I am doing right now shit
no I am not I only put one of the leads on and that was almost an hour ago now
I have to wait all over again both leads are now on shit this is the trouble
that I AM HAVING. The reason why my batteries might need charging might not be
because I depleted their energy but because of the technology that they are
using against me it may be possible that they have a device which can drain
away the power of a battery?
4, They are doing
it to me because I had a little work out last night, usually every time I work
out they pollute my flat with real bad smells so that I cannot use it to sleep
in and end up sleeping on the street.
5, Its non of those
things it is that guy and his woman again upstairs making porno movies again
could be a large vibrator?
 It is now 06:35.A.M. on the 22:06:2015. Mr
Said has just gone out as he did so the sound appeared to get a little
stronger.  They know that I have not been
to sleep yet as I have been cleaning and tidying up my flat all night and doing
some weight train now very tired and would like to take a couple of hours sleep
as it is going to be a busy day today for me and then I started to use the
computer to write all this down I am and lost all track of time the next thing
that I knew was that the birds were singing and it was daylight  doing it so that I should have some evidence
they then say that I am an Al Qaida or they say that I am a pervert but if they
were not looking at me in such a perverted way in the first place through an
illegal spy camera video without my consent that is an invasion of my privacy
and akin to rape if I cannot produce any evidence enough to be able  get the Police involved and take these people
to court then I am just going to blatantly go in there and deal with it by
myself. Had they not perved me in the first place then I would not of had to
buy this equipment in order to try and catch them at it and acquire some
evidence now would I if they are using evil stealth methods on me in this way
what else am I supposed to do I have to produce evidence or the Police and the
courts will say that either I am making it all up as some kind of a joke or to
get out of some thing that I have done or that I am mad. Ah huh shows how tired
I am I forgot what to do I if I should be attacked by their sound
devices....put my ear protectors on but I only just remembered and it’s so much
better now apparently by the sound of them they are really angry about the fact
that I managed to out smart them once again they say that I am just too
resourceful the fuckers?  And here’s the
Satanic paranoia and the dilemma healthy or not I am not sure because the only
problem with using ear protectors is that while you have them on you cannot
hear anything that your SATANS/ Stalkers could be saying anything about you
which is good but not if they are talking about you to anyone in normal speech
without using the subliminal so that everyone can hear it because then those
people will wonder why you did not say anything if it were not true that’s the
evil of it and remember with their cameras and spies they can see everything
you do in this situation the only way to beat them would be to first pay for a
private detective course so that you can learn the techniques and keep the
evidence with you and keep in touch by phone/skype so that they know you and
what you look like should you need them to identify you have personal contact
with whoever is running the course this will give you the alibi you need to be
able to travel and carry your spy equipment anywhere you go it will also help
to block your stalkers accusations of pervert, paedophile, crazy person,
because then you are a legitimate Private Detective student/or a professional
Detective you can even get a badge and a certificate place an add anywhere get
yourself some business cards made up and be hired for work then these would be
the tools of your profession and they cannot ever deprive you of them or be
take them away from you and so you will always be able to protect yourself. If
you double that with a security S.I.A Certificate it would be even stronger
because it would give you greater powers of arrest if you should come across
your stalkers and being a security operative it will place you in the security
link so you will have access to what is going on in your area and more easily
help you to establish security, neighbourhood watch, and Police friends
wherever you go who could help you by running checks on suspicious people and
cars within the area you suspect as being your stalkers. Further to this. I
have found that the three different places that they moved me into during these
last six years they have surrounded me with foreign speaking people and use the
advantage of language against me allowing them to communicate with each other
saying evil things about me and spreading disinformation in order to
contaminate the community against me where I lived. However in order to counter
act this all you need is a voice analysing /voice recognition computer program
with language translating abilities and they do exist but if you cannot find
one and have a bit of money it would not cost that much in order to get one
made if I had money I would not suffer or tolerate this disadvantage as it
compromises my security. Further as I have already explained to you all online
my stalkers are using sewage and chemicals against me in a germ/chem  war attack upon my person and in order to
prove this I need to be able to produce the evidence myself for as you all well
know for targeted Individuals no authority can be trusted therefore in order to
know and understand exactly what shit they are laying down on me to know just
what this shit is in these chemicals and the bacteria It has to be analyzed in
order to find out, we need to find out what these chemicals/ bacteria can do to
me  and what they are already doing to me
for that I will need to buy a microscope and take some advice from scientist
and the people who know which is why I have registered with quite a few
forensic courses/ groups which you as fellow targeted Individuals should all do
the same for it is imperative for our survival that we all learn how to record
everything within our environment that can effect us that we can take it all
apart and put it all back together again and know how it all works for only
then will we start to begin winning this War against our controllers and their
stalker operatives etc you will also have to learn a little about forensics how
to grow bacteria cultures and analyze them in order that you will be able to
produce them as evidence and how to detect which type of chemicals are in any
given compound as you can no longer trust Hospitals or anything to do with
Government. Further this is why we must all stay in communication with each
other and form a union where we can all upload our experiences stating what the
problems are that you faced and how you dealt with them saying what
remedy/antidote/ solution to the problem that you was faced with was effective
in order to be able to help each other we also need to back each other up
wherever possible with our own matching evidence and examples. They started
this fight because they thought that if they picked upon the “MEEK” they could
win it we didn’t ask for this fight but we sure by “GOD” shall finish it.  Therefore if it’s a fight they what then let
us give em it let us take the gloves off and have a real fight shall we and
this is how you do it.  If you are being
stalked by someone with an internet phone (especially in a shopping mal/
precinct or a shop if you are not then go yourself into one if they are
stalking you then they will follow but in there they will be at a disadvantage
with what I have in mind to follow for them which is this...) use your own
phone to video them then call the security and/or the police and tell them that
you have just seen them trying to steal something or touch somebody or take
pictures of kids etc this way they will be(trapped by all of the shopping precincts
security and it cameras and cannot get away) and listed as a thief or pervert(alternatively
if you are in a town or city and a person of habit and always go the same way
home and know that you are being stalked then look for the best ambush point along
your root home and arrange for a gang of strong handy and violent people to be
hidden there tooled up on a certain day/ evening to stop rob attack them mark
up their faces so that in future we will know who they are take their media
tools and their documents and anything with their name and address on it from
them get them photo copied and digitalized ready to upload onto new media rough
them up badly enough to put them in hospital for a few days in order to
transmit a lasting psychological message to all wanna be stalkers that what
they are doing will not be tolerated and that they do so at their own peril and
then to terrorise them even further you could use their documents to attack
their families and split them up by letting their families their wives and
their children know that they are being terrorised and harassed because of them
because of what daddy you could spring the same kind of ambush attack in rural
areas like parks, or woods, forest, country lanes too but there will have to
learn how to do Rambo traps these things I shall upload to you videos about
illustrating just how to go about building them.) and their phones will be
taken off of them and this quite small and logical action you can get all this
information from them for you will find out who they really are and where they
live and work and who they were emailing and if anything was said about you or
if they took your image/made a video of you in short you can turn the tables on
them and if you really wanted to fuck them up then take their image place it
online with a reward to anybody who can tell you where they live and anything
about them, then you stalk them and their families at home at work and at
school. Further then you start spreading evil rumours around about them in
their area along side their image if it is a school girl then place images of
her outside her school with nasty little captions underneath get some kids from
another area over the other side of town give them a pile of photo copied
images of them with evil little captions of them and get your kids to spread
them among the kids of their school get kids from other schools to come and
attack them and pay them to do so etc. If it is an adult woman then take her
image get someone who knows what they are doing to fuck around with it so that
they have her coming out of a prostitute flat or a gay bar or a kinky club or
drunk and disorderly or taking drugs or dealing in some sort of corruption etc
and then place them about her place of work and her local bar pub hang out get
someone to stalk her and grab her email address and if they can her password
and lock her out of her own site while you place the pictures of her/him on the
site along with large amounts of damaging disinformation just as they do to us
we have to learn to play hardball we have to learn to play their game for they
are using their women and children the young and their old folks against us we
wouldn’t have put them on the firing range but they themselves have done so and
so all is game to be hunted.  So stalk
her/ him wherever they go and hand out the leaflets saying that they are
paedophiles stick the leaflets on phone boxes and lamp posts in their streets
places of work hangouts let them have a taste of their own medicine let them
see what it’s all like to be on the other side of their hatred and evil and
show them that their behaviour will no longer be tolerated that we will protect
our own people and that if they keep doing what they are  doing to us this is what will happen to them
now you know why it is that most Targeted Individuals are placed in poverty
because it makes them easy targets and they cannot afford to fight back because
this is a high teck war against them this is why we targeted Individuals all
need to get together and pool our resource and energies because together we can
make it but doing it alone we could die. Together we can afford £$ to fight
back(as we are spread across the world internationally we can and should form
our own international bank rather than put our money into the banks of those
who wish to oppress us so that they can gain interest from it and more power to
do so and who are related to evil we must detach ourselves from them we must
also form a charity for Targeted Individuals so that we will always have the resources
to be able to fight them and form alliances of mutual help and pooled resources
and hire our expertise out to all those who need it in order to make money, to
increase our credibility and reputation, to gain alliances with the enemies of
our enemies from other similarly oppressed groups of the world so that we might
be able to badger our enemies  more
supremely and bring about their demise more rapidly.) and buy the kind of high
teck equipment that they do not expect us to have and share it among ourselves
everyone using the same stuff on a rota as per need and priority etc and so we
can fuck them but alone it is a struggle to do so and we are being hit far too
many times with out being able to fire back it is like being under bombardment
in an ambush upon a battlefield if you are in charge of a body of men your job
would be to get them out of the firing zone as quickly as possible in order to
reduce casualties and loss of equipment by forming a tactical retreat pulling
back to higher more defensible ground and a better place of defence from where
you could more easily hold your position see clearly all around you have a 350
arc of vision and call in for reinforcements or an air attack to come in upon
your enemies position in order to  clear
the way by wiping them out and destroying the threat what we now have to do is
to reinterpret all this in our civilian street and home lives in order to make
it all practical for civilians because we are civilians and we in a war and under
attack (a war between light and darkness that has raged on since the beginning
of time) and we are like a stranded section or platoon of men who are being
denied the tactical support of their main body of armament( we are cut off from
the police the doctors the hospitals the councils the governments our legal
rights as citizens and human beings and all those bodies that are supposed to
help us) we are cut off and on our own( Jesus said to the centurions who were
trying to trick him when they asked him if he was the king of the Jews then
where was his kingdom hoping that his kingdom if he had one would challenge
that of censures kingdom/and therefore they would be able to arrest Jesus.The
Roman province or colony of Jerusalem . 
Jesus said “My Kingdom is not of this world but in Heaven”. We have been
outcast and must now form our own (exodus) and our own state(our own Heaven)
our own nation to live in with its own rules and regulations laws and
enforcement officers (just as they did so many years ago when they had to flee
from the Satanic and demonic people of old in the land of the pharaoh) in order
to protect the citizens of our state the state that “THEY” forced us to make(it
is Gods will) and so if that is what they want then let it be so (A-Men.) let the
gloves be off and lets get about it in fact I quite like the idea personally I
think and “SINCERELY BELIEVE” that before long there will be many more of us
and people from their state who will defect and come to live within ours as our
state (Heaven) will provides them with far more freedom of liberty and it will
be a state where they can achieve independence of their own individuality where
they will learn to protect themselves mentally, physically, technically, and
spiritually, they will learn how to do everything for themselves without having
to rely upon their state(SATAN) to help them for anything or anybody else they
will become strong individuals superior in everyway to any who live in the state
of our enemies our state will be one from where our citizens can evolve so much
further as human and  spiritual beings
and we will have the power to be among them in an instant.) therefore we must
improvise and almost anything goes from this point on.    when
ever you can buy reliable long lasting media tools with long life batteries
always keep your phones/ media tools charged up and always carry more than one
with the same capabilities in case you should loose or damage the other or it
malfunctions or they manage to get your number and phone I.P.  NUMBER or manage to clone your phone (you see
as they have been attacking me I have been learning and that is what you all
must do learn by your mistakes and learn by their mistakes as well as to
remember and record how they attacked you and what with then you can work out
away of combating it remember every weapon you have can be turned and used
against you). for rent a different room every night at random in different
towns and do it so that it could not be predicted and always rent the room
which nobody can get to or near then with your spy stuff you could checkout
your room for electronic bugs and video feed to see if anyone is bugging you
electronically and if thee are any hidden cameras and if there are where they
are located and what they can see after you have checked all this out if you
found any then you would have the evidence to be able to prosecute the hotel
for thousands possibly more depending on how rich they are, if you do not find
any then begin to set up your room so that if anyone did come in while you were
out they would be seen on camera which directs the feed straight to your phone
where you could email the footage directly to the newspapers and the police as
the police by themselves cannot be trusted to do anything and maybe working
with the stalkers. You could then set up the walls floor and ceiling with your
listening devices and cameras so that this time around you would have the
advantage, and then you could also put concealed ones one in the hallway with a
microphone, on the stairs, in the lift, and at reception, in the car park on
the road leading down to your hotel   They follow me around everywhere I go so that
I cannot talk to anybody because if I do then they will say that I was talking
to an Al Qaida.   In 1997 they began using ultra sound weapons/
speakers on me I have uploaded video examples of these with their inventers
demonstrating how they work their versatilities and what applications they can
be used for etc. My stalkers tried to kill me by trying to drive me to suicide
by means of constant threats day and night using the ultrasound speakers
against me so that I would believe that it was the devil speaking to me or evil
spirits I thought that I had been cursed that someone had put a spell on me I
did not know where to go to or who to tell or even how to tell it without
people thinking that I was mad try and put yourself in my shoes and understand
how could I go to the Police how could I tell my friends how could I tell my
Doctor the only people that I found I  might
be able to tell were holy men or Witches because they are the only people who
know about that sort of thing. However British Holy Men do not appear to be too
clued up on that sort of thing well at least the ones who I met/ went to and
saw in the churches that I went to they did not have a clue just treated me
like a nutter and told me to go and speak to my Doctor. However I did pray
quite a bit to God asking for help on my own and one day when I was out on my
pushbike I had been riding for some time and was tired and wanted to rest for a
bit it was a lovely hot summers day and so I ended up in Finsbury  Park as I lived quite near to it and it was
on my way home a new wooden rustic shelter had been built in the park for
people to sit in and admire the view it was shelter from the storm should they
be one. However a man came into the shelter and eventually we began talking we
talked about loads of different things he was an interesting guy anyway some
how we got round to talking about Satan and the evil in the world etc and that
was it I just couldn’t contain myself any longer all woes poured out over him
but he told me not to worry people in his religion  knew about these things and how to deal with
them and so he took me to see an old man who started to talk about Islam and
who tried to convert me into his faith he said I have heard from you friend her
that you are a seeker of the truth if you are sincere then you must open up
your heart and your mind to all religions not just to Christianity for life is too
short but one day we shall al die and the day will come when we shall all meet
God on that day my friend you had better hope that you have and are in the
right religion how do you know if you have the right religion if you have never
tried another one it’s been a long time now and I cannot remember exactly what
the man said or even his name all I can really remember is that he gave me a
challenge if Christianity was better than Islam then I should stay a Christian
but if I should find that Islam was better than Christianity then I should
remain a Muslim and told me that if I was truly a truthseeker then I would
except his challenge and so I did. However in the death of it I said that I
would give it a try it and I did and I did my best trying not to be bias and in
doing so I found that I did like Islam. I found it to be more of a people’s
religion. What I mean by that is this in Christianity you always have to put on
your Sunday best when you go to the Church but in Islam you do as Jesus told us
all to do “Come as we are”. This meant that Islam was not quite so stuffy as I
found Christianity to be. Another thing I found that I liked about Islam was
the shape of the Mosque as it was circular there were no scary corners for evil
spirits of Demons to hide in which as I was running from Demons I found to be a
good idea. And another thing I liked about Islam was Muslims sit on the floor
in their mosques it is a humble act which shows respect for God the Earth and
each other as no one is lording it over another and it allows everyone to be
equal in the face of God it is also very comfortable as all of the floors are
carpeted with lush clean carpets and the Islamic garments that a Muslim wears
his Sunna make you feel like a priest and constantly remind you that it is not
a joke you are a messenger of God and servant and an ambassador of his religion
and as you would be sitting upon the floor you will find that the garment is
much more comfortable to wear in a mosque than a pair of trousers and you do
not have to worry about creases in your trousers or your trousers getting
stretched people in general were all very happy polite respectful to each other
in general there isn’t any bias of race or colour, it felt nice/ brotherly and
pure to pray shoulder to shoulder heel to heel to show that their was no
division in the ranks no matter what colour or race / nation or warp of life we
were all equal and at that point knowing that you begin to realise that you are
here before God and that your life is only temporary here on Earth no I liked
it. I do have to say that being the day dreamer and the sinful lazy person that
I am I did find it difficult to pray on time sometimes and many times I had to
pile my prayers at the end of the day. However for a while I had the privilege
of living and sleeping in a Mosque everyday I lived like a monk it was great
and while I was there I found that doing my prayers was easy I just went along
with all the others each time the Adan was called I loved it in fact it felt
like living in a wild west Fortress when the bugle is sounded and all the
troops rush down from their quarters and get on parade and form into their
ranks.  As you may have gathered by that
last statement people are also allowed to sleep in Mosques were they are not in
Churches it is a shame because I have seen a homeless Man sleeping upon the
doorstep of a church on the way to Camden in his sleeping bag nothing else in
the middle of the winter with snow and ice laid white upon the ground he could
have died of hyperthermia this story is even sadder when you consider that
Jesus the founder of Christianity at his birth was also homeless had it not
been for a kind God fearing man Jesus and his family might also have died of
hyperthermia then there would not have been a church?
Yesterday I went to
church to pray I came away from Islam eventually the things which turned me off
were the back biting the fact that they did not like Dogs, I grew up in the
countryside and I just love animals always have but when I got a security job
as a Dog Handler and they told me that I could not do that job after I had been
unemployed and just managing to survive for so many years it just threw me and
I just never went back then Nine eleven happened and that really freaked me out
I just could not be party to anything like that the killing of thousands of
innocent people if my quest into Islam was all about heaven I couldn’t see how
anyone could get there killing so many innocent people then there was something
about Jews which I didn’t like which effected me quite badly in ways which I
perhaps should not mention and it was all the blood.
 Internet Pornography  
I was first
introduced to computers back in the latter part of the 80’s I was given a few
lessons about M.S.DOS I didn’t really think too much about them then and so I
drifted away from them until a fellow reintroduced me to them and I experienced
Windows and point and click control it was just so much easier  he showed me how to get on the internet and
introduced me to internet porn which after being celibate for a number of years
I found to be fantastic. He was most probably taking the piss out of people and
then watching us all from a backroom, anyhow when I finally realised