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Friday, January 1, 2021

Lynndie England - Big Storm


  1. How dare she use the name England?This really hurts to see a pig like this going on like she never did nothing and still after all this time lives and is getting away with it just how can it be that no fcker has grabbed her dirty little arse into the back of one of their vans and done things to her how the fck is it that the worlds rapist and murderers have all missed this one I know shes dam ugly but have they no imagination besides wouldn't they like to make themselves a name you know I think if anyone did do her and got caught for it society would look after that person and their family while they were inside with all the best food bags and money donations for the rest of their natural lives you know how about giving three pounds / dollars a month in charity thing for the first person to deal with this scumbag and a bonus if it is done within a certain time period tehe and yet people like Al Qeada and ISIS still keep killing the wrong innocent people do we need to make them a fcking list with pictures like this one?

  2. The thing is some of the pictures that she was in smiling had dead Iraqi's in who had been tortured were their eye's had been taken out and their insides too she ids no innocent she is a cold blooded murdering man hating lesbian I am not against Lesbians in general just all those who hate men and especially ones I suspect of being southern racist like this
