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Monday, November 9, 2020

High Alert! The U.S. Air Force is Getting Ready For Its New Nuclear Weapons

War is not a fcking game it is death have you ever seen a human being who has just been shot in the head and who no longer has half of it? Yeah now that sounds bad dunnit but just how bad would it sound and look if that was your best mate or a member of your family mate ah even worse if you was standing right next to him or her when it happened and half their brain splattered right across your face and in your mouth mate this is not a movie pal it is not a game it is life and death one lot of Human Beings running across a field with bayonets fixed to the end of the rifles stabbing the fckout of that other bunch of guy's in the next tench? It is not a nice game to playmate better to stop this silly game and get out of it right away now before men are sent out upon to fight and when they get there all the find out there are remote controlled machines flying, walking, climbing in the tree's, coming up from underground, crawling through the bushes, quicker more resilient, smarter and more accurate and they don't get tired neither do they need any rest day or night they have silent communications they have voice recognition, face recognition, and thermal signature recognition and therefore if they see you and recognise you they will have advantage over you and your troops by knowing each and everyone of your weaknesses even better than your own drill sergeants even better than your own mothers by tap into your online psychological profiles made up by google and facebook yahoo and all of your dark web searches, the can then attack each and everyone of your troops individually and silently via V2K technology voice 2 skull this is where they can put a voice inside your head and if that does not freak you our enough then what will you do and how will you take it when that voice starts acting like a devil in side your head and appears to know everything about you more in fact it knows more about you than you know about yourself and your family history and then what happens when these machines cannot only get inside your head and talk to you and press your psychological buttons but when they can even make you see things which are not there or make your friends look like the enemy? And perhaps even worse than machines but what would happen if from high up in the sky above the battlefield almost out of site but higher than any of your weapons can reach you see an enemy plane flying high above your troops and you know that it must be doing something you believe that it must be about to drop some bombs down on your position so you give the order to your men to brace for impact but when the blast do not happen then you wonder what that plane up there it done but in less than five minutes you find out.You are sitting hidden behind a rock in a foxhole awaiting for an attack or enemy troops to move across the open plain in front of your guns sights when allof a sudden the very earth begins to attack you, starting off with insects and bacteria coming out of the very earth that your laying on which then forces you to jump up out of your positions and give yourself and your position away and you see that you are not the only one this is happening to and so not really knowing what is going on but knowing that you can no longer hold this position you order your men to fall back you try to do a tactical retreat but everyone is going crazy with the itching they haven insects inside their pants and boots and ears biting and nipping and bacteria crawling and creeping and borrowing on and under their skin and getting up their noses and in their eyes and mouths as you fallback rapidly you then find that the birds are attacking you and the foxes and wolves and dogs and squirrels and huge rats are attacking and chasing you which none of your weapons will make much difference to and you will not be able to fight and how do I know that you will not be able to fight them I know this because that is exactly how they all are going to be designed the ones in Russia, the ones in China, the ones in America, the ones in Europe, and the ones in other parts of the world too these next 10-20-30 years are not going to be wars that anybody recognises or will properly know how to deal with people have been worried about an alien invasion but I guess what they did not bargain for when making all these big weapons of mass destruction was that the aliens might already be here inside of us. Humans only occupy 42% of their own bodies the rest is made up with little biolemi pathogen and we would not be alive if it were not for these little creature repairing our bodies etc but what would happen if some crazy scientist learnt how to get control these little creatures and tort them attack and eat the human body instead of helping it? The next wars are going to be the mass slaughter and annihilation of mankind and it aint gonna be funny in any quarter believe me get out now while you still can you don't wanna be on no battlefield when this next generation of weapons begins to start coming out believe me start talking peace its the only way because the next generation that are coming out will be robots and remote controlled robots drones yep but that is the revolution of weapons that has already started to happen and will only get worse and more efficient because they will be the ones that will actually be on the battlefield fighting you and the ones who will release the real new generation of weapons and who will be controlling them while they themselves will be remotely controlled from space from the Moon or from the space station or even Mars via new satellite links throughout the solar system which means that you will not be able to stop them you will not be able to kill them and the robots will just keep rolling out from their underground or under the sea factories once we have a proper satellite link going on throughout the solar system everything can be controlled by a spaceforce military body who will bring about a victory by annihilating the enemy on the battlefield and even in their own homes with robot insect swarms the next generation of weapons is to do with the mind and body control of each and every soldier on the battlefield we wil lbe killing each other and killing ourselves on the battlefield by 2050 and we will be committing suicide at home.

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