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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Prime Minister's Question Time - 14 March 2018

because Mr Corbyn and his labour party are responsible for encouraging Immigrants to come here to England and seek medical attention and now he complains because our N.H.S. has become overwhelmed by immigrants so much so that we have had to employ a further 14,900 new doctors and nurses in order to have to deal with them which is a further cost to the British Taxpayer it has been blatantly clear for some time now that our assets and host systems in the U.K have well surpassed their limit's and yet Mr Corbyn and his party still continue to encourage more immigrants to come into our country to live a mark that our system is overwhelmed would be that our own British people including ex-military men can be found homeless and sleeping on our streets and there are homeless immigrants sleeping on our streets because with the flooding of immigrants coming here we have exhausted are housing Hospital and legal aid systems are quite simply inadequate to be able to deal with this amount of people only weeks ago we had patents sleeping on the floor of our Hospitals while others were waiting in a they await to be seen by a doctor this is outrageous but our government is not the one to blame for this mess it is the labour government and MR Corybn's lot

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