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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A Russian hypersonic missile has been successfully test-launched from a ...

Prime Minister's Question Time - 14 March 2018

because Mr Corbyn and his labour party are responsible for encouraging Immigrants to come here to England and seek medical attention and now he complains because our N.H.S. has become overwhelmed by immigrants so much so that we have had to employ a further 14,900 new doctors and nurses in order to have to deal with them which is a further cost to the British Taxpayer it has been blatantly clear for some time now that our assets and host systems in the U.K have well surpassed their limit's and yet Mr Corbyn and his party still continue to encourage more immigrants to come into our country to live a mark that our system is overwhelmed would be that our own British people including ex-military men can be found homeless and sleeping on our streets and there are homeless immigrants sleeping on our streets because with the flooding of immigrants coming here we have exhausted are housing Hospital and legal aid systems are quite simply inadequate to be able to deal with this amount of people only weeks ago we had patents sleeping on the floor of our Hospitals while others were waiting in a they await to be seen by a doctor this is outrageous but our government is not the one to blame for this mess it is the labour government and MR Corybn's lot

�� UK PM May and Corbin React to Russia's Response to Incident in Salisbu...

Ok so we can see that the nazi's started the program so let us follow the evidence now what we know is that one or all of the political parties of our country is allowing Nazi minded agents who are continuing on with elements of the of the Nazi MKULTRA in London England. We have now been given evidence of Nazi donations to the Labour Party with Corbyn involvment with Nazi's with Russian spy's and with the I.R.A. It is rumored that I.R.A. helped Nazi U-Boat Captains by allowing them to refuel off the coast of Ireland during WW11. and therefore are the most likey party to be involved in the Mind control program.

MK Ultra The CIA Nazi Mind Control Program

Ok so we can see that the nazi's started the program so let us follow the evidence now what we know is that one or all of the political parties of our country is allowing Nazi minded agents who are continuing on with elements of the of the Nazi MKULTRA in London England. We have now been given evidence of Nazi donations to the Labour Party with Corbyn involvment with Nazi's with Russian spy's and with the I.R.A. It is rumored that I.R.A. helped Nazi U-Boat Captains by allowing them to refuel off the coast of Ireland during WW11. and therefore are the most likey party to be involved in the Mind control program.

MK Ultra The CIA Nazi Mind Control Program

�� UK PM May and Corbin React to Russia's Response to Incident in Salisbu...

And now the Russian Spy Mr Corbyn is trying to tie our prime Ministers hands by rules and regulations knowing that these Russian poisons could actually be used against her and her Government, and damage our national security while putting many of our secret Agents lives at risk this man need to be arrested any which way immediately the prime minister should deal with this matter as she see's fit. Now Corbyn the little Nazi spy and I.R.A. supporter /Operative talks about our Tory Government receiving money from Russian Mafia with no evidence at all where as the evidence of Mr Corbyns Labour party there is clear evidence of his party receiving donations from a known Nazi.

(Just Like) Starting Over - John Lennon

Monday, March 5, 2018

Banned TEDTalk about Psychic Abilities | Russell Targ

Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth

What is Consciousness ? - Three Stages of Consciousness | Michio Kaku

What is Consciousness? What is Its Purpose?

What Is Reality?

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Targeted Individuals: Spiritual Warfare Pt2

Is This The Spiritual War - Are Gang Stalkers Demons - Are Targeted Indi...

Targeted Individuals Unwelcome company

Targeted Individuals: The witchcraft involved in targeting

144,000 targeted individuals, Narc's are gangstalking agents, A.I. is d...

Jealous Guy - John Lennon and The Plastic Ono Band (with the Flux Fiddlers)

Mind Games - John Lennon and The Plastic U.F.Ono Band

Watching The Wheels - John Lennon