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Friday, July 21, 2017

Cop GUILTY Sex Obsessed Police Officer Used Helicopter��

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btUraPQOWBE Hi there Targeted Individuals finally somebody has caught the fuckers stalking them in their police helicopters now we have all been saying this all along for years that the Police helicopter pilots have been misusing their Job's misusing their Police powers misusing their Police equipment to stalk us with ultra sound and infra sound/ hypersound beam speakers attached to their helicopters that they can pick us out in a crowd and taunt us, to harass us, intimidate us, to blackmail us to try to send us crazy, to try to force us to commit suicide or to try to make us aggressive and gode us all on in the hope that we might do some violent act that they could capture on film and then blackmail us all with, that they also use their helicopters to watch and film us undressing, naked, in the shower, on the toilet, making love and Masturbating, and so now is the time to strike we must all get in touch with this people that the helicopter police have been abusing ands support them and ask them if they will help to support us to we have to amke it clear that what happened to these people is not an isolated incident which happened in an isolated area but that it is happening all over Great Britain that it is happening internationally people need to know and we ned to tell them this is one more nail in their coffin let's make sure that we all hammer it in tightly so that it doesn ot come lose again OK you with me?  Also try this link:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btUraPQOWBE 

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