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Monday, July 31, 2017

Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (HD)

VID 20170731 180053

VID 20170731 175326

Cream - White Room

Jefferson Airplane -White Rabbit-

California Dreamin' - The Mamas & The Papas

California Dreamin' - The Mamas & The Papas

VID 20170731 170951

VID 20170731 170648

VID 20170731 004245

VID 20170731 003755

VID 20170731 003502

VID 20170731 003453

VID 20170731 002145

VID 20170731 000000

VID 20170730 234537

The Animals - The House of the Rising Sun Mafia III Trailer 3 Casino !!!

VID 20170730 232845

VID 20170730 233147

VID 20170730 231605

VID 20170730 131135

Friday, July 21, 2017

Metropolitan Police Helicopter - Start up, Take off and High Speed Pass!

Cop Uses Police Helicopter To Spy On People Having Sex

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_Police_Air_Support_Unit they so need to be busted!

Was I just spotted by an NYPD Police Helicopter ?

Was I just spotted by an NYPD Police Helicopter ?

NYPD Police Helicopter hovering over my neighborhood

G SUFK Police Helicopter hovers 26mar15 Cambridge UK 408p

Police Helicopter Harassment May23rd2009

FBI Listens In On Our Inner Voice; Anaheim Police Helicopter Gang Air St...


Gang Stalking for Non-Human Exposure Caught on Camera! (Aug 6-2016)

Gang Stalking Demonic Police Helicopter

Cop GUILTY Sex Obsessed Police Officer Used Helicopter��

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btUraPQOWBE Hi there Targeted Individuals finally somebody has caught the fuckers stalking them in their police helicopters now we have all been saying this all along for years that the Police helicopter pilots have been misusing their Job's misusing their Police powers misusing their Police equipment to stalk us with ultra sound and infra sound/ hypersound beam speakers attached to their helicopters that they can pick us out in a crowd and taunt us, to harass us, intimidate us, to blackmail us to try to send us crazy, to try to force us to commit suicide or to try to make us aggressive and gode us all on in the hope that we might do some violent act that they could capture on film and then blackmail us all with, that they also use their helicopters to watch and film us undressing, naked, in the shower, on the toilet, making love and Masturbating, and so now is the time to strike we must all get in touch with this people that the helicopter police have been abusing ands support them and ask them if they will help to support us to we have to amke it clear that what happened to these people is not an isolated incident which happened in an isolated area but that it is happening all over Great Britain that it is happening internationally people need to know and we ned to tell them this is one more nail in their coffin let's make sure that we all hammer it in tightly so that it doesn ot come lose again OK you with me?  Also try this link:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btUraPQOWBE 

Cop GUILTY Sex Obsessed Police Officer Used Helicopter��

Sunday, July 16, 2017

These 16 States BANNED Sharia Law, Is Yours On the List?

SHOCK: One U.S. State Just Voted On Sharia Law…No One Expected THIS!

Arabic Speaking Woman Overhears What Muslim Refugees Have Planned And It...

Muslim Cadet Refuses To Remove Hijab, Military College Wipes Grin Off He...

Sweden's Migrant Rape Epidemic

Muslim Crap in Sweden

Germans Now Held Captive by Ungrateful Muslim Invaders

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of 'Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired' Germans



Germans Prepare for Civil War

The bottom line: Anal sex is an unhealthy practice that should be avoided

Finnish lady describes the Muslim violence, they brag of attacks.

Finnish lady describes the Muslim violence, they brag of attacks.

Irish man vs muslims

Danish Government Fights Back Against Muslim Migrants.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Muslim Migrants Raping Women & Children All Over Europe.

"We're so f*&cked!!!" MUST WATCH - Special report on the Islamic takeove...

Britain First faces brutal attack by Islamists in East London!

Graphic: London Mosque Attack as crowd caught one of the attackers as pe...

3rd mosque attacked in Sweden in a week, violence rises vs Muslims

'No mosques in Germany!' Mass rally against Muslim houses of worship in ...

Muslims attack Christians in UK streets "we're taking over" "we hate you"

Britain First ATTACKED and harassed by council jobsworths in Telford!

Britain First ATTACKED in "Jihadi Capital of Britain"

"Do NOT come to the UK!" Britain First team heads to Calais to deter mig...

Muslim Woman in Burka Joins Extreme Far Right Group - Britain First Rally

White British are being forced out by Muslims!!!

Video proof that UK Police now enforcing Sharia Law

Britain In Serious Trouble With Muslim Immigration

Britain In Serious Trouble With Muslim Immigration


Sweden Is Turing Into A Muslim No-Go Ghetto

Muslim migrants feel up German women after invading public pool

Muslim Immigrants attack Woman and Her Child

Illegal Immigrants Rape Mother in front of her Children during Home inva...

UK ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT CR Shocking Moment as Desperate Migrants Hijack Tru...

Questions Surround Migrant Crisis for African and Asian Refugees

EU to STOP HUMAN SMUGGLING of Refugee/Migrants by Mediterranean Sea.

EUROPE IMMIGRATION CRISIS - Illegal Immigrants Push Forward Into Germany...

How illegal immigrants enter the UK

UK / FRANCE IMMIGRANT CRISIS - Illegal Immigrants Rampage Channel Tunnel...

Enoch Powell's Rivers Of Blood Speech in 1080p

Enoch Powell - Let It Go On Until the Civil War Comes

Enoch Powell on Race

1990s Enoch Powell Interview by Selina Scott

Enoch Powell Documentary

Rivers of Blood - (Enoch Powell, Birmingham April 20 1968)

The Fraud of Multiculturalism

enoch powell multiculturism

enoch powell multiculturism

enoch powell dec 1976 a prophecy

Controversial - Enoch Powell - This week - 1976

Tony Benn - Afternoon plus - Thames Television

Labour and Militant This Week TV Eye 1982

Labour - Comrades At War

Friday, July 14, 2017


Margaret Thatcher On The Homeless

Why did people hate Margaret Thatcher? (Documentary)

Mining village 'celebrates' Margaret Thatcher's funeral

The Day We Went To Orgreave


Excerpt from The Battle of Orgreave

the day that thatcher dies (ding dong the witch is dead)

Miners strike 1984

When Scargill joined the doctors picket line

Socialist Case for leaving the European Union - Vote Leave in EU refer...

Arthur Scargill - Miners - Thames Television - 1974

The Miners' Strike - 30 Years of Hurt (Wales This Week) 03-03-14

Lord Kinnock - The 1984 Miners' Strike and the Death of Industrial Britain

Kinnock on Corbyn (enhanced audio and subtitles)

Neil Kinnock: Jeremy Corbyn is the worst Labour Leader

Tony Benn - 10 min History Lesson for Neoliberals

Tony Benn - 10 min History Lesson for Neoliberals