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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Jessie J, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj - Bang Bang ft. Ariana Grande, NickDoes anybody out there not think that act's like Ariana's is not food for pedophiles and look here in this photo Ariana is indicating either that she is a naughty little girl/ she devil to go along with her naught little pedophile girl image or the "Horn's" on top of her head this symbol to many Christians Jews, Muslims would indicate that she represents Satan or is a Satanist and worships him, where as to Satanist or Pagan's etc it represents the Horned God to whom they follow but when you mix pedophilia sex and magic together then what do you get but death/ sacrifice and that is what has happened is it not true The sacrifice of the innocent's R.I.P. A-Men. And look who gained from it but Satan because this was an evil act and I believe that everyone would agree with me on that one and Ariana's bank account? Now what I would like is for some true and real feminist to come forward here and to condemn school girl act's like Ariana's and the fashion lines which promote it before even more innocents should get hurt please come on and speak out about this it is wrong and dangerous that much we all do now know yeah? ...

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