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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Uncle Tom's Cabin Film (1927) Part 1 of 4

Black Christians = Uncle Toms

What is an Uncle Tom?

Jessie J, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj - Bang Bang ft. Ariana Grande, NickDoes anybody out there not think that act's like Ariana's is not food for pedophiles and look here in this photo Ariana is indicating either that she is a naughty little girl/ she devil to go along with her naught little pedophile girl image or the "Horn's" on top of her head this symbol to many Christians Jews, Muslims would indicate that she represents Satan or is a Satanist and worships him, where as to Satanist or Pagan's etc it represents the Horned God to whom they follow but when you mix pedophilia sex and magic together then what do you get but death/ sacrifice and that is what has happened is it not true The sacrifice of the innocent's R.I.P. A-Men. And look who gained from it but Satan because this was an evil act and I believe that everyone would agree with me on that one and Ariana's bank account? Now what I would like is for some true and real feminist to come forward here and to condemn school girl act's like Ariana's and the fashion lines which promote it before even more innocents should get hurt please come on and speak out about this it is wrong and dangerous that much we all do now know yeah? ...

Illuminati How to Break into the Film Industry The film industry is a profession that most people automatically write off as impossible to get into. “Good luck with that,” people will say with a smirk when you tell them of your intentions. “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know; and you don’t know anyone.” It’s true that creative professions are tough to get into. Unlike our more business-minded counterparts, like accountants or lawyers (who know exactly what they have to do to be successful), the film industry has absolutely no guarantees and no clear checklist to victory. Film professionals are completely on their own when finding a path to success and it can be very intimidating, especially since no two career paths are alike. Nay-Sayers To make things worse, you won’t find a lot of support out there, in fact, people will tend to try to spoil your dreams and make you think twice before going for it. There are a lot of reasons why people do this, but not all are malicious. People close to you, like your friends and family, will sometimes try to protect you from getting hurt. They care about you and don’t want to see you struggle. They don’t realize that what you really need is their support. Some people will be jealous of your courage because they always dreamed of doing it, but never did. They will make it sound like the film world is entirely unjust and only a chosen few succeed. Worst of all, some people are just plain salty. They may have faced failure in their life and have concluded that if they can’t have victory, they won’t let anyone else have it either. If you are going to break into the film industry, you have to expect these kinds of negative influences on your dreams and tune them out. Here is my theory on hard-to-break-into industries: the more competition the more saltiness; the more saltiness the more hopeless people feel; the more hopeless they feel the less they try; and the less they try the easier it is for a truly focused person to succeed. I honestly believe that the film industry has not become harder to break into, but easier. Through turmoil and mediocrity, quality individuals rise to the top. Get your House in Order If you have decided that you are going to take the plunge, it is important to get rid of as much resistance to your goal as possible. The most common form of resistance is debt. The film industry does not pay well at first; in fact, your first few jobs may be for free. Therefore, if you have debt, you will be eaten alive. It was three years after I decided that I wanted to pursue a career in film that I took my first job. It was painful to work a non-creative job in order to pay off my debt, but I had to dig myself out of the hole I had created before I could pursue my dream. If you can enter the film industry for the love of the work instead of a need for money, you will have a great advantage over most of your competition. Believe it or not, people in the film industry become slaves to their jobs just like everyone else. They find themselves in a position where they are forced to take jobs in order to pay their bills. People who are free to pick and choose their work have negotiating leverage to not only get better work, but to get work that will further their careers. Spend time developing this freedom before you get locked into the life of a starving artist. Pay off your debt and develop some sort of passive income. If you are a creative person this advice will not seem sexy, but it will free you to be able to pursue your passion the way most people dream of their whole lives. Microcosm of the Entrepreneurial Universe I love the film industry because it behaves like a miniature, super-charged economy. Because film professionals are independent contractors and film projects only last three months to a year at a time, this industry is in a constant state of flux. Each movie is an entrepreneurial venture with so much motion and turmoil, things tend to happen at light speed. Success in the film industry can happen almost overnight compared to the overall economy. Creativity is not enough to make it. You have to be an entrepreneur. This means that you have to learn some business skills to put your ideas to work. Entrepreneurs have learned to master the creative/logical duality in their own minds. Creative people are amazing idea generators, but tend to lack in logical skills like decisiveness, persistence, and follow-through. My First Film Job After I had paid off my debt, I quit a great airline job and started sending my resume to production offices for upcoming film projects in Austin. I didn’t have any experience, but I figured that I had enough on my resume to show a producer that I could quickly adapt. Of about ten resumes sent, I was only contacted by one person: legendary low-budget producer Damon Chang who was setting up a movie called Hallettsville featuring Gary Busey on less than a million dollar budget. Damon didn’t say much, but told me that he needed help setting up the production office and that I could help paint the walls if I wanted to. The only pay he was offering was pizza for lunch, but it could possibly lead to a slightly more stable unpaid job. I showed up the next day and helped along with four other volunteers. We had a good time and took pride in our painting, but couldn’t quite finish the job in one day. I volunteered to stop by the next day to finish up. When I finished painting, some of the other producers were trying to set up about twenty desks that had just come off a truck in pieces. I grabbed my cordless drill to help and soon inherited the unpaid job of setting up desks. Since it was so early in pre-production I had a lot of time alone with Damon and the other producers while I helped to set up the office. I didn’t know a thing about how movies were made, so everything was fascinating to me. Some of the producers were on the phone with Hollywood agents trying to put together a cast while Damon was interviewing people to fill about fifty positions on the crew. Since I had only ever heard of writers, directors, producers, and actors; I had no idea that all of these other crew positions even existed. Humility In the film industry, it is important to understand that no matter how creative you are, or how many blockbusters you have in your head, the person who might hire you doesn’t care. Producers are just trying to fill jobs on their crew with competent people who will carry out the vision of the director. That being said, the easiest way to get a job in the industry with no prior experience is to take the job that no one else wants. This means lowering yourself to getting someone else coffee, taking out the trash, painting the walls, etc. If you can put your pride aside enough to do these jobs with a smile, you will be far ahead of most. A little humility will start you off on the right foot. After a couple of days helping out around the office, Damon pulled me aside for a mini interview. I explained to him that I had zero experience but I would do anything he needed just so that I could be around to learn. He told me that he could usually tell within a couple of days whether or not a person was fit for the industry, and that he was willing to give me a chance. I think that humility plays a big part in whether or not a person passes Damon’s test. Integrity My first official title was “Office Intern,” meaning that I was the assistant to the Production Office Coordinator. The job was still unpaid, but I moved up from assembling desks to making copies and running to the store. The first day I met my new boss, Mary Beth Meadows, she told me that half of success in this industry was just showing up. She explained that since film is such an unstructured enterprise, dependable people are hard to find. I was surprised to hear that some people were so flaky, but looking back, I realized that out of the five of us who started out painting the walls, only two remained. The others had found excuses not to show up. All I did to get a title was come to work on time. Integrity is the value of doing what you say you are going to do. It is a very simple and subtle quality, but extremely powerful. Following through on a promise, no matter how small, can give you authority and respect in an area where you previously had none. For example a person who shows up to work when they say they will, returns people’s calls when they say they will, and completes the tasks they accept, has integrity. This type of dependability is rare in the business world and like gold in the film industry. Even though I had survived the first cut, I didn’t realize how powerful integrity really was until I got my first chance to prove myself. One of the producers, Dustin Weaver, needed some locations scouts and pulled aside another intern and myself. He split up about ten possible locations between the two of us and gave us the same assignment to scout the locations and report back the next day. Doing exactly what I was told, I took pictures of the locations and sent them to Dustin in an email the next day with a short take on each site. Shockingly, my counterpart called in sick the next day and didn’t follow through on her assignment. What she didn’t realize was that Dustin was looking for a locations assistant and while she flunked the interview, I was hired the next day. How a Movie is Made I didn’t know a thing about what went on behind the scenes in a movie before Hallettsville, but the movie served as my film school. I was most interested with the duality that exists between those who are “above the line” and those who are “below the line.” The people who are “above the line” on a set are the ones you are most likely to hear about. They are the ones with creative input. This includes the writer, main actors, director, producers; and sometimes the assistant director, casting director, art director, or others. These people usually get credited at the beginning of the movie and sometimes share in the royalties. People who are “below the line” fill in the jobs that complete the day-to-day tasks that are required to make the creative vision become a reality. The entire system is set up so that the creative people can concentrate most of their energy on being creative while everyone else around them makes it possible. The interesting thing is that the people above the line are not necessarily more experienced than their below the line counterparts. In our movie, some of the people above the line had actually dropped out of film school. To get above the line, you need either have the resources to make a movie ($$$), or the creativity to make it happen. This is another example of how the film industry is a microcosm of the entrepreneurial environment. Business are created by the partnership between investors and entrepreneurs (above the line). Once the business is set up, employees are hired to carry out the daily tasks. Getting into the ownership of a company is not as easy as working your way to the top. A movie is just a mini-company. To own a company, you must have the vision and resources to make a leap of faith on your own. Just like in the “real world” people in the film industry can also get stuck in the rat race. If you are in debt, and are forced to take job after job that you don’t necessarily want, you never get the chance to take a breath and work towards your goal. Very few people get above the line by working their way through the ranks. While positions that require a lot of experience in the trenches, like assistant director, line producer, and director of photography, can be negotiated above the line; if you want to be a writer, director, producer, or actor, you need to realize that these positions are not typically achieved by being promoted from below the line. If you want to be a writer, write. If you want to be a director, direct. If you want to be an actor, act. Learn as much as you can by working in different departments on other people’s movies, but take time in between jobs to work on your own projects, no matter how small. If you don’t have the financial freedom to do this, your chances for success will be greatly diminished. Qualities of a Film Industry Professional Now that I have confused everyone on how to get to the top, I will say this: even though the path to the top is not clearly defined, the best place to start is at the bottom. We have already discussed how humility and integrity can help you. Here are some other qualities that can set you apart from the crowd. Work Ethic During production, work days can be as long as 16 or 18 hours. This can be tough and requires a lot of stamina. A strong work ethic means that you are the first to volunteer to help and the last to leave at night. Cheerfully offer help to others in your down time, even if they are in a different department. Not only does this show your commitment to the project, but it might land you your next job. Don’t complain about the long hours, because it may cost you your next job. Organization If you are a creative person, chances are your are highly unorganized. A missed deadline in a film can mean thousands of dollars down the tube at best, and the failure of the project, at worst. It is helpful to find some sort of organizational tool like a computer calendar or a paper planner. I use a combination of the two. You can read about my system here. Creative Problem Solving As an assistant, your first responsibility is to do what you are told without argument; but if you see that something can be done more efficiently, don’t be afraid to suggest it to your superiors. Just remember, their word is the last word. If your idea gets shot down, be a trooper and go with the flow. Take responsibility Just like in business, there are different departments in a movie and it is easy to blame a different department or an assistant when things don’t go right. People on the way to the top take personal responsibility for not only their own department, but the whole project. While you can’t be in all places at once, take ownership and work closely with your co-workers. Make teamwork, not excuses. My First Paid Job I was only assistant to the locations department for a few weeks before I got my next big promotion. I had shown enough to Damon for him to take a chance on me. He was having trouble finding a Transportation Captain within his budget, so he rolled the dice and offered the job to me. Although I would be making just $75 a day, I would be responsible for the coordination of a fleet of movie trucks, star trailers, generators, vans, and cars between several different locations on our project. I gladly accepted the job, even though transportation had nothing to do with my eventual goal to become a director. I was not going to pass up a job of greater responsibility and a chance to be close to the action. The six weeks of production were grueling and stressful, but we made it through without any major hitches. In my downtime, I was able to mingle with every other person on the crew and make some amazing contacts. It was my own film-school condensed into a few months. I barely made any money, but the experience I gained was invaluable. If you are thinking about the film industry, don’t let anyone stop you. Get your house in order and hit the trail running. If your passion is film, there is no better place to live it than in the film industry.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Burning Spear (Winston Rodney) - Slavery Days (Do you remember the days ...



Last 40 Years of The British Empire in India

Pakistan And India Partition 1947 - The Day India Burned - by roothmens




What do ‘Commonwealth’ & ‘British Empire’ mean to you?

The Commonwealth Realm: Explained

British Empire & Commonwealth of Nations

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X Debate

Top 10 Famous Speeches

Martin Luther King, Jr. I Have A Dream Speech

Martin Luther King's Last Speech: "I've Been To The Mountaintop"

Mandela and Winnie's love affair

Rivonia treason trial 50th Anniversary

Nelson Mandela Rivonia Trial

Nelson Mandela Rivonia Trial

Nelson Mandela Speaks for Clinton's During Lewinsky Scandal

Nelson Mandela Speech That Changed The World

Nelson Mandela - Last Speech in SA parliament

Mandela—An Ideal for which I am prepared to die

Nelson Mandela - Full Speech At Start Rivonia Trial (20 April 1964)

Nelson Mandela: The Rivonia Trial

Nelson Mandela: The Rivonia Trial

Nelson Mandela's Life Story

Nelson Mandela, 1964: 'I am prepared to die' - audio recording of speech...

The Life and Death of Steve Biko

Stephen Biko - Cry Freedom

Steve Biko Speaks! Black Consciousness and the South African Revolution

Steve Biko Documentary

Apartheid in South Africa

Apartheid in South Africa - Documentary on Racism | Interviews with Blac...

Apartheid Explained


RareSoul.Com Presents: Uncle Billy McCrae; Former Slave

Fountain Hughes - Voices from the Days of Slavery

Found Voices the slaves life

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Part 8

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Part 7

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Part 6

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Part 5

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Part 4

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Part 3

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Part 2

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Part 1

Black Females and the cry of your ancestors

Native Actors 1

The Beauty of Native American Women (Yeha Noha - Tatanka)

Wind In His Hair (Director's Cut)

Pawnee Execution of Timmons (Director's Cut)



Rachel's Plummer's Unspeakable Saga

Comanche Warrior - documentary excerpt, part 1

cynthia ann parker

Quanah Parker Last Comanche Chief

Comanche Indians

Top 10 Most Famous Native Americans

Top 10 Most Famous Native Americans

Great Native American Warriors

Authentic Native American (Indian) Pictures from 1850 - 1940

Oldest Native American footage ever

Coolies: How British Reinvented Slavery

Slavery in Jamaica HD



Buck Breaking- Hidden, Untold, History

The Native American Slave Owners

Largest African American Slave Owner And Breeder

Slave Quarters In GreenWood Mississippi. ..

Homeless in Jackson, MS

Life In Prison - Mississippi's Hardest

Mississippi Delta Poverty

Poverty in, Mississippi " The Untold Story"

What's wrong with Mississippi.

Poverty in Mississippi

THE HANGING BRIDGE ~ Shubuta Mississippi

Mississippi Burning Official Trailer #1 - Gene Hackman Movie (1988) HD

You're in Mississippi - Welcome to Mississippi.

Mississippi Burning- Diner Scene

We got some Hoover Boys come to visit...

Mississippi Burning (3/10) Movie CLIP - Federal Bureau of Integration (1...

Mississippi Burning (2/10) Movie CLIP - Welcome to Mississippi (1988) HD

Mississippi Burning Official Trailer #1 - Gene Hackman Movie (1988) HD

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Mississippi Burning (6/10) Movie CLIP - Wringing Necks (1988) HD

Mississippi Burning - Barber shop

Gene Hackman is Badass

7 of the Worst KKK Attacks in History

Angela Davis and Assata Shakur. Interview May 3, 2013

Black Rights Fugitive JoAnne Chesimard In Cuba - Part 1 | NBC News

Angela Davis and Assata Shakur's Lawyer Denounce FBI's Adding of Exiled ...

Assata Shakur in Her Own Words: Rare Recording of Activist Named to FBI ...

Fred Hampton - "Political Prisoner" [1080p remastered]

RBG-GEORGE JACKSON TRIBUTE FILM| "Death of a Revolutionary"

George Jackson Speaks! 1971 Prison Interview

Civil Rights History Project: Rick Tuttle

Civil Rights History Project: Ekwueme Michael Thelwell

Civil Rights History Project: Virginia Simms George

Civil Rights History Project: Linda Fuller Degelmann

Rosa Parks Collection: Telling Her Story at the Library of Congress

Civil Rights History Project: Cecilia Suyat Marshall

Civil Rights History Project: Robert McClary

Civil Rights History Project: Louise Broadway

Civil Rights History Project: Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons

Civil Rights History Project: William Lamar Strickland

Civil Rights History Project: Dorothy Foreman Cotton

Civil Rights History Project: Esther M. A. Terry

Civil Rights History Project: Evans Derrell Hopkins

Civil Rights History Project: Joseph Echols Lowery

Civil Rights History Project: Robert L. Carter

Civil Rights History Project: Anne Pearl Avery

Civil Rights History Project: Doris Adelaide Derby

Civil Rights History Project: Ruby Nell Sales

Civil Rights History Project: Lawrence Guyot

Civil Rights History Project: Cecil J. Williams

Civil Rights History Project: Matthew J. Perry

Civil Rights History Project: Charles F. McDew

Civil Rights History Project: Dorie Ann Ladner and Joyce Ladner

Civil Rights History Project: Joan Trumpauer Mulholland

Civil Rights History Project: Ben Caldwell

Civil Rights History Project: Charles Siler

Civil Rights History Project: Steven McNichols

Civil Rights History Project: Gwendolyn Annette Duncan

Civil Rights History Project: Barbara Edna Vickers

Civil Rights History Project: Gloria Hayes Richardson

Civil Rights History Project: Courtland Cox

Civil Rights History Project: Barbara Edna Vickers

Civil Rights History Project: Carrie M. Young

Civil Rights History Project: Mary Jones

Civil Rights History Project: Mary Jenkins

Civil Rights History Project: Euvester Simpson

Civil Rights History Project: Rosie Head

Civil Rights History Project: Purcell Maurice Conway

Civil Rights History Project: Audrey Nell Hamilton and JoeAnn Anderson U...

Civil Rights History Project: Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons

Civil Rights History Project: Shirley Miller Sherrod

Civil Rights History Project: Gwendolyn M. Patton

Civil Rights History Project: William G. Anderson

Civil Rights History Project: Cleveland Sellers

Civil Rights History Project: Martha Prescod Norman Noonan

Civil Rights History Project: Samuel Berry McKinney

Civil Rights History Project: Lonnie C. King

Civil Rights History Project: Clarence B. Jones

Civil Rights History Project: Walter Bruce

Civil Rights History Project: Bill Russell

Civil Rights History Project: Kathleen Cleaver

Evolution of A Black Panther (1/2)

Evolution of A Black Panther (1/2)

RBG-Why We Wear Our Hair Like This 1968, Kathleen Cleaver of the BPP Br...

Black Panther Woman Speak on Feminism

Angela Davis speaking at UCLA 10/8/1969

Angela Davis Interview

The Assassination of Fred Hampton How the FBI and the Chicago Police Mur...

Fred Hampton Documentary

Elvis Presley meets Muhammad Ali (first time)

Elvis Presley meets Muhammad Ali (first time)

Ali and Sly

Muhammad (Mohammed) Ali : Interview in Ireland (July 1972) [FULL]

Firing Line with William Buckley - Muhammad Ali and The Negro Movement (...

Firing Line - Thomas Sowell w/ William F. Buckley Jr. (1981)

Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: Is America Hospitable to the Ne...

Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: The Black Panthers

William Buckley interviews Huey Newton on Firing Line

Huey P. Newton Death Report (1989)

Huey P. Newton Killed Video - ABC News (Aug. 22, 1989)

The Assassination of George Jackson


Panther(1995 Movie) Part 1

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History of the Black Panther Party: Huey Newton and the Price of Black P...

Martin, Malcolm and Muhammad (The MLK they don't show you)

Untold Truth About Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - All Involved w/ His Assa...

Untold Truth About Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - All Involved w/ His Assa...

Untold History About The Story Of The Black Hebrew Israelites - Wentwor...

Black Hebrew Israelites Make The News In Jerusalem Qam Yasharahla

Ty (Hebrew Israelite) Why/How do you pray. Who are the people of God as ...

Hebrew Israelite Ty Debates Muslim Guy Awais - Various Topics - Speakers...

Hebrew Israelite Ty Debates Muslim Guy Awais - Various Topics - Speakers...

Big Bro speaks with a muslim then an Iranian man, asked him why did he l...

Hebrew debates Muslim

The Israelites: Muslim Gets Cut With His Own Quran!!!!



AMERICA'S NEXT WAR:Why Blacks Should Stay Out Of The Military?

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Dr Yosef Ben Jochannan ~ Black Man Wake Up!!!

7.83 Hz | The Powerful Healing Frequency of Earth's Magnetic Field | Boo...

EGYPTIAN ANKH l 432 Hz music l Meditation music l Relaxation music


Visualize and make the Unreal, Real - Drawing comes to Life

The Original man, his God, his purpose and his Wife


Setting the record straight about the Nation Of Islam - Brother Ben X

Khalid Yasin - About the Nation of Islam & Farakhan

Top 10 Celebrities Who Have Converted to Islam

Mike Tyson convert to Islam

Muhammad Ali Funny Moments

Memorable moments with Muhammad Ali and Howard Cosell.

Muhammad Ali And Howard Cossel Interview

Muhammad Ali talks to William F. Buckley (1968)

Muhammad Ali talks to William F. Buckley (1968)

Malcolm X - Debate with James Baldwin - September 5, 1963

James Baldwin Debates William F. Buckley (1965)

Malcolm X: Speeches and Interviews (1960-65)

Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad Full Documentary

The Underground Railroad Full Documentary

Frederick Douglass - From Slave to Abolitionist

Marcus Garvey interview


Jamaican Maroons - interview Col. Ferron Williams 17/10/12

Accompong Maroon Town mpeg2video

An Introduction to the Maroons

Moore Town Maroons, Portland, Jamaica "Blow Abeng" Dec2012 by Deshawn

Surinam. Saramaccan singing and dancing.

The Maroons Of Surinam

Native American Traditional Lakota Music

Canada Inuit Music

Jamaica Maroon Music

Cultural group Wejahalie from Powakka - Suriname

Music from Arawak Indians Suriname(2)

Carlos Nakai: Earth Spirit

Chakra Cleansing & Activating Guided Meditation

Chakra Cleansing & Activating Guided Meditation

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Esoteric Healing

Esoteric Acupuncture

The Chinese Cupping Technique - Medicine, Magic or Placebo?

Chinese FIRE Cupping - with Results

Roots - Season 1 Episode 3

Roots - Season 1 Episode 2

Roots - Season 1 Episode 1

Jamaican homophobia

Homophobic jamaicans Live from Jamaica

Gay vs Rasta

"NO GAYS" says Jamaica's primeminister on bbc's hard talk

Openly Gay Jamaican Speaks out Against Homophobic Attacks In Jamaica

In Jamaica, Transgender Teen Murdered By Mob

Openly Gay Man Killed in Jamaica

Jamaican Police Shoot and Kill a Man In Broad Daylight

Bounty Killer and Movado In Cassava Piece....2004


Deadly Shooting in Whitfield Town one Youth Dead Portia visits area

RASTA that chopped after TAXI MAN in PAPINE SQUARE finally caught by the...

Selassie Jumps off Kingston Public Hospital Building!

Jamaica ER Episode 4 part 2/3

YouTube - Bob Marley- The Last Known Interview (Directed By Chuck McNeil...

Bob Marley - Last Words to his Fans

Bob Marley interview on Marijuana (Trench Town Kingston, Jamaica)

Top 7 Things to Do in Jamaica

Negril and the People of Jamaica

This is Jamaica to me 2015

This is Jamaica to me 2015

Driving to Negril Jamaica from Montego Bay

Flying to Negril, Jamaica for Dreams Weekend on Fly Jamaica Airways

Crocodile and Manatee in Jamaica

Goat Island Jamaica

Real Jamaica: No Tourist Allowed (HD)

Trench Town - Kingston - Jamaica

Bob Marley - Trench Town

bob marley - Give Me Trench Town

Famous Rich and in the Slums Part 2 HQ

Jamaica Cornival 2017/ @ Half Way Tree April 23/ 2017

Deportees stranded!

32 Jamaicans deported from the uk arrived in jamaica today ( APRIL 2017 )

Two young Somalian ladies in Jamaican jail

Kingston Jamaica PRISONS - REAL Cell phone Videos & JCF

Jamaica police storm Kingston neighbourhood

A View From Our Roof (part 3)

A View From Our Roof (part 2)

tivoli war(2) may 24 2010

tivoli war(2) may 24 2010

Jamaica War In Tivoli Gardens

Burned down market near Tivoli Gardens; angry residents

Police brutality in mountain view kingston jamaica

Police brutality in mountain view kingston jamaica

Jamaican policeman get beating

bicycle stunting

Jamaican bike stunt pt3

Jamaican bike stunt pt3

Jamaicans Answer Questions PT. 1

Try not to laugh Questions 2 jamaican

Try not to laugh Questions 2 jamaican

Jamaican Children are the FUNNIEST ( 00:33 LOL )

Jamaican 12 Yrs old boy Driving a Tractor trailer ( BIG RIG )

Jamaican Bikers STUNTING HARD dont blink you might miss it. ?

Just For Laughs Uptown Comics 2005

Mi Nah Laugh- Jamaican Comedy Show ( Part 1)

Comedian Freddie Ricks Jokes about Jamaican Shottas

Long Run Short Catch [Full Jamaican Movie]

Gangsta's Paradise [Jamaican Movie]

Gangsta's Paradise [Jamaican Movie]


Jamaican Mafia

A Story About the Garifuna Documentary

A Story About the Garifuna Documentary

The Garinagu (Garifuna) History & TimeLine (Part 1)

St. Vincent & Dominica (travel-documentary from the season "Caribbean Mo...

Dominica's Carib Indians and tourism

Caribe Native Arawak - "HURRICANE'S MARCH"

Rhythms Dance Team: Taino Dance I // Baile Taino I

Rhythms Dance Team: Taino Dance I // Baile Taino I

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Taino History

The Arawaks

We visit an Arawak indian settlement and speak with some women; tribal c...

We are Tainos; we are not "Latinos".

Silencing of the Tongues: Arawak/Lokono (Final Edit)

Ancient Tongues part 1

12 - The Moore Town Maroons of Jamaica - Maroon Kromanti Language

The Kromanti Language of the Jamaican Maroons (Final edit)

Accompong Maroon Festival 2008

The Jamaican Maroons

MS Dynamite on Cutting Edge in search of NANNY of the Maroons

HODC visit our Brothers in Maroon Town Jamaica

Queen Nanny

Nanny of the Maroons

History of The Moore Town Maroons - Maroons of Jamaica - Documentary

Sister Farika's Maroon Story

The Maroons | Jamaica's Forgotten Nation

"I was Born a Rasta" White Jamaican in London


Forgotten faces of Jamaica Trailer/ White Asian Jamaicans

The Caribbean East Indians, Part 2 of 2

The Caribbean East Indians, Part 1 of 2

Bush Doctor Natural Treatment - Very Important Information - savejamaica...

Jamaican Patois — Country Folk

JAMAICAN HERBS : Health / Healing / Income

Indian influence on Rastafari and Jamaica

Face of Multi-East Indian Jamaicans

I am Jamaican.mov

Jamaican 'China' man (explicit)

My White Jamaican Dad (Original)

[F] IM REALLY JAMAICAN @madwhitejamaican


I am Jamaican for Crying Out Loud!

Jews of Jamaica.flv

Jews of Jamaica.flv

From Jamaican Hip Hopper to Orthodox Jew (Conversion to Judaism)

Friday, May 26, 2017

Jews of Jamaica.flv

New Torah-Scroll Celebration in Jamaica

Hakka Chinese Jamaican

Jamaican Chinese community part 3



White/Euro-Jamaicans (Jamaicans are white too)

The Many Faces Of Jamaica

Jamaican racial frictions part 4

Racism in Jamaica: Usain Bolt tell it like it is.

Lester Lloyd Coke The Jamaican Drug Lord Crime Documentary

Lester Lloyd Coke The Jamaican Drug Lord Crime Documentary

Is Jamaica Safe: Where NOT to GO in Jamaica❗️

The Harry J All Stars - "The Liquidator" (Official Audio)

Boris Gardiner - Elizabethan Reggae (Official Audio)

The Liquidator - Harry J All Stars - Reggae 45RPM

Skatalites - Ska Ska Ska

Skatalites - Ska Ska Ska

Skatalites - Simmer down

Toots & the Maytals - Sweet & Dandy

007(Shanty Town) - Desmond Dekker

Driving in a Jamaican Shanty town~



Girls Gawn Wild Jamaican Beach Party

Giddy Young Jamaican on Suckin, RATED R for Language

Giddy Young Jamaican on Suckin, RATED R for Language

Jamaican Lesbians Defend Viral Video Of Them Doing Oral

Cake Soap.... Skin Bleaching in Jamaica (Full Documentary)

The Congo Dandies: living in poverty and spending a fortune to look like...

People & Power - Congo and the General

People & Power - Congo and the General


Corrupt officials could face travel bans to US and Europe

Police fire at Anti Corruption officials while conducting weighbridge cr...

Interview: Is Kenya a Hotbed of corruption?

Ruto tells corrupt officials to carry own cross

Top 10 most Corrupt Kenyans in 2015

How Corrupt Is Kenya?

To End Corruption in Kenya, KRA Will Capture and Hang Corrupt Officials ...

To End Corruption in Kenya, KRA Will Capture and Hang Corrupt Officials ...

Kenya university attack: al-Shabaab kills at least 147 people, more atta...

The Child Soldiers Fighting Africa's Forgotten War

Sudan's 22 Year War: The Longest Conflict In Africa (2004)

Conflict Minerals, Rebels and Child Soldiers in Congo

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Ain't no sunshine - Tracy Chapman & Buddy Guy

Buddy Guy - Stormy Monday (From "Carlos Santana presents Blues at Montre...

Buddy Guy: Fever

Buddy Guy - I Put A Spell On You

Buddy Guy - What Kind Of Woman Is This

What do Jews in Israel think about Jesus Christ the Messiah and God in t...

Bolshevism in Russia: The Work of the Jews - Episode 1 (full)

Who Were the Bolsheviks and Why They Matter Today...

Who Were the Bolsheviks and Why They Matter Today...

History File The Soviets: Fall of Tsarism

Romanovs Rare Color Photos

Romanovs Rare Color Photos

End of the Romanovs

The Romanovs: Glory And Fall Of The Czars

Assassin of the Tsar (HD)

The Romanovs - July 17th 1918

Das Lager - Wir gingen durch die Hölle (HD Trailer Deutsch)

Path of Glory - The execution scene Full - 1957 S. Kubrick

Romanov's Execution

Congo: The Execution of President Patrice Lumumba (1961)

Joe Hill's Execution (Movie Clip)

Hanging of Gordon Northcott

William Joyce Hanged - 1946

Mighty Sam McClain - Don't Worry About Me

Mighty Sam McClain - When The Hurt Is Over

Sonny Boy Williamson - Keep it to Yourself

Lonnie Johnson - It's Too Late To Cry Baby

Otis Rush - I Can't Quit You Baby

Sister Rosetta Tharpe - Didn't It Rain

Muddy Waters - You Can't Lose What You Ain't Never Had


Gunsmoke blues - Muddy Waters, Big Mama Thornton, Big Joe Turner, George...

Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton-Little Red Rooster (Live)

Sugar Pie DeSanto ,In The Basement.mp4

Baby what you want me to do - Sugar Pie Desanto

Rock Me Baby - Sugar Pie Desanto

Tina Turner "Rock me Baby"

Ike and Tina Turner - A Fool in Love

Ike & Tina Turner - River Deep Mountain High (original 1966 promo)

Ike and Tina Turner - Shake (1965)

Ike & Tina Turner - Take you higher

Ike & Tina Turner - Proud Mary live on Italian TV 1971

Tina Turner & Chuck Berry - Rock n roll music

Little Richard ** Good Golly Miss Molly** (LIVE)

Little Richard Long Tall Sally - Tutti Frutti

Little Richard - Lucille (1957) [Long Version, High Quality Sound]

Chuck Berry "Back in the USA"

Chuck Berry - Maybellene (live 1958)

No Particular Place To Go - Chuck Berry

Roll Over Beethoven - Chuck Berry LIVE

Chuck Berry "Sweet Little Sixteen"

Bobby Day "Rockin' Robin"

Bobby Freeman "Do You Wanna Dance" (1958)

Frankie Lymon "Little Bitty Pretty One"

Little Anthony & The Imperials "Shimmy Shimmy Ko Ko Bop"

Hurt So Bad - Little Anthony & The Imperials.avi

Little Anthony "Tears on My Pillow"

"Hey There Lonely Girl" Live!

"DIDN'T I BLOW YOUR MIND" (this time) THE DELFONICS on 'soultrain' 1971

Main Ingredient - Just Don't Want To Be Lonely (1974)

The Floaters - Float On - HQ

Peaches & Herb - Reunited

-The Three Degrees- -When I will see you again-

Midnight Train To Georgia - Gladys Knight & The Pips with lyrics

Dionne Warwick, Gladys Knight, Diana Ross - Thats What Friends Are For 1987

Roberta Flack - Killing Me Softly With His Song

Roberta Flack - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face [totp2]

You Are The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me

Gladys Knigth & The Pips - Neither One Of Us(Wants To Be The First To Sa...

Michael Jackson - Looking Through The Windows

michael jackson got to be there

Jackson 5 - Never Can Say Goodbye

Jackson 5-I'll Be There

Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine

Al Green-Lets Stay Together

Marvin Gaye - Lets get it on

Rose Royce - I Wanna Get Next To You

Staple Singers - Let's Do It Again

Smokey Robinson - Cruisin'

Billy Paul - Me And Mrs. Jones (1972)

If You Don't Know Me By Now - Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes

The Chi-lites "Have you seen her"

Al Green - For The Good Times

Al green-How Can You Mend A Broken Heart.wmv

Marvin Gaye - Mercy Mercy me

Marvin Gaye - What's Going On

Ain't No Mountain High Enough (extra HQ) - Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell

Aretha Franklin - Respect [1967] (Original Version)

Aretha Franklin - I say a little prayer ( Official song ) HQ version , P...

Easy to be hard

Simon Zealotes Poor Jerusalem

Could We Start Again Please?

Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) - Everything's Alright

Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) - The Last Supper

JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR - 1973 ( Judas Death ) HD

Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) HD - Trial before Pilate

Jesus Christ Superstar - Superstar

Hair - I Got Life

Hair- Aquarius