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Monday, March 20, 2017

Gang Stalking, Electronic Harassment - How the System Works To bombard a person 24/7 365 days a year with negative criticism is also one of their way's of auto suggested brainwashing, for instance if over a period of 20 years or more an evil group of people/ beings constantly accuse a person/ Target / Targeted Individual of being a pervert/ a Pedophile/ a Terrorist/ a spy/ a rapist/ etc etc etc. What do you believe might happen? These people are very well versed in Psychology and what they do is attack a person Psychologically from a distance in the beginning they do so subliminally via Ultra sound/ Infra sound microphone/ speaker devices. Ultra sound and Infra sound are sound waves which are just above and just below our Human hearing these two sounds are then fazed in and fazed out using a recording studio mixer type device until they both cross the level of Human Hearing and then bounce out of it again in order to confuse the victim and make them wonder if they have indeed actually heard the things that they thought they might have heard and to begin to doubt themselves they do this in an effort to try and force the victim mentally off balance and make them mentally ill for at the very least when attacked in this way eventually you will have to go to the doctor and tell him what is going on with you and he will diagnose you as being schizophrenic which is how they Diagnose anybody who claims that they are hearing voices as standard and therefore it will be filed in your medical record as your being mentally ill. Now they have an open door in order to stalk harass torture and torment you in strange and stupid ways which no body will believe and as you are now filed as being mentally ill no one will believe you as people always believe a person in authority rather than one who is not they will then go around just as the man here has said spreading disinformation about you wherever you go to all of the people around you sometimes before you even reach a place I am not sure but I believe that they might even be using their helicopters to video us as we are walking then past that vid with a load of evil disinformation about us such as that you are touching yourself up / masturbating over little boy's and girls or adult women as you are walking along or that you are stealing as you are walking along or bumping into people and coursing arguments with people as you are walking along etc in order to try and make you sound like you are a dangerous person who needs to be locked up before you rape / murder/ Assult/ Rob somebody etc. . Disinformation is information which is mixed with half truths that they have gathered from you or about you as they have been following you around stalking you and unless you can find a way of stopping them they will carry on until you either commit suicide or some body murders you or locks you away in a mental hospital/ jail because of all of the things that they have been saying about you behind your back in their disinformation campaign against you

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