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Thursday, December 22, 2016


1 comment:

  1. Hi the camera that I am using here is quite a cheap one possible the cheapest there is it does not have alight for some reason however it is used by many cyclist and is worn strapped to their helmets and is supposed to records their cycle trips I think that might be a little optimistic as the battery does not seem to last for too long and so it would have to be a short trip I am going to have to buy a better one as soon as I can as I am being stalked and followed by the kind of professional hecklers that you might find at speakers corner on a Sunday afternoon who go around before and after me spreading disinformation about me only I believe that they are using they use such advanced equipment as Ultra sound which is sometimes called Hypersound devices aimed at me to terrorise me make paranoid and fearful however it could be that they are just simply there mobile phones on me as that might have a similar effect I believe for instance if say the pretty girl in front of you has a mobile phone and she is stalking you and allows her cellphone to be used with an open channel that is connected to a large man say who is ten miles away in his house she puts the volume up hi and remains at distance away from you but she holds her phone as if it is switched off and pretends not to be interested or notice what is being said through it so that you begin to believe that you are the only one hearing it which of course in some cases may well be the case I am not sure but it could work that way. Anyway shame this camera does not have a light as I would have lovedtohave shown you all the water with there reflection of the moon
