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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Is Time Travel Possible?

1 comment:

  1. And I am sure that there is one already in existence and that it is being used. This Scientist as well as many others have told us that time machines are possible and that the only thing that is preventing us from making one is that we do n ot have the right material to make one as yet we do not have strong enough metal that is the containers which we make our metal in would melt bebore we reached the tempreture that we would need to obtain in order to be able to smelt the metal that we would need to build our spaceship/time machine with as anything that could go thgrough a blackhole would become really hot and also reallyt cold therefore we would need a metal that would not melt at these tempretures however back in the 1970's I remember reading a book about space exploration which had some plans with which to dael with this problem it had the idea that one we built the space station that we would make a smelter out of a forcefield in other words we would build a force field in space and cook the metal inside that possibley by microwaves then we would not have a problem with the melting pot and so we could achive much stronger metals and build much better superconductors and much more awesome machines and therefore as the time machines at some time in the future woudl be able tobe made as the material would be ther eto make them then somebody would make them and if some body would make them that means that there is a time machine already in existance today and it is here because who ever managed to build it would wish to come back to shalke the hand of the man who invented it and work with him to try and make even better inventions and so my question is who is that who is rushing around in time back and forth because I might have a bone to pick with him about my life and the first thing that I wish to ask him or here /them is why the fuck did you pick on me and mess my life up. My life is so unreal it just could not be naturally happening and I most strongly believe that it is being manipulated by time travelers and so who are they and why are you doing this to me Who am I?
