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Monday, May 4, 2015

In my flat same shit just another day X9 001

Hi there to all of my fellow T.I’s and friends/ people out there I wish you all peace and love and glad tidings I have been thinking and come upon this idea which in kind of in a very strange way makes a type of sense because it logically explains and ties in many loose ends and questions that are being asked today by several different groups of people who by this simple but strange idea then become one here is what I am trying to say is this it would be possible to believe that there is a war raging between the forces of darkness and the forces of light it would be possible to believe that we for what ever reason (perhaps we have certain abilities telepathy etc perhaps it is not microchips?) have become part of that war. It would be possible to believe that we are fighting very dark forces and that there is a large group (Al Qaeda ) of people/ Beings(other than Human) who using their Human helpers here on Earth are using technology to enhance their dark magic. It would be possible to believe that their Human helpers having found out how in days gone by these Beings(the Ancient Egyptian and Sumerian Gods etc) enslaved Human Beings under a similar type of mind control program It would be possible to believe that today their Human helpers are now trying to manipulated these Alien ideas/technology and create a mind control program of their own it would be possible to believe that the reason why we cannot detect these mind control microchips etc used upon us “T.I’s” is because they are using Alien technology upon us which makes the Aliens and their Human helpers as well as their implants invisible. Teleportation is a future form of science which dematerializes matter in one place and then transports that same matter atomically from one place (say from England to Australia or to the planet Mars or a distant far off star) to another and rematerilizes that matter back into it’s original state/shape/ pattern/form. It is a fact that in the development of a Human sciences Teleportation machine so far Human Earth scientist have only managed to teleport light photons a short distance from one place to another and they say they could not teleport a Human Being right now because they say we currently do not have a powerful enough computer to do so in order to be able to work out all the so many different calculations needed to do so. However it could be possible to believe that there is a secret and evil group of Humans (those who are running our mind control programs) are in contact with the Aliens who were said to have once walked this Earth who were said to have been once the first kings of this Earth who once enslaved Human Beings here on Earth and who are now known by as the watchers, the fallen Angels, devils, demons, Reptilian fire breathing red dragons, Beings of a fiery light made from the smokeless fire who fell down from up there in space the Heavens, who crash landed here upon Earth many thousands of years ago in a similar occurrence to that of the more resent 1948 Rockwell area 51 Alien spaceship crash landing they are the watchers who see everything here on Earth who are the whisperers the evil spirits which send men mad the “stalkers” that you cannot see and the beguilers who constantly tempt Mankind into evil acts and who once took our Women away(Geneses chapter 6.) to their space/ time ships/ machines and did scientific experiments upon their sex/eggs/wombs/and the wondering star/ spaceship in the case of the Mother of Christ The Virgin Mary for how else could she have been a virgin and yet pregnant with child after the sighting of a wondering star? No star wonders in the heavens/ space except a comet or perhaps a spaceship which three wise men Astrologers ancient scientist who studied the skies had followed hundreds of miles across many deserts leading them all to Jerusalem to Mary Jacob and the Baby Jesus; a virgin Human woman with child – ending up in the cloning of Man in their image perhaps would be a good enough and logical scientific explanation for some people in the explanation to the events which took place there. And in the case for us “T.I’s” It could be believed that now an evil group of Humans with an obsession and lust for power the Earthly helpers of those reptilian Red Dragons that fell to Earth from Heaven/ from Space and crash landed here many hundreds of thousands of years ago “Lucifer”(means light or light bearer or the morning star), “Helios”(means sun heat.), creatures of light the Gods, the “illuminate”(comes from the word to illuminate to light a room, to shed light, knowledge which is something that Satan the beguiler is also said to do.), their Earthly Human Helpers who from age to age from generation to generation in a secret ancient magical cult containing all these mysteries written in their blood in an oath and a pact with the Devil, Satan, the Reptilian Red Dragons, the Dijjin made from the smokeless fire of whom Satan is their commandeering chief who’s bribes to his Human helpers tort mankind how to build great and magnificent man made structures such as the pyramids and then much later space Rockets and gave him the secrets of jet flight and Atomic power and in order to receive more and more of these bribes and to become evermore powerful his Human helpers have kept in contact continually with the evil spirits that were cast out of Heaven upon the Earth and helping them to do vil here upon the Earth in order that they were given further magical bribes of power and the science of psychology and who now having learnt the principles of how the Human brain/mind works they now having studied how the Alien mind control Technology once worked upon Humans when we were once the slaves of the Assyrian Annarki Gods and which was the same Magick of the Ancient Egyptian Gods have now decided to try and create similar Human mind control technologies of their own to use upon other Human Beings using from scientific ideas that they gathered from these Aliens while helping them and they are targeting other fellow Human Beings like us “Targeted Individuals” to use as Guinea Pigs victims for their secret and illegal mind control experimental programs It is possible to believe that this secret evil group of “Al Qaeda” that is behind the visible “Al Qaeda” to whom we have all been trained and conditioned to hate because of their seemingly mindless murderous and hateful actions but who are the puppets who give up their lives and who die upon the battle fields for that secret unseen group who trained them financed they supported them and who are behind them who created them those who are right up there in and behind all the governments and in and behind all the secret services of the world It is possible to believe that they have done a deal with these Aliens in order to gain certain powers / technologies in exchange for sacrificing (allowing the Aliens to take the worlds unwanted Human Beings to use for their  Alien experiments Soldiers, prisoners, orphans, the outcast of the world) a number of Human Beings each day given to the Aliens as an offering as a Human sacrifice and so my fellow “T.I’s it perhaps is not just the type of Earthly technology that we know that might be being used against us but also a type of dark Magick /Alien Technology perhaps being used against us T.I’s too which is why this program and all the people  involved in it must be exposed not just in the hope of a release and freedom from our controllers for us targeted individuals but for the sake of all mankind. Today there is said to be much speculation about the involvement of such secret intelligence agencies such as the C.I.A., MOSSAD, and MI5-MI6 etc (to name but a few) in the creation of such terrorist organisations as Al Qaeda and Isis. There is all so a lot of speculation about these secret intelligence agencies involvement in the destruction of the twin towers and the deaths of the four and a half thousand innocent people who were inside the twin towers when they were destroyed. There have been claims/allegations made that these “SECRET” intelligence agencies destroyed the twin towers killing all those thousands of innocent people in order that they might then start a war against the very people who wished expose and destroy them who believing this evil group to be the fallen Angels/red dragons/devils demons that were cast out of Heaven by God and thrown down here upon this Earth as their Holy book states and according to the Holy books are now said to be ruling the world with their Earthly helpers. Thus it is claimed by the accused that in order to try and destroy these evil ones/ the evil spirits cast out of Heaven the creatures of light Lucifer the illuminati these followers of the Holy Books claim that they decided to pray to their God and call upon his name and follow his commandments within his Holy Books word for word a bit like in the film “NOAH” unless they should get Gods message wrong thus they attempted to create a Holy state to live in here on Earth where Gods people (according to such people/ prophets like Noah and Moses etc) could find sanctuary away from the corruptions of the World               (that they should make a “Hijarah” a type of “EXIDUS” away from the corruptions of the states controlled by the evil ones in a similar way to that which “MOSES” did away from Earthly corruptions in the states ruled by the Pharaohs in accordance to what has been written and commanded by the God of Moses within the Holy Books that they should live by the commandments laid down by God that are written in “ALL” of Gods Holy Books which is why they tried to bring back the sharia law because the accused claim that the evil Aliens/the reptilians are changeling's they are the magical “DIJJN”(like the Dijjin in the story of Aladdin “The magic oil lantern” they can change their shape and appearance into any form Human or otherwise while at the time of Moses it was said that these Aliens/Gods/ the fallen/ the red dragons/ devils/Demons/ shaitarns/the  Dijinn could change their shape and form into that of a lion thus it is said that the evil ones are so very clever that they can hide themselves in amongst us and pass themselves off as Humans therefore in order to sort out the evil ones from the good and “smite the evil wherever they should find them which the accused claim is in according to their Holy Books and is a commandment from God these so called Holy men claim in accordance to their Holy books they tried to bring back Gods commandments or their Holy Books version of it called Sharia law and so it was no coincidence that they should have been  attacked imprisoned tortured to death and murdered by their enemies those who fell to Earth from space/the heavens using space age technologies and weapons such as satellites guided missiles, drones, invisible stealth bombers, holographic images, ultrasound wave speakers, and microwave weapons is it therefore beware even of the fly upon your walls it might be a demon or a drone?    

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