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Monday, November 21, 2016

BBC Who Do You Think You Are (2014) | Billy Connolly

Billy Connolly was just so great a guy may he rest in peace

Parkinson's Last Show Interview with Billy Connolly (Full Version)

Parkinson's Last Show Interview with Billy Connolly (Full Version)

I love Billy Connolly he's so real and such a funny guy and I think this interview is very special interview I love what he is saying about getting old as I am having some of the same problems with ear and nasal hair and the pissy smell thing that he talks about smelling of pee well I do have this problem at times unfortunately. I am not leaking pee or anything from my penis it comes from my prostrate area when it get's hot down there and I sweat people sometimes get the same smelly groin smell when they have had a good work out or have been running for some reason I for me it seems to sometimes occur more when I haven't cum for sometime which is quite often the case these day's I am single have been for a while now as you all know I am a T.I. I am constantly being stalked by gangstalkers and police helicopters flying over above me watching my every move using their thermal cameras that are able to see through walls and so all of a sudden I might get a groin muscle twitch that sends a really strong sexual feeling all over my groin some times this can be quite a violent jurk and a very visible one and so it can sometimes be an embarrassing affair and I instantly have a great need to have sex or jerk off the sensation becomes so great sometimes even effecting my breathing it can even attack me when I am walking and many times when this happens to me a little while later I hear a Helicopter in the air above me which then flies by right above me and buzzes I do not think that this is any kind of coincidence I believe that British government doctors have done something to me. I admit that not having sex for such a long time may have got something to do with these powerful sexual physical reactions that I have been getting but I do not believe that that is it I know that they have done something to me put something inside of my body and in fact my body has been showing signs of rejection of the foreign body/s that they have placed within me and I cannot get any help from British N.H.S. Government Doctors for my complaints they all say that they do not know what it is and will not help me in fact they just take the piss out of me every time I walk into any surgery or out patient hospital. They did this while I was renting my flat they did this while I was squatting they did this when I slept in doorways and now they are doing this to me now that I am living in a tent in the woods. As I have just said I am now also homeless well at first I was sleeping in doorways then I joined a squat crew I thought it might be the way forward for me as this squat crew were protesting about housing public/ council housing and I wanted to get one back at the council for what they had done to me i.e. sending me to a slum land landlord and making money out of me through housing benefit corruptions money back handers by bent/ crooked and corrupt council workers and crooked and corrupt slum land landlords who gave these corrupt council workers money if the council workers helped them find legal tenets for their slums where by they could get money from housing benefits for properties which did not even have planning permission and which never introduced health and safety regulations in any of their properties. But when I became homeless and approached the council and asked them if they would rehouse me they then told me that even though you are half English and was born in this country, even though your mother might be White and English an Anglo Saxon/ one of the original inhabitants of this land my Mother also has Welsh in her and the Welsh were the original ancient Britain's and peoples of this land anyway even after all that blood origin stuff I had someone who can hardly speak English tell me that I was not eligible to a British council house/ flat????? I am not sure if you can picture this scene or if I am managing to convey properly just how I felt or what it might be like to have somebody who is not from your country who is obviously doing so well in their clean smart cloths who obviously has a really great place to live in who is working in one of our government offices that is todo with controlling houses and housing and I am having to come to her and ask her if she "CAN HELP ME" be rehoused and she can hardly speak English and is looking at me like I have some kind of disease and beneath her? Now if I say any more people will then try to say that I am being racist and yet I am standing there now feeling an alien and a foreigner in my own country????? Ok I say's so how would I be eligible for one of these British council flats then? And then I was told in an almost incomprehensible broad pigeon English by this council that it works on a points system and that as a single British Male I do not have enough points? Oh I say and so how do I get these points then and what makes me eligible for one of these council flats then and this foreign lady then tells me this. "In order to be able to get one of these council houses you have either to be mentally ill, grossly physically impaired or paralyzed, an Alcoholic, a drug addict, a Prisoner who has just been released from prison,a single women outside of marriage with a child, a Homosexual, a Lesbian, a refugee. Now I think to myself are they trying to make me envy refugee's and feel hateful towards them by leaving this bitter taste inside my mouth? It is a bitter pill to swallow as I am already an ethic minority who has been fighting against racism and for my rights here in this country ever since I was born here now what evil is this they are now trying to turn on me they are trying to turn me against African People's and other desperate people of the world people who I would have naturally had an ethnic understanding but they put us against each other by using them against me to take away my British status and by using foreigners to do take it from me put us against each other as you can seeit is all somewhat involved but I have to go now as I am in an internet cafe I think the man is watching my machine and does not liek what I am saying so good by for now.I also wanted to have a go at the council for evicting me onto the street many of them stole a lot om my stuff as soon as I joined the crew while some gave me bullshit about Anarchy and Anarchist sharing / communism ans socialism but none of them liked it when I borrowed any thing of theirs eventually after about six months we all got evicted from these squats and so we then squatted another 4-5 different insignificant squats the last being a Jewish Alzheimer's day center after that our squat crew had a lot of differences and we all split up and as I cannot squat a building by myself as in ordewr to legally squat a building you have to occupy the place consistently 24/7 for as long as you have the squat which means you need a "" SQUAT CREW" in order to be able to do it usually the crew would consist of about 5-10 people or more this kind of number of people allows / makes it possible for everybody to get out and do their thing while one or more of us stay's behind to guard the squat. However I as usual have been having trouble with my media devices and have been having trouble uploading my vids to the internet I managed to up load a whole load the other day which I have been try to upload for the past 3 months or more. However not having too much money I have been using free WIFI centers such as Mc Donalds in Neasden north London England U.K. and they have put viruses on too of my laptopts and now my phone I guess it is related to my trying to make contact with you guy's and to other squatters and activists online through face book Youtube etc where a lot of Anonymous and animal rights people etc often share their thoughts and pictures with me anyhow youtube first muted loads of my video's and failed to upload many more, now face book has failed to upload many of my videos while youtube sometimes will not allow me to share some of my vids but just gives me the ural address and so it has been a nightmare. I am currently sleeping /living in a tent in an urban woods with my Cat of whom I have had since 2000 he is a Rat catcher and he loves it there because we are surrounded by Big Rats. The woods is not too far away from my storage place just about less than 1,000 meter's. I have a bus stop right outside my door so to speak right outside the woods and a small shopping high street also less than 1,000 meters away it has an internet shop a one £! shop a butcher shop a green grocer shop a pub a late night alcohol off licence a pay laundry a mini cab office and many other empty buildings around me that I could squat if I had a squat crew to do so but so far all I have found among the homeless people like myself are a lot of violent drunks and well past it drug users who are all to fucked up because of what they mare doing to be able to be a useful remember of any squat crew they would more than likely bring the police down on you fro scoring drugs if that was not the case then the violent drug dealers trying to barge in and take over the squat to make it a crack den so I shall wait until I can find s decent crew usually decent squat crews are all political these days from me when I finally got evicted from my slum land landlords flat that I was renting after complaining about him to the council and the environmental health office because of the slum conditions that he was making me live in for talking about and I have gang stalkers

Billy Connolly and Michael Caine on Parkinson from Mullis Partners

Billy Connolly and Michael Caine on Parkinson from Mullis Partners just love Michaels Caines comment sometimes I have conversations like this on my own heheehe